. E SL. C. ' on the flap. "'Oh, yes, I really mean it. 'I understand that a stable-boy sleeps there alone every night. I must raise the money in some way, and if you will not let me have it, then I must try other means. Far away I could catch glimpses of the old gray building with its bristling Tudor chimneys, but the drive ran through a dense shrubbery, and I saw no more of my man. Norbury tugged thrice with all his strength upon the cord, and then lowered himself over the edge, while a hundred anxious faces peered over at him as he slowly clambered downwards to the end of the rope. Twice he stretched out his foot, and twice he failed to reach the point at which he aimed, but even as he swung himself for a third effort a stone from a sling buzzed like a wasp from amid the rocks and struck him full upon the side of his head. It is incredible, impossible, that it should really be outside the ordinary laws of nature. He returned to his miserable lodgings with his plan of vengeance all arranged. He was well liked by the few neighbours who called upon him, and he has the reputation down there of being a very learned man. His back was bowed, his knees were shaky, and his breathing was painfully asthmatic. Are they blood stains, or mud stains, or rust stains, or fruit stains, or what are they? That is a question which has puzzled many an expert, and why? Because there was no reliable test. " I picked up my hat and my heaviest stick, but I observed that Holmes took his revolver from his drawer and slipped it into his pocket. " "Stolen, then. "You gave me such a fright. " "By all means. " "Yes," he answered, "there are in me the makings of a very fine loafer and also of a pretty spry sort of fellow. There was little Robby Withstaff, and Andrew Salblaster, and Wat Alspaye, who broke the neck of the German. It is death. In an instant the Lady Maude had turned upon her two blazing eyes and a face which was blanched with anger. We saw it whisk past the light thrown from over the door and disappear against the black shadow of the house. "Yesterday morning I was seated in my office at the bank when a card was brought in to me by one of the clerks. I started when I saw the name, for it was that of none other than--well, perhaps even to you I had better say no more than that it was a name which is a household word all over the earth--one of the highest, noblest, most exalted names in England. He stamped his feet upon the ground. His ingenious mind instantly suggested a way by which the baronet could be done to death, and yet it would be hardly possible to bring home the guilt to the real murderer. I fancy she knows more about this than appears. My senses swam, but I still tore at the hand and forced it out from my chin. He was still, as ever, deeply attracted by the study of crime, and occupied his immense faculties and extraordinary powers of observation in following out those clues, and clearing up those mysteries which had been abandoned as hopeless by the official police. "He looks like a beaten man," cried Phelps. "Oh, he rates my assistance too highly," said Sherlock Holmes, lightly. Why, all the morning he was saying to me that, whatever happened, I was to be true; and that even if something quite unforeseen occurred to separate us, I was always to remember that I was pledged to him, and that he would claim his pledge sooner or later. Peter Karsdale, who was but a common country lout newly brought over, with the English fleas still hopping under his doublet, laid his great hands upon the Sieur Amaury de Chatonville, who owns half Picardy, and had five thousand crowns out of him, with his horse and harness. This day, however, he had been sombre and mute, with scarce a word a mile to bestow upon his comrade. On the contrary, it seemed rather a piquant thing to us to chevy him about the playground and hit him over the shins with a wicket. They were close upon it when of a sudden there broke out a wild hubbub from a distant portion of the camp, with screams and war-cries and all the wild tumult of battle. My companion lounged in his arm-chair with his usual listless expression, while Small sat stolidly opposite to him with his wooden leg cocked over his sound one. The walls were carefully sounded, and were shown to be quite solid all round, and the flooring was also thoroughly examined, with the same result. I sit and muse and make an occasional note. Of the woman nothing was ever heard, and the probability is that she got away out of England and carried herself and the memory of her crime to some land beyond the seas. " "Texas, I think. " "Impossible, I say. L. " "How do you know this, Barrymore?" "Well, Sir Henry, your uncle had a letter that morning. Are you going to bed, Holmes?" "No: I am not tired. I have a curious constitution. However, we must do what we can. He had come to offer apologies for his rudeness of the morning, and after a long private interview with Sir Henry in his study the upshot of their conversation was that the breach is quite healed, and that we are to dine at Merripit House next Friday as a sign of it. "I have been a governess for five years," said she, "in the family of Colonel Spence Munro, but two months ago the colonel received an appointment at Halifax, in Nova Scotia, and took his children over to America with him, so that I found myself without a situation. Think better of it, dear! Trust me again, and you will never have cause to regret it. " She looked so beautiful in her enthusiasm that I nearly brought down the whole level of the interview. I should think he may have had some secret trouble. "Susan is a country girl," said he, "and you know the incredible stupidity of that class. I fancy that the poor fellow murmured some incoherent delirious words, and that she twisted them into this meaningless message. ' "I was, as you may think, Watson, horrified at this unexpected news. Melas, I hope, but we could not get on without you. It was a simple story which he had to tell, and one which did but confirm our own deductions. He hath fled the law and is beyond its pale. What did he do? He sprang up on the mantelpiece, could not quite reach it, put his knee on the bracket--you will see the impression in the dust--and so got his knife to bear upon the cord. " "I am convinced myself," said I, "that there is an understanding between those two people. Poor lady, she has had a most dreadful experience. It was certainly, as you said, very surprising that he should have contracted an out-of-the-way Asiatic disease in the heart of London--a disease, too, of which I had made such a very special study. There were one or two folk who were inclined to take him seriously, but he soon choked them off. " I had listened with the greatest interest to the statement which Holmes, with characteristic clearness, had laid before me. " "This has been done," said I, examining the wound, "by a very heavy and sharp instrument. "Well," said Lestrade, "I've seen you handle a good many cases, Mr. " (This curious phrase he pronounced as if it were all one word--"young-fellah-me-lad. " "I did not say that I had read all the letter. Besides the chairman and Baldwin there were the vulture-faced secretary, Harraway, Tiger Cormac, the brutal young assassin, Carter, the treasurer, and the brothers Willaby, fearless and desperate men who would stick at nothing. It is an inconceivable thing, but even our special war tax of fifty million, which one would think made our purpose as clear as if we had advertised it on the front page of the Times, has not roused these people from their slumbers. This leads to his murder by someone who is, we will suppose, an avenger, someone from outside. I opened his despatch-box, took the paper, and conveyed it to Godolphin Street. He took a kind of fancy to me then, and would hardly go back to his woods, but was always hanging about my hut. Instantly he gave an exclamation of satisfaction, strapped up the valise, shut the safe, locked it, and hurried out on to the terrace. Long afterwards when I had fallen into a light sleep I heard a key turn somewhere in a lock, but I could not tell whence the sound came. Scarce had the last deep "amen" broken from the Company, when, in an instant, there rose the scream of a hundred bugles, with the deep rolling of drums and the clashing of cymbals, all sounding together in one deafening uproar. Knights and archers sprang to arms, convinced that some great host was upon them; but the guide dropped upon his knees and thanked Heaven for its mercies. "We have found them, caballeros!" he cried. "This is their morning call. "It fills up a gap which I had been unable to bridge in this most complex affair. The work to a man of my temperament was mechanical and uninteresting, but the privilege of living with youth, of helping to mould those young minds, and of impressing them with one's own character and ideals was very dear to me. But with me there is a limit, and when I find a man who keeps his cigars in the coal-scuttle, his tobacco in the toe end of a Persian slipper, and his unanswered correspondence transfixed by a jack-knife into the very centre of his wooden mantelpiece, then I begin to give myself virtuous airs. " About nine o'clock the light among the trees was extinguished, and all was dark in the direction of the Manor House. " "Exactly. Go tell him that a humble knight of England would make his further honorable acquaintance, not from any presumption, pride, or ill-will, but for the advancement of chivalry and the glory of our ladies. " When they were gone we looked out of the window again. "You'll only get yourself hurt," said the inspector. " Audley Court was not an attractive locality. I called last night, as I have already said, at the Manor House. But I have great hopes--in fact, the betting is exactly two to one--that if you will come with us to-night I shall be able to help you to lay him by the heels. " Colonel Ross, who had shown some signs of impatience at my companion's quiet and systematic method of work, glanced at his watch. " "Then read this," quoth Sir Nigel, pointing upwards to one of the many quarterings which adorned the wall over the fireplace. "There he is stepping into it. "I think it is time now that we took our friend Lestrade into our confidence. Whatever come, you always find me here. 'Un sot trouve toujours un plus sot qui l'admire. '" "What on earth is this?" I cried, for at this moment there came the pattering of many steps in the hall and on the stairs, accompanied by audible expressions of disgust upon the part of our landlady. Malone. Say 'please,' and down you come. Let him think that Selden's death was as Stapleton would have us believe. What was this paper which was stolen?" "Madam, what you ask me is really impossible. " "Well, well, it is surely not quite so bad as that. Again the ground sloped, and again we came on the tracks. A vague, nameless dread came over him, and he hurried onwards frantically, dropping the precious food in his agitation. Shortly after Peter Carey gave up the sea, and it was long years before I could find where he was. Clambering up among the rocks, the companions saw a long rolling cloud of dust along the whole eastern sky-line, with the glint of spears and the flutter of pennons, which announced the approach of a large body of cavalry. For a moment a wild hope came upon them that perhaps the prince had moved more swiftly than had been planned, that he had crossed the Ebro, and that this was his vanguard sweeping to the attack. It was nearly five before we were back in Baker Street once more. Soon I came upon the source of it, for in the center of a small clearing I found a lake--or a pool, rather, for it was not larger than the basin of the Trafalgar Square fountain--of some black, pitch-like stuff, the surface of which rose and fell in great blisters of bursting gas. The air above it was shimmering with heat, and the ground round was so hot that I could hardly bear to lay my hand on it. He looks around him then for some tried fighting man, some honest smiter who can give a blow or take one. The others marked it and applauded. Behind stood knots of Gascon and Brabant crossbowmen from the companies of Ortingo and of La Nuit, leaning upon their unsightly weapons and watching the practice of the Englishmen. Two hundred heavily-armed cavalry rode behind the Audley standard, while close at their heels came the Duke of Lancaster with a glittering train, heralds tabarded with the royal arms riding three deep upon cream-colored chargers in front of him. With him came Aylward and Hordle John, armed as of old, but mounted for their journey upon a pair of clumsy Landes horses, heavy-headed and shambling, but of great endurance, and capable of jogging along all day, even when between the knees of the huge archer, who turned the scale at two hundred and seventy pounds. Over the edge there peeped a clean-cut, boyish face, which looked keenly about it, and then, with a hand on either side of the aperture, drew itself shoulder-high and waist-high, until one knee rested upon the edge. The enormously thick walls and tiny windows of this part had in the last century driven the family into building the new wing, and the old one was used now as a store-house and a cellar, when it was used at all. Jefferson Hope looked wildly round to see if there was a second grave, but there was no sign of one. " The whole thing occurred in a moment--so quickly that I had no time to realize it. Look at the hillside yonder. You see it marked here in the map. But you vill find other lodgings, mister. And now, boys," he continued, looking round at the company, "I'll say this much, that if Stanger got his full deserts there would be more trouble than we need ask for. " There was no rain, as Holmes had foretold, and the morning broke bright and cloudless. "A most urgent telegram was dispatched to you from London by Godfrey Staunton at six-fifteen yesterday evening--a telegram which is undoubtedly associated with his disappearance--and yet you have not had it. MacDonald!" he kept repeating. "We'll have the pressmen down like flies when they understand it. I'm hoping we will get our work done before they get poking their noses into it and messing up all the trails. That's one of my jobs. " A cab had driven up whilst the American had been talking. They meet, they write, there is a complete understanding between them. Coupled with this distortion of the face, this Hippocratic smile, or 'risus sardonicus,' as the old writers called it, what conclusion would it suggest to your mind?" "Death from some powerful vegetable alkaloid," I answered,--"some strychnine-like substance which would produce tetanus. " "That was the idea which occurred to me the instant I saw the drawn muscles of the face. "That does not satisfy me in the least. " The secretary chuckled. " "How do you know?" "I saw their traces. We could see the high tongues of fire shooting up into the air. " "No, no," cried Holmes, "not a word to the cousin--not a word, I beg of you. "My dear Watson, you as a medical man are continually gaining light as to the tendencies of a child by the study of the parents. 'It is K. If I were to see my father in one of these dreadful seizures I am convinced that I should never survive it. Yours faithfully, "TOBIAS GREGSON. "Hopkins has called me in seven times, and on each occasion his summons has been entirely justified," said Holmes. "I fancy that every one of his cases has found its way into your collection, and I must admit, Watson, that you have some power of selection, which atones for much which I deplore in your narratives. Straker was brought back here, I presume?" "Yes; he lies upstairs. But Mr. " "No tracks or marks?" "None. "I have not yet described to you the most singular part. " In a few clear words Holmes explained the situation as it had appeared to us. Now our prisoner sat up, looked round him with a horror-stricken face, and passed his hand over his forehead, like one who cannot believe his own senses. They are on the further side of the moat. My wife is fond of a particular shade of electric blue and would like you to wear such a dress indoors in the morning. I may tell you that I had got as far as Plymouth upon my way to Africa, but the news reached me this morning, and I came straight back again to help in the inquiry. At the same instant the bookcase at which Holmes pointed swung round upon a hinge, and a woman rushed out into the room. I sprang to my feet, my inert hand grasping my pistol, my mind paralyzed by the dreadful shape which had sprung out upon us from the shadows of the fog. The man's sleeve had slipped up and there was the branded mark of the lodge upon his forearm. Even now, if we could be sure which of them has taken it, it is just possible that it has not yet passed out of his hands. As to Challenger, he was wonderful! Never have I so realized the elemental greatness of the man, the sweep and power of his understanding. "'Tell me, dad,' said she, looking, I thought, a little disturbed, 'did you give Lucy, the maid, leave to go out to-night?' "'Certainly not. "'Well,' said he, showing me the advertisement, 'you can see for yourself that the League has a vacancy, and there is the address where you should apply for particulars. As far as I can make out, the League was founded by an American millionaire, Ezekiah Hopkins, who was very peculiar in his ways. Stand with me here upon the terrace, for it may be the last quiet talk that we shall ever have. " He ran distractedly, his pistol in his hand, towards a gap in the hedge. Holmes. "I am glad to stretch myself, Watson," said he. Holmes, devilish!" cried Mortimer Tregennis. I may tell you, however, that his Grace has already intimated that a check for five thousand pounds will be handed over to the person who can tell him where his son is, and another thousand to him who can name the man or men who have taken him. He must disclose all, or he is a traitor to his service. As he approached, he recognized him as a Mormon named Cowper, to whom he had rendered services at different times. Right in front of the house, upon the left-hand side of the drive, there stood a patriarch among oaks, one of the most magnificent trees that I have ever seen. OVERTON. "Strand postmark, and dispatched ten thirty-six," said Holmes, reading it over and over. "Mr. Douglas was altering the pictures yesterday," he said. He slipped into this room because it was the first he came to, and he hid behind the curtain. "Is she?" he said, languidly. "I did not observe. "Ah, that's lucky," he said, and not another word would he utter that night. And with an apology he followed the Inspector outside. We are estranged, and I want to know why. We found----" "Yes? You found----" Holmes's face grew tense with anxiety. " "Oh, he went out the first night, did he?" "Yes, sir, and returned very late--after we were all in bed. As designed at first, no dwelling had been allotted to the lord of the castle and his family but the dark and dismal basement story of the keep. It was no easy or light thing to journey through this great forest, which was some twenty miles from east to west and a good sixteen from Bramshaw Woods in the north to Lymington in the south. You could easily recognize it, could you not?" "Yes, sir. Oakshott here and I'll answer her, but what have you to do with it? Did I buy the geese off you?" "No; but one of them was mine all the same," whined the little man. "Well, then, ask Mrs. Here and there we drifted about the world, something always turning up to keep us from London. Good-bye. " When we were out in the darkness of the quadrangle, we again looked up at the windows. "Why, there's no good my telling you things, for you seem to know as much as I do already," said he. "I was on the same scent as you from the first. "On the contrary, Watson, you can see everything. He was a charming youth, and he soon fell into our ways. "'Well, my man,' said he. Might I ask how you know, and how much you know?' He spoke now in a half-jesting fashion, but a look of terror still lurked at the back of his eyes. " I crept forward and looked across at the familiar window. "If there be so many as has been said, then there will be much honor to be gained from them and every hope of advancement. " And, indeed, it proved to be a very merry meal. There was no mark on any of them, as far as I know. Then there were ninety-seven very fine emeralds, and one hundred and seventy rubies, some of which, however, were small. "I had a friend once called Maudsley, who went to the bad, and has just been serving his time in Pentonville. I'd go some way to see him get his deserts. " It took some doing, but I flatter myself that it wasn't such a bad job when it was finished. Not one word did she say, but as she vanished amid the trees she half turned in her saddle and waved a last greeting. His incredible untidiness, his addiction to music at strange hours, his occasional revolver practice within doors, his weird and often malodorous scientific experiments, and the atmosphere of violence and danger which hung around him made him the very worst tenant in London. " "But why could he not tell you this?" "Well, my dear sir, knowing the vindictive character of his old associates, he was trying to hide his own identity from everybody as long as he could. He was thoughtful and worried. "Who are you, then? What do you want?" he asked in a quavering voice. " "And it was she, I presume, who mentioned your name?" "Exactly," said McFarlane. The flowers were trampled down, and the soft soil was imprinted all over with footmarks. Ah, there you see another blaze on the top of Crowborough Hill. " I heard the striking of a match. I glanced my eyes down it, catching a profusion of notes of admiration, with stray "magnifiques," "coup-de-maitres," and "tours-de-force," all testifying to the ardent admiration of the Frenchman. " Young Stamford looked rather strangely at me over his wine-glass. "I believe I have it! Follow me! Follow me!" I hurried back along the way we had come, my torch in my hand. "When your round is a short one you walk, and when it is a long one you use a hansom. "I daresay that if I had put 100 pounds down in front of him, that man would not have given me such complete information as was drawn from him by the idea that he was doing me on a wager. " "I have a few notes for your guidance, Mr. "The third on the right is his," said the inspector. For three hundred years my folk have swinked and sweated, day in and day out, to keep the wine on the lord's table and the harness on the lord's back. There was a family quarrel about money which estranged this man Mortimer, but it was supposed to be made up, and I afterwards met him as I did the others. I tried to put on as unconcerned an air as possible, but I had not forgotten the warnings of the lady, even though I disregarded them, and I kept a keen eye upon my two companions. "A patient!" said she. "Nothing of the sort," said the Professor, severely. "I'll answer for that. I would have gone straight up and told him so, only I thought it was but fair to you to take your opinion first. " "All right," said Holmes quietly. When a few weeks later it was reported in the papers that Wilcox had been shot at from an ambuscade, it was an open secret that McMurdo was still at work upon his unfinished job. On all sides of you as you walk are the houses of these forgotten folk, with their graves and the huge monoliths which are supposed to have marked their temples. One was a woman, our client, drooping and faint, a handkerchief round her mouth. They consisted of a man and a girl, the former very tall with rounded shoulders, a limp of one foot, and a large flat object covered with dark cloth under his arm. The others went in. The Lady Tiphaine was lowered with a noose drawn fast under the arms, and the other five slid swiftly down, amid the cheers and joyous outcry of their rescuers. So our book has already become a LARGE book, which is surely something gained. It was not the father, however, who first discovered that the child had developed into the woman. At the far end is an old tumble-down summer-house. The maid stood petrified for a moment, and then, recovering her courage, she ran downstairs. "I'll do so," he said, "we've been in the mountains for two months, and are not over and above in visiting condition. "Patent leathers [10] and Square-toes came in the same cab, and they walked down the pathway together as friendly as possible--arm-in-arm, in all probability. When they got inside they walked up and down the room--or rather, Patent-leathers stood still while Square-toes walked up and down. That is why I say that the murrain was the best friend that the borel folk ever had. He saw and he heard nothing, and yet in the morning a great 27 had been painted upon the outside of his door. " "Here are paper and pen. His face was more cadaverous than ever, his shoulders had rounded, and he seemed to me to be an altogether older man than he had been the morning before. From his spats to his gold-rimmed spectacles he was a Conservative, a churchman, a good citizen, orthodox and conventional to the last degree. Lord John was an experienced mountaineer, and Summerlee had done some rough climbing at various times, so that I was really the novice at rock-work of the party; but my strength and activity may have made up for my want of experience. As for myself, I am glad to have got the bustling days of preparation and the pangs of leave-taking behind me, and I have no doubt that I show it in my bearing. "I am so very glad," said he. Don't you remember the amateur who fought three rounds with you at Alison's rooms on the night of your benefit four years back?" "Not Mr. Holmes?" "Certainly, Colonel, you shall know everything. " "Mr. Suddenly we came, however, upon something which cheered our hearts. It was only when I had joined him there that I heard what had alarmed his quicker senses. I was standing, rapt in the peaceful beauty of the scene, when I was aware that something was moving under the shadow of the copper beeches. " But it was destined to be resumed long before that hour, and in circumstances which gave me a shock hardly second to that caused by his spring to the door. " Holmes opened it and smelled the single cigar which it contained. " "Ah!" She drew in her breath sharply as one whose doubts are resolved. My mind is like a racing engine, tearing itself to pieces because it is not connected up with the work for which it was built. "Is Miss Cushing at home?" asked Holmes. " "Nay, but you will so," said one of the laborers. It is this infernal St. Holmes had already wired to Forbes, and we found him waiting to receive us--a small, foxy man with a sharp but by no means amiable expression. " "The other is that it has been engineered by Moriarty in the ordinary course of business. "I noted, in passing, that she had written a note before leaving home but after being fully dressed. Every fresh advance which we make only reveals a fresh ridge beyond. At last, by a sudden impulse, just as our train was crawling out of a suburban station, he sprang on to the platform and pulled me out after him. Presently--maybe about two or a little after--I thought I would take a look round and see that all was right down the Brixton Road. It was precious dirty and lonely. Events proved that I had judged correctly. "Having left the house, I proceeded to do what Gregson had neglected. The first message submitted to me was so short that it was impossible for me to do more than to say, with some confidence, that the symbol XXX stood for E. It must, then, be something out of the house. " "Life brings many a cross," said the Abbot gently. " "What motive could your friend have in going to Lord Mount-James?" "Well, something was worrying him the night before, and if it was to do with money it is possible that he would make for his nearest relative, who had so much of it, though from all I have heard he would not have much chance of getting it. HOW SIR NIGEL TOOK THE PATCH FROM HIS EYE. It was evening before the three comrades came into Aiguillon. " "What is your theory, then?" "Well, my theory is that he followed Drebber as far as the Brixton Road. But the fact remains that there isn't. The gate of Fort Challenger had been untouched, the walls were unbroken, and yet it had been visited by some strange and powerful creature in our absence. In the middle distance lay the golf links, dotted as they had been in the morning with the dark figures of the golfers, lying motionless upon the grass of the course or among the heather which skirted it. Why, with such a wonderful art at his command, McMurdo should condescend to work at all was a perpetual mystery to his companions; though he made it clear to anyone who asked him that if he lived without any visible means it would very quickly bring the police upon his track. Holmes, you'll hardly believe it, but ever since that girl has been in my employment I never once let her go past this house, where I knew the rascals were lurking, without following her on my bicycle, just to see that she came to no harm. " "In the country, I presume, from your complexion. " "My name," answered our visitor, "is probably familiar to your ears. "At what time during these twenty years would not that have been a true word?" he cried. Your idea is an excellent one, Lord John. You slur over work of the utmost finesse and delicacy, in order to dwell upon sensational details which may excite, but cannot possibly instruct, the reader. I tell you that I will never stand in the dock. Please, please, be frank with me, Miss Stapleton, for ever since I have been here I have been conscious of shadows all round me. Life has become like that great Grimpen Mire, with little green patches everywhere into which one may sink and with no guide to point the track. Can you ask me, then, whether I am ready to look into any new problem, however trivial it may prove? But here, unless I am mistaken, is our client. " "I am afraid that you will not be able to wire to me, for I can hardly tell yet where I may find myself. "There is nothing here," said he. " Sherlock Holmes took the glasses into his hand, and examined them with the utmost attention and interest. The lower of the three is Gilchrist, a fine scholar and athlete, plays in the Rugby team and the cricket team for the college, and got his Blue for the hurdles and the long jump. Beside it lay some cooking utensils and a bucket half-full of water. He was small, nervous, alert with intelligent light-blue eyes and mobile features. " "We had hoped that he might have given us some indications which would have helped us to clear the matter up. "Is he safe?" she asked. 29, Chicago?" He bowed again. "Dark nights are unpleasant," said the voice. "Yes, for strangers to travel," the other answered. " "From Charing Cross Hospital?" "From one or two friends there on the occasion of my marriage. I live in a nine-hundred-diameter microscope. Then, having given him the idea that the coast was clear, I kept guard as I have described. A little later a rakish young workman, with a goatee beard and a swagger, lit his clay pipe at the lamp before descending into the street. "The horse was alone before," I cried. "Hold up, man, or you'll be into the fire! Give him an arm back into his chair, Watson. "That is unnecessary," said Holmes. " The secretary chuckled. Staunton's friend, was referred to me by Scotland Yard. Do you know where he is?" "Certainly not. Phelps. The affair is a very tangled one. Ford and Alleyne followed slowly behind them, but Aylward caught the latter by the shoulder. "You like them then," the lame artist cried, in answer to the look of pleasure and of surprise in their faces. "You imagine I am connected with the death of Captain Peter Carey. It isn't suicide I am thinking of. It is perhaps as well that the facts should now come to light, for I have reasons to know that there are widespread rumours as to the death of Dr. Events proved that I had judged correctly. "Having left the house, I proceeded to do what Gregson had neglected. The first message submitted to me was so short that it was impossible for me to do more than to say, with some confidence, that the symbol XXX stood for E. "I thought he wouldn't face the fire," said Lord John, laughing, as he came back and threw his branch among the faggots. "Theories are all very well, but we have to deal with a hard-headed British jury. " "Nous verrons," answered Holmes calmly. "Very sorry, Mr. It exactly corresponded. " "Why?" "Look at this advertisement," he answered. So it will, I trust, appear in the atlas of the future. But mind my words: If you are in trouble, go to Boss McGinty. "My name, friend," quoth the bowman. "Your words have dazed me. I have drawn string besides you at La Roche-d'Errien, Romorantin, Maupertuis, Nogent, Auray, and other places. Bartholomew Sholto in joy and in sorrow for ten long years, but I never saw him with such a face on him as that. As far as we can learn, no actual traces of violence were found upon Mr. The strange thing is that they should have lived so thickly on what must always have been most unfruitful soil. He was a man of such gigantic strength that, even with the handcuffs which Holmes had so deftly fastened upon his wrists, he would have very quickly overpowered my friend had Hopkins and I not rushed to his rescue. It was a bird's-eye view of creation, as interpreted by science, which, in language always clear and sometimes picturesque, he unfolded before us. Holmes, came round to us this evening, though how he found us is more than I can think, and he showed us very clearly and kindly that I was wrong and that Frank was right, and that we should be putting ourselves in the wrong if we were so secret. " Holmes sat in silence for some little time. "You're the man we want to see. Where is Miss Violet Smith?" he said, in his quick, clear way. "I hope that you are satisfied now?" said Mr. He was tractable enough, though his son was a perfect demon, ready to blow out his own or anybody else's brains if he could have got to his revolver. The first positive sign which he gave me of the direction which his investigation was taking was an extraordinary one. About sunset, however, their efforts were at last successful, and they subdued the flames, but not before the roof had fallen in, and the whole place been reduced to such absolute ruin that, save some twisted cylinders and iron piping, not a trace remained of the machinery which had cost our unfortunate acquaintance so dearly. She implored me to come to bed. For an instant it had crossed my mind that perhaps what she really feared was that HE might come to harm, for I could not doubt that she knew who this man was, and what he meant by these strange signals. " "Well, well, it just happens that I have already read all the available evidence, including the report of the inquest, with some care. He unfolded it and disclosed a golden pince-nez, with two broken ends of black silk cord dangling from the end of it. "You will now light the gas, Watson, but you will be very careful that not for one instant shall it be more than half on. " "I understood that it did not open. "After Cadsand, I deem that the French thought that we were an army of the blind, for there was scarce a man who had not closed an eye for the greater love and honor of his lady. Then we solemnly renewed our oath to stand by each other and be true to our secret. You'll smile, young fellah, but 'pon my word they might have been kinsmen. Ask him how he dared to admit people and leave them alone in this room. I have hold of it now. I even distinguished that one of them was marked with the name of 'Hyams,' who was Oldacres tailor. It was all we could do to overhaul her. "Come in," I cried. I have a slight headache and this room is deliciously cool and soothing. I was speaking, and yet I had prepared no words. "It was some time before I found out where my two gentlemen were living; but I inquired and inquired until at last I dropped across them. But the incident was far from being closed. See the rising sun flashes full upon it and sparkles on the golden lions. " He tossed a sheet of paper upon the table, and turned once more to his chemical analysis. "But we are up against it, so what's the decision?" "It seems a most questionable step," said Summerlee, argumentative to the last, "but if you are all going, I hardly see how I can remain behind. It would be likely to recur to a man in a delirium. I thought of my uncle and of his colleagues in the Cabinet, of the shame which I had brought upon him, upon myself, upon every one connected with me. I observe that there is a good deal of German music on the programme, which is rather more to my taste than Italian or French. " The words were hardly out of his mouth before a man appeared at the door of the room, a very fat and burly man, with a heavy stick in his hand. "I may say in answer to your original question that I have not cleared my mind entirely on the subject of this case, but that I have every hope of reaching some conclusion. " "We have been hearing Gregson's view of the matter," Holmes observed. " "I don't believe it. "May have its comb clipped if it make over-much noise," broke in an Englishman. "I do it, Professor Summerlee, as leader of this expedition. " "I think that there you ask a little too much," responded his Lordship. He looked sharply from Holmes to me. "Mr. Holmes is walking up and down in the field outside," said he. An impression like a fine bundle of telegraph wires ran down the centre of it. I have eight or ten similar cases maturing. Holmes, you know the people who live under my roof, and I shall continue with my miserable story. Once more I beg that you will say nothing of my visit. Twice she has been waylaid. Finally we pulled the boats up among the brushwood and spent the night on the bank of the river. It was quite a quarter of an hour before I got my mouth free. The same singularly proud and reserved nature which turned away with disdain from popular notoriety was capable of being moved to its depths by spontaneous wonder and praise from a friend. You perceive that our friend, the Doctor, is right, and that it readily dissolves. " "How can I come down, Zambo?" "You get creepers from trees, Massa Malone. Her husband was once mayor of Gloucester. He sat forward, his hands clasped and his forearms on his knees, with an answering smile upon his bold, handsome face. The ape-man pushed him roughly aside and shook his head. I can only claim the merit that I instantly reconsidered my position when, however, it became clear to me that whatever danger threatened an occupant of the room could not come either from the window or the door. " At that instant there was a clatter and a rattle in the street below. They may find they have more tow on their distaff than they know how to spin. Yes, she is down in the morning-room again, and I have no doubt she will see you, but you must not ask too much of her, for she has gone through all that flesh and blood will stand. Barnicot his two statues. It had been carried out and had been dashed savagely against the garden wall, under which its splintered fragments were discovered. Is the security sufficient?' "'Ample. "You do not add imagination to your other great qualities, but if you could for one moment put yourself in the place of this young man, would you choose the very night after the will had been made to commit your crime? Would it not seem dangerous to you to make so very close a relation between the two incidents? Again, would you choose an occasion when you are known to be in the house, when a servant has let you in? And, finally, would you take the great pains to conceal the body, and yet leave your own stick as a sign that you were the criminal? Confess, Lestrade, that all this is very unlikely. Have the goodness, also, when you address me always to say 'sir' and 'please. "I never needed it more," said Holmes as he refreshed himself with a glass of claret and some biscuits in the intervals of his toilet. "You remember me. "Summerlee, will you step across and satisfy yourself upon the point? Malone, will you kindly verify what I say? The little spindle-shaped things in the centre are diatoms and may be disregarded since they are probably vegetable rather than animal. "What do you claim that it was?" he asked. "I wired to Cambridge to learn if anything had been heard of him there. What say you, Simon?" "By the rood!" cried the fierce man-at-arms, "I will see the color of their blood ere I turn my mare's head for the mountains. " "A fight, quotha? A fight betwixt spurred cock and new hatched chicken! Thy fighting days may soon be over. "It's a bonny thing," said he. "We have got our case--one of the most remarkable in our collection. The very small inconvenience of being bitten, my young friend, cannot, I am sure, weigh with you as against the glorious privilege of having your name inscribed in the deathless roll of zoology. " "Well, I understand that they get five pounds if they can give information. "When he had fallen I rushed from the room, chose the wrong door, and found myself in my husband's room. Roylott was in India he married my mother, Mrs. Good-bye, and be brave, for if you will do what I have told you, you may rest assured that we shall soon drive away the dangers that threaten you. Science is, as I understand, a sealed book to you; but you may congratulate yourself upon the hunting-field which awaits you. You will, no doubt, have the opportunity of describing in the Field how you brought down the rocketing dimorphodon. But be careful, for it is poisoned. " There was little fight left in the peasants, however, still dazed by the explosion, amazed at their own losses and disheartened by the arrival of the disciplined archers. " "On observing the cab I should have instantly turned and walked in the other direction. "How did you open it before? You have a duplicate key? Yes, of course you have. "Only about a mile, sir. Amid the action and reaction of so dense a swarm of humanity, every possible combination of events may be expected to take place, and many a little problem will be presented which may be striking and bizarre without being criminal. Two-score archers stood about the gateway, and beat back from time to time with their bow-staves the inquisitive and chattering crowd who swarmed round the portal. Ten archers, with thirty shipmen, under the master, may hold the waist while ten lie aloft with stones and arbalests. After him there came a second man, and after him a third, a fourth, and a fifth stealing across the narrow open space and darting into the shelter of the brushwood. To Alleyne and to John, however, it appeared to be as great and as stout a fortress as could be built by the hands of man. Yes, Lestrade, I congratulate you! With your usual happy mixture of cunning and audacity, you have got him. I could not find my stick, and he said, 'Never mind, my boy, I shall see a good deal of you now, I hope, and I will keep your stick until you come back to claim it. ' "'And I,' said the son, 'seeing my father pass the door of the waiting-room, naturally thought that the consultation had come to an end. He does not flinch from his friend. When Cunningham saw that the case against him was so strong he lost all heart and made a clean breast of everything. " "Well, I have no connection with any other people who have been making inquiries," said Holmes carelessly. "Why do you say so?" "A carriage heavily loaded with luggage has passed out during the last hour. Did you ever hear of Dawson and Neligan?" I could see, from Hopkins's face, that he never had, but Holmes was keenly interested. " "The lady could not move her bed. " "Perhaps he desires the publication of the letter. " Lord St. "I would have you bear in mind," he continued to his squires, "that gentle courtesy is not, as is the base use of so many false knights, to be shown only to maidens of high degree, for there is no woman so humble that a true knight may not listen to her tale of wrong. "To my mind the long-bow is a better weapon than the arbalest, but it may be ill for me to prove it. "Look at the magnificent types! Look at these two men who are coming towards us, for example. The cloud was within fifty yards of where we lay, and we glared at it, all three, uncertain what horror was about to break from the heart of it. ] [Footnote 3: "lodgings. HTML version by Al Haines. The Adventure of the Cardboard Box By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle In choosing a few typical cases which illustrate the remarkable mental qualities of my friend, Sherlock Holmes, I have endeavoured, as far as possible, to select those which presented the minimum of sensationalism, while offering a fair field for his talents. Her face was turned away from him, but he could see, by the sharp intake of her breath, that she was weeping bitterly. We passed round the lawn to the outside of the young diplomatist's window. Then we distributed the various burdens among us--guns, ammunition, food, a tent, blankets, and the rest--and, shouldering our packages, we set forth upon the more laborious stage of our journey. For seven hours I plied my trade, and when I returned home in the evening I found to my surprise that I had received no less than 26s. Greaves and knee-pieces were also of leather backed by steel, and their gauntlets and shoes were of iron plates, craftily jointed. So, with jingle of arms and clatter of hoofs, they rode across the Bridge of Avon, while the burghers shouted lustily for the flag of the five roses and its gallant guard. " "How does she live?" "I fancy old Frankland allows her a pittance, but it cannot be more, for his own affairs are considerably involved. In truth, it was partly for your own sake that I did it, and it was my appreciation of the danger which you ran which led me to come down and examine the matter for myself. A hansom was procured with such precaution as would prevent its being one which was placed ready for us, and I drove immediately after breakfast to the Lowther Arcade, through which I hurried at the top of my speed. After that we abandoned all attempt at communication. The book, however, had been left in the billiard-room, so I pulled on my dressing-gown and started off to get it. "Now," said Sir Henry Baskerville, "perhaps you will tell me, Mr. Holmes, what in thunder is the meaning of that, and who it is that takes so much interest in my affairs?" "What do you make of it, Dr. " "Why in my presence, sir?" "In case he wished to ask any questions. "You must see that this is so, madam. You said that you wished to see me here to avoid scandal. Mortimer, that you were followed this morning from my house?" Dr. He was a small, slim, clean-shaven, prim-faced man, flaxen-haired and leanjawed, between thirty and forty years of age, dressed in a gray suit and wearing a straw hat. " "The gun was made to conceal. " "Has Mr. " "I am not clear how you came to hear the news so early this morning. Bernstone, and from the Indian servant, who, Mr. It is believed, however, that the police have a clue as to the real culprits, and that it is being prosecuted by Mr. "What a pretty box!" she said, stooping over it. "It looks as though all the moles in England had been let loose in it. " Stapleton turned a ghastly face upon us, but by a supreme effort he had overcome his amazement and his disappointment. The blind theory won't do. It is the constant index of our limitations. There was a main gateway of lichen-studded stone, each side pillar surmounted by mouldering heraldic emblems, but besides this central carriage drive I observed several points where there were gaps in the hedge and paths leading through them. " "He had no rival?" "No, I was quite free. The old fellow clasped our hands, each in turn, while his men cheered louder than ever. He had been dead some days, but there was no wound or bruise upon his person to show how he had met his dreadful end. Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another. Let us thrust this creature back into its den, and we can then remove Miss Stoner to some place of shelter and let the county police know what has happened. This man's reference is to a book. Cecil Barker's tall, loose-jointed figure was a familiar one in the main street of Birlstone village; for he was a frequent and welcome visitor at the Manor House. Allen as a witness. As to the other servants, they had all gone to bed, and the alarm did not reach them until just before the police arrived. "'When did it happen, doctor?' asked Trevor. "'Almost immediately after you left. ' "'Did he recover consciousness?' "'For an instant before the end. I have no idea what she meant. They were all steady, chapel-going folk, small farmers, well known and respected over the country-side, while I was always a bit of a rover. But no heroes, returning from a forlorn hope, could have had a warmer welcome from their comrades. We halted and listened. Nothing would annoy Brother Bartholomew more than any publicity. About three o'clock in the afternoon we came to a very steep rapid, more than a mile long--the very one in which Professor Challenger had suffered disaster upon his first journey. She implored me to come to bed. There is always a look of fear upon her face--a look as if she were waiting and expecting. Among these had been Drebber and Stangerson; and no one knew whither they had gone. In the latter, as may be remembered, Sherlock Holmes was able, by winding up the dead man's watch, to prove that it had been wound up two hours before, and that therefore the deceased had gone to bed within that time--a deduction which was of the greatest importance in clearing up the case. But his words had moved McMurdo deeply. I could tell you tales of cobbler's wax which would disgust you with human nature. In the cold, morning light it was a fearful sight which met my eyes. In answer to Holmes, they both remembered that they were conscious of the smell of powder from the moment that they ran out of their rooms upon the top floor. Nothing was left save a few acres of ground, and the two-hundred-year-old house, which is itself crushed under a heavy mortgage. We are glad to learn that Mr. We are also unable to construct any kind of bridge which may take us back to the pinnacle from which we came. Here he turned swiftly down a narrow passage, passed through a wooden gate into a deserted yard, and then opened with a key the back door of a house. It had been a great day for the Scowrers. There is no sign of any other weapon. I must go now, Doctor; I have my dooties, just the same as you. ' "I was very angry, for this was the third demand during the month. " "Really, Watson, you excel yourself," said Holmes, pushing back his chair and lighting a cigarette. " "The highest of which we have cognizance. We had all sat absorbed, listening to his extraordinary narrative. Our minds were, as I have said, singularly lucid. Holmes's cold, thin fingers closed round my wrist and led me forward down a long hall, until I dimly saw the murky fanlight over the door. "Well, well, we can't expect to have it all our own way, Watson," he said, at last. On the one hand, of course, I was glad, for the fee was at least tenfold what I should have asked had I set a price upon my own services, and it was possible that this order might lead to other ones. If he braved the matter out, death would unfailingly come upon him, and usually in some strange and unforeseen manner. " "Wonderful!" said Lestrade. A three-parts-parried blow drew blood from Alleyne's left shoulder, but at the same moment he wounded Tranter slightly upon the thigh. All was silent within. I determined to say nothing about the former to my wife, for she is a nervous, highly strung woman, and I had no wish that she would share the unpleasant impression which had been produced upon myself. "'All right, cabby,' said he. "I suppose he thought we had come to the hotel that he had mentioned, for he got out without another word, and followed me down the garden. They'll make for the camp as sure as fate. It will be their first idea. CHAPTER VIII. HOW SIR NIGEL HAWKED AT AN EAGLE. The whole vast plain of Gascony and of Languedoc is an arid and profitless expanse in winter save where the swift-flowing Adour and her snow-fed tributaries, the Louts, the Oloron and the Pau, run down to the sea of Biscay. She advanced along this corridor, leaving no traces upon the cocoanut matting. " "Exactly. Now he sat forward in this arm-chair and spread out the documents upon his knees. " His eyes fairly glittered as he spoke, and he put his hand over his heart and bowed as if to some applauding crowd conjured up by his imagination. Mrs. Allen, the housekeeper, came and took her away. The other six servants in the house bear no relation to the events of the night of January 6th. This barricaded door corresponded clearly with the shuttered window outside, and yet I could see by the glimmer from beneath it that the room was not in darkness. I may mention that her husband had left her comfortably off, and that she had a capital of about four thousand five hundred pounds, which had been so well invested by him that it returned an average of seven per cent. I had just time to blow on my police-whistle, and then I must have fainted, for I knew nothing more until I found the policeman standing over me in the hall. ' "'It's a dirty business,' the other answered. 'Well, I'm delighted to have got so good a man for my brother. ' 'Canst shake me by the hand without coming in,' said Gourval. Illingworth was imperfectly heard in part of his remarks on account of the strenuous opposition of the friends of the explorers. Thenceforward that was our one safety, and every strained situation was relieved by our introducing the name of the Scotch zoologist, when both our Professors would form a temporary alliance and friendship in their detestation and abuse of this common rival. Advancing in single file along the bank of the stream, we soon found that it narrowed down to a mere brook, and finally that it lost itself in a great green morass of sponge-like mosses, into which we sank up to our knees. The place was horribly haunted by clouds of mosquitoes and every form of flying pest, so we were glad to find solid ground again and to make a circuit among the trees, which enabled us to outflank this pestilent morass, which droned like an organ in the distance, so loud was it with insect life. This, you see, is dated from Marseilles at nine-forty-five this morning. There was no key, but it was of considerable weight, so we transferred it carefully to our own little cabin. " "Then, by St. "Bide here, man. If blows be what you seek, you need not go further than Hordle. Anyhow, I can't leave here myself until I am relieved. I had them washed out, and I only mentioned the matter to my wife afterwards. I refused, as you can imagine, and asked my father how he could allow such a wretch to take such liberties with himself and his household. I traced her! I am a dangerous man to fall foul of! See here. Now, if this letter were loose--no, it CAN'T be loose--but if it isn't loose, where can it be? Who has it? Why is it held back? That's the question that beats in my brain like a hammer. I must beg you to hurry, for we have a great day before us. He's a likely lad, and he's a Christian, which is more than these folk here, in spite o' all their praying and preaching. But at night--well, there he is with his wife, three children, and a hired help. " "Altamont has a nice taste in wines, and he took a fancy to my Tokay. It must be done at once. Am I right, Professor Summerlee?" Summerlee grumbled an ungracious assent. "I am with you, like hilt to blade. "Possibly not, my good Watson. "I used to be frightened," said his wife. When you see him, ask him if he remembers the Jefferson Hopes of St. His wet clothing showed that he had been out in the storm of the night before, and his stick, which was a Penang-lawyer weighted with lead, was just such a weapon as might, by repeated blows, have inflicted the terrible injuries to which the trainer had succumbed. He would be overjoyed. He was of a sickly color, and his thin, sandy hair seemed to bristle up with the intensity of his emotion. To his right walked a huge red-headed man, with broad smile and merry twinkle, whose clothes seemed to be bursting and splitting at every seam, as though he were some lusty chick who was breaking bravely from his shell. Alleyne was plodding down the slope upon one side, when he saw an old dame coming towards him upon the other, limping with weariness and leaning heavily upon a stick. Yet to him, used as he was to a life of such quiet that the failure of a brewing or the altering of an anthem had seemed to be of the deepest import, the quick changing play of the lights and shadows of life was strangely startling and interesting. So I think, and so, too, thinks my little Mary, who has a woman's quick insight into character. The peasant in the sheepskins, who had sat glum and silent all evening, had been so heated by his flagon of ale that he was talking loudly and angrily with clenched hands and flashing eyes. All was in keeping with a solemn butler who appeared framed in the pink radiance of a tinted electrical light behind him. " With a few broken words of gratitude the man turned, but he hesitated and then came back. "By the way," he continued, coming back to his chair, "what do you know of this Professor Challenger?" "I never saw him till to-day. "But I learned how to make the long shoot from old Hob Miller of Milford. I give you my word that I would have spoken out if it went against him at the Assizes. Therein lies my métier, and it is just possible that it may be of some service in the investigation which lies before us. There are one or two minor points which were brought out in the inquest, and which are worth considering. " "Except Mr. "There are stories of her which I would fain disbelieve--stories that she is sealed to some Gentile. " "But how?" "Through the skylight. "Then you will be able to get his opeenions out of him. The lady shook her head. It is not what we know, but what we can prove. Remi, and we had gone, my little helper and I, to see if it was indeed of the size for the stonework. Night had fallen ere we finished, and what could we do save carry it home as best we might? But you, young sir, you speak as if you too knew something of the art. What could I do? I could not shoot him at sight, or I should myself be in the dock. And so, gentlemen, you can do what you please; but I've told you the truth and the whole truth, so help me God! What I ask you now is how do I stand by the English law?" There was a silence which was broken by Sherlock Holmes. " Produced by David Brannan. "May I ask how you knew who I was?" "Well, sir, if it isn't too great a liberty, I am a neighbour of yours, for you'll find my little bookshop at the corner of Church Street, and very happy to see you, I am sure. Sherlock Holmes?" he said to the cabman. "I told you that, whatever happened, Lestrade and Gregson would be sure to score. " Holmes and I followed them down the lane, and my friend plucked at my sleeve as we came out. "Well, our rope is still more than a hundred feet long," I cried. " "Admirable, Watson! Admirable! You are the best of messengers. "Was he in favour of such a union?" "No, he was averse to it also. " "Then, good-night, your Majesty, and I trust that we shall soon have some good news for you. I could see that the problem was entirely to his heart. I didn't know what to do. That night I was happy, for I had my letter, and I had not seen yet what the future would bring. But a horrible abyss lay between it and the plateau. "'What papers? What sundial?' he asked. 'Punishment has been slow in coming, but it has overtaken you at last. ' I saw his coward lips tremble as I spoke. My data were coming more quickly than I could have reasonably hoped. " "Deserted you?" "Yes. " "If it is not too much trouble. ) "Then I put you to the test. (Laughter. ) It was strange to think that the climax of all the age-long process of Nature had been the creation of that gentleman in the red tie. What is the particular point upon which I, as an original investigator, have challenged our lecturer's accuracy? It is upon the permanence of certain types of animal life upon the earth. "And the other upon the right?" "It marks the Knights of Santiago, and I see by his flag that their grand-master rides at their head. Wilson, off you go at scratch and tell us all about yourself, your household, and the effect which this advertisement had upon your fortunes. You will first make a note, Doctor, of the paper and the date. Your hand stole towards your own old wound, and a smile quivered on your lips, which showed me that the ridiculous side of this method of settling international questions had forced itself upon your mind. " "Besides," said John, "the Socman of Minstead is a by-word through the forest, from Bramshaw Hill to Holmesley Walk. Hold up, man, hold up, you have no life left in you. "I've offered to fight him if he thinks I have wronged him," said McMurdo. " "But, I say," remarked the police sergeant, whose slow, bucolic common sense was still pondering the open window. " "Well, since you never said so, and Mr. I shall have the others, but he first. Anyhow, they had come there during the night. I'd recognized him in the township, and again when he sprang for me; but his own mother wouldn't recognize him as I saw him then. I got into his room that same night, though, and I searched his papers to see if there was any record of where he had hidden our jewels. The whole place was depressing. Nowhere in the blue heaven or on the sunlit earth was there any foreshadowing of a catastrophe. The harvesters were back in the fields once more and the golfers, in pairs and fours, were still streaming round the links. See how they rush and scream and wave! What is it that they thrust out through the postern door? My God! it is a man-at-arms, and they pluck him limb from limb like hounds on a wolf. The town was now at the height of its fortunes. He had probably been in the pay of Moriarty, and had left the two men together. Upon rising next morning he found, to his surprise, a small square of paper pinned on to the coverlet of his bed just over his chest. My surprise reached a climax, however, when I found incidentally that he was ignorant of the Copernican Theory and of the composition of the Solar System. " "Nay, trouble not for that," said Alleyne, "we are all from good mother Eve. Let him go. " "Nay, there is but one thing that can draw the sting, and that the future may bring to me. Staunton in London?" "Certainly not. " "Dear me, dear me--the postoffice again!" Holmes sighed, wearily. There was no light save in the dining-room, but Holmes caught up the lamp and left no corner of the house unexplored. Give me a hand, Watson, and I'll do the same for you. " A minute later we were both in the area. "The higher the steed the greater the fall. To speak plainly, the matter implicates the great House of Ormstein, hereditary kings of Bohemia. My first impulse was to tell Sir Henry all my plans. " "I fear it is too deep a case for such simple remedies," said Holmes. " Sherlock Holmes laughed heartily. I had something else to think of. Someone had brought the water from the brook, and Lord John was sprinkling my head with it, while Challenger and Summerlee were propping me up, with concern in their faces. I expect it's that young garden boy, sir. My friend volunteered to go and see. THE ADVENTURE OF THE SIX NAPOLEONS It was no very unusual thing for Mr. His increasing fame had brought with it an immense practice, and I should be guilty of an indiscretion if I were even to hint at the identity of some of the illustrious clients who crossed our humble threshold in Baker Street. He had played nearly every day at one club or other, but he was a cautious player, and usually rose a winner. The chapman broke a rough jest as he passed, and the woman called shrilly to Alleyne to come and join them, on which the man, turning suddenly from mirth to wrath, began to belabor her with his cudgel. What he will divulge I cannot tell, but I have no doubt that your Grace could make him understand that it is to his interest to be silent. And yet, in spite of all these disadvantages, there was a certain nobility in the woman's bearing--a gallantry in the defiant chin and in the upraised head, which compelled something of respect and admiration. Barker, I seem to be standing rather in the way of your explanation. He intercepted Mrs. Out we ran, and there on the poop were the lieutenant and ten of his men. It is true that in some cases the figure was bearing a flag, and in some cases not, but it was probable, from the way in which the flags were distributed, that they were used to break the sentence up into words. Holmes had already drawn his revolver, and I whipped out mine at the sight of this savage, distorted creature. "Anything remarkable on hand?" he asked. " "In the first place," said Holmes, "I should like you to offer a reward--coming from yourself, for the officials may take a little time before they would agree upon the sum, and these things cannot be done too promptly. This chance of the picture has supplied us with one of our most obvious missing links. In more fertile spots the observer would have come to the conclusion that one of those great herds of bisons which graze upon the prairie land was approaching him. "What has he been doing?" "Haven't you seen his letter on 'Scientific Possibeelities' in to-day's Times?" "No. "I wired to Cambridge to learn if anything had been heard of him there. This time there was loud applause. You need not stand on ceremony with us, Challenger. He had signed it in behalf of himself and his associates,--the sign of the four, as he somewhat dramatically called it. He was of a sickly color, and his thin, sandy hair seemed to bristle up with the intensity of his emotion. He deals with no niggard hand. He was clad in a professional but rather slovenly fashion, for his frock-coat was dingy and his trousers frayed. "Really, Mr. Holmes," said Mr. "Well, maybe a wee nip would keep out the raw morning chill. We pulled up halfway down the street and waited an hour and a half. " "Indeed, I have nothing more to tell. " It was a bitter night, so we drew on our ulsters and wrapped cravats about our throats. Perhaps I have dwelt too long upon this new acquaintance, but he is to be my comrade for many a day, and so I have tried to set him down as I first saw him, with his quaint personality and his queer little tricks of speech and of thought. If not, why should you come to consult me?" "I came to you, sir, because I heard of you from Mrs. " When we met again next evening, Lestrade was furnished with much information concerning our prisoner. Holmes thought for a little. "My dear Watson," said the well-remembered voice, "I owe you a thousand apologies. At eleven there was a fight at the 'White Hart'; but bar that all was quiet enough on the beat. His brow glistened with perspiration, his cheeks were of the dull, dead white of a fish's belly, and his eyes were wild and staring. His shoes were of red leather, daintily pointed at the toes, but not yet prolonged to the extravagant lengths which the succeeding reign was to bring into fashion. At the end of that time there was a universal rising against him. Halfway down is the moor-gate, where the old gentleman left his cigar-ash. Miss Cushing was sitting in the front room, into which we were ushered. She was a placid-faced woman, with large, gentle eyes, and grizzled hair curving down over her temples on each side. " "And how in the world did you find them?" "It might have been difficult, but friend Lestrade held information in his hands the value of which he did not himself know. "These are very deep waters," said he; "pray go on with your narrative. Come with me, and I'll fix it up as easily as possible. ' "From that day, amid all his cordiality, there was always a touch of suspicion in Mr. 'That is my own photograph,' she said. How are Ayrshires?' "'A hundred and six and a quarter to a hundred and five and seven-eighths. How England held the Lists at Bordeaux XXIV. " McArdle was plunged in thought for some minutes. What is that black thing down there?" "A water-barrel. There were two guides given us to start with, an oak and an elm. Now I was in the last belt of trees which separated me from Fort Challenger. Down they swooped, one on the right, one on the left, the sides and shrouds black with men and bristling with weapons. I went to the edge of the plateau and looked over. Tonga then pulled up the rope, closed the window, and made off the way that he had come. "I don't know that I have anything else to tell you. "You are fresh from a night journey, I understand, which is in itself a monotonous occupation. What became of the hound when its master was in London?" "I have given some attention to this matter and it is undoubtedly of importance. By St. Let a man love the sex. It is Winwood Reade's 'Martyrdom of Man. "You must know that my grandfather had two sons--my uncle Elias and my father Joseph. Then from the moneys he shall take as much as may make good the damage, and the rest he shall keep until our home-coming, when every man shall have his share. Hudson?' And now he has slammed off to his room, but I can hear him walking away the same as ever. I hope he's not going to be ill, sir. " "No, I wrote upon the day before. Among these he rummaged and read, with intervals of note-taking and of meditation, until we were past Reading. He has been upon several scientific expeditions in his youth (he was with Robertson in Papua), and the life of the camp and the canoe is nothing fresh to him. The silence of the deserted street reassured him. What the phrase meant, or who our secret visitor may have been, we never knew. That the writer was on board of a ship. But it's the real goods, and you can lay to that. On the evening of the second there came a letter from Hilton Cubitt. Holmes had sat down again after one of these excursions, when he suddenly sprang out of his chair with a loud exclamation. "This will do," said he. "I must ask you, Professor Challenger, to cease these ignorant and unmannerly interruptions. Consider my sweet lord, that you have already won much honor, that we have seen but little of each other, that you bear upon your body the scar of over twenty wounds received in I know not how many bloody encounters. Have you not done enough for honor and the public cause?" "My lady, when our liege lord, the king, at three score years, and my Lord Chandos at three-score and ten, are blithe and ready to lay lance in rest for England's cause, it would ill be-seem me to prate of service done. Barrymore, Sir Charles's butler, is a man with a full, black beard. Her bulky figure in a shawl and skirt might have been comic were it not for the intensity of feeling upon her face. So far I had got before I ever heard Lord St. Let us thank God if we have outgrown their vices. Where is my Lord Chandos? Ha, Sir John, I commend this worthy knight to your care. " In a few sentences I whispered what I had done. And all the rest of your money in your left trouser pocket. What is the scientific mind to think of their presence? I can only account for it by an invasion from outside. If your heart is as big as your body, and your soul as fine as your face, then I'd ask for nothing better," said McMurdo. " "You think then, definitely, that Barker and Mrs. Well, here's your good health landlord, and prosperity to your house. Here and there the wooded hills rose like conical islands out of this woolly sea. For months my life was despaired of, and when at last I came to myself and became convalescent, I was so weak and emaciated that a medical board determined that not a day should be lost in sending me back to England. But the paper was uninteresting. It might happen that, should he amass riches by some happy fortune of war, this feud might hold the two families aloof. " "God bless you, Anna!" murmured the old man again. Keep your revolver near you night and day, and never relax your precautions. " "Good heavens, Holmes! Do you suppose that such a consideration weighs with me of an instant? It would not affect me in the case of a stranger. He passed the sign, and then seating himself opposite to the young man he looked at him steadily for some time, a look which was as steadily returned. "I will go, Mr. Grimesby Roylott, of Stoke Moran. The boy had some slight difficulty in undoing the heavy iron gates, and we heard the hoarse roar of the doctor's voice and saw the fury with which he shook his clinched fists at him. The curved and shadowed drive led us to a low, dark house, pitch-black against a slate-coloured sky. There he was dogged by his confederate, who held Beppo responsible for the loss of the pearl, and he stabbed him in the scuffle which followed. " MacDonald shook his head. But before we start I must ask you a few questions, Mr. Browner a few days afterwards. Then we went on to Wallington to visit Miss Sarah. " "But why then rather than now?" "Because we shall have nightfall to cover us when we draw off, so that we may make our way back through the mountains. It is true that the description of this man tallies with your idea of the second party in this mystery. "I believe it is the same place as the painted picture," said I. The young woman came to the door last evening--mistook the house, she did. I found that the key was indeed his, that he had entered my room to know if I wanted tea, and that he had very carelessly left the key in the door when he came out. Let them toil and swinken, and labor, and plough the land, and take wives to themselves----" "Alas! alas!" cried Alleyne aghast, "you have surely sucked this poison from the man Wicliffe, of whom I have heard such evil things. " He held down the lamp to the floor, and as he did so I saw for the second time that night a startled, surprised look come over his face. You have been porter?" "Yes, father. Ryder. Pray take the basket-chair. I did not know what to do. We are both prepared to swear that no one could have entered the room during the night. " CHAPTER XVI. "And where are you going?" "We do not know. My tongue is a blunt one, and fitter to shout word of command than to clear up such a matter as this, of which I can myself understand little. As for myself, I was silent, for the dull weather and the melancholy business upon which we were engaged, depressed my spirits. Here you find us; and we cannot wonder that you, who are new to tumbling, should be astounded, since many great barons, earls, marshals and knights, who have wandered as far as the Holy Land, are of one mind in saying that they have never seen a more noble or gracious performance. Holy Virgin! see the dust upon thy doublet! It were easy to see that there is no woman to tend to thee. So!--that is better. Now buss me, boy. The old soldiers of Crecy, of Nogent, and of Poictiers were glad to think that they might hear the war-trumpet once more, and gladder still were the hot youth who had chafed for years under the martial tales of their sires. "Dark nights are unpleasant," said the workman. "Yes, for strangers to travel," the other answered. Old Acton, who is one of our county magnates, had his house broken into last Monday. No great damage done, but the fellows are still at large. " "There can be no doubt of that," said Summerlee, grimly, "for one has just disappeared behind your shirt-collar. Turner made his money. That is as much as I have been able to gather about the families. " "Pray continue," said Holmes. "Call it crime!" cried Morris, his voice vibrating with passion. "You have seen little of it if you can call it anything else. "I had misjudged you. The Greek e with the peculiar top flourish is distinctive. Right glad was the traveller to see the high tower of Christchurch Priory gleaming in the mellow evening light, and gladder still when, on rounding a corner, he came upon his comrades of the morning seated astraddle upon a fallen tree. Holmes gave a cry of delight as he approached it. Outside the wind howled down Baker Street, while the rain beat fiercely against the windows. This strange, wild story seemed to have come to us from amid the mad elements--blown in upon us like a sheet of sea-weed in a gale--and now to have been reabsorbed by them once more. " "Liar!" cried the woman; and, stooping her head, she suddenly bit fiercely into the broad brown hand which held her. He was a tall, handsome, swarthy fellow, clad in a suit of gray flannel, with a Panama hat, a bristling black beard, and a great, aggressive hooked nose, and flourishing a cane as he walked. This side of his nature, however, appears never to have been turned towards his wife. A patient, evidently, and possibly an all-night sitting. He was dressed from head to foot in a long white linen cloth, and a high white cap with a red cross printed upon it. The ALIBI was complete. We had been out for one of our evening rambles, Holmes and I, and had returned about six o'clock on a cold, frosty winter's evening. Along it we hurried in breathless impatience for many hundreds of yards. Then, suddenly, in the black darkness of the arch in front of us we saw a gleam of dark red light. Now, if you cared to apply, Mr. " "Time it is," said Lord John. " "Have you any reason to suspect robbery?" "No, sir. " "Did any of them know their way about in the office?" "Oh, yes, all of them had been shown over it. "You're crazy!" he cried, fiercely. "Well, I guess you have every cause to be. "If you all want to see it through I am with you. "Good lad!" whispered Ford. " "So it appears. You came back by an unexpected way, and so he had no warning until you were at the very door. Those rules of deduction laid down in that article which aroused your scorn, are invaluable to me in practical work. " "Before the what?" asked Holmes with a start. " "By the Virgin! when he learns that you have come to draw away these rascals he will be very blithe to look upon your face. But if it was about a boat, sir, maybe I could serve as well. It is a sad thing that so small a thing as a woman should come between two who are of one blood. If we make one false move the villain may escape us yet. But say nothing to anyone upon the matter. " "Good God!" I cried. " "I see. When a woman thinks that her house is on fire, her instinct is at once to rush to the thing which she values most. "It is easy to see that your experience has been no common one, Mr. " "Very curious, and the story that hangs round it will strike you as being more curious still. St. Clair had her lunch, started for the City, did some shopping, proceeded to the company's office, got her packet, and found herself at exactly 4:35 walking through Swandam Lane on her way back to the station. But our trap should be here. They were numerous, resolute, and well armed. At last, however, when I was about eighteen, I gave them no more trouble, for I got into a mess over a girl, and could only get out of it again by taking the queen's shilling and joining the 3d Buffs, which was just starting for India. I had no great difficulty in finding where Sholto lived, and I set to work to discover whether he had realized the treasure, or if he still had it. Therein lies my métier, and it is just possible that it may be of some service in the investigation which lies before us. There are one or two minor points which were brought out in the inquest, and which are worth considering. That one is politics. " The woman's words came with an intense earnestness which carried conviction with them. " He relapsed at once into the half-humorous, half-cynical vein which was his habitual attitude to those about him. The American struck his hands together with vexation. On the first page were written the initials "J. "What we pay rates and taxes for I don't know, when any ruffian can come in and break one's goods. Perhaps we shall come upon some other indications as we proceed. God He knows that I am unworthy of such honor, yet I can show my four-and-sixty quarterings, and I have been present at some bickerings and scufflings during these twenty years. " "Your fame is very well known to me, and I shall ask my lady to enter your name upon my tablets," said Sir Bertrand. " "Yes. " "Good heaven! Did no one examine?" "Yes, I examined, myself. "It's all very well your saying that a man escaped by wading this moat, but what I ask you is, how did he ever get into the house at all if the bridge was up?" "Ah, that's the question," said Barker. "I never saw anything like it. Your powers, if I may say so without offence, seem superior to your opportunities. "Pierrot. "Then comes: "Matter presses. We could use the dining room, Ames. " "By heaven, yes!" cried the prince. "You base underbred clod! Is this your care and your hospitality? I would rather wed a branded serf from my father's fields. "And you accept the rule of the Bodymaster for the time being under all circumstances?" "I do. I believe that a single lady can get on very nicely upon an income of about 60 pounds. ' He took a step backward, cocked his head on one side, and gazed at my hair until I felt quite bashful. ) "PROFESSOR CHALLENGER: 'No doubt, sir, we have to bow to your scientific authority, although I must admit that the name is unfamiliar. (Laughter. ) It was strange to think that the climax of all the age-long process of Nature had been the creation of that gentleman in the red tie. ) "Let me pass to some subject of wider interest. Now four men said other and more startling ones. Lord John comes over to me, and we look out together into the night. To us the chapter seemed closed. " The bowman shook his head. I have a confused memory, too, of having been lifted and conveyed somewhere. " "That is a very strong prod of yours," said Johnston, shaking his grizzled head as he glanced at the thick arch and powerful strings of his rival's arbalest. "I fancy that I see your Grace's check-book upon the table," said he. Melas to step across," said he. He earns his living partly as interpreter in the law courts and partly by acting as guide to any wealthy Orientals who may visit the Northumberland Avenue hotels. His paper stands for all that is solid in the valley. Behind him walked a smaller man with his hair touched with gray, who was clad in the same white garb. Below on either side of the steps were forty or fifty barons, knights, and courtiers, ranged in a triple row to the right and the left, with a clear passage in the centre. McMurdo had laid down the paper, and was lighting his pipe with a hand which was shaky from the excesses of the previous evening, when there was a knock outside, and his landlady brought to him a note which had just been handed in by a lad. A man in uniform advanced into the room, a six-shooter in his hand. " "That won't do, my dear Watson," said Holmes, shaking his head, "for no amount of IDEE FIXE would enable your interesting monomaniac to find out where these busts were situated. I gripped myself hard, and went on with the argument. But the vow is now nought, for, as you have never seen your company, it would be a fool's act to blame you for their doings. McMurdo listened at the door of the lonely house; but all was still within. The police seemed to take particular interest in him that morning, and Captain Marvin--he who had claimed the old acquaintance with him at Chicago--actually addressed him as he waited at the station. " Holmes shook his head impatiently. Sherlock Holmes a puzzled quarter of an hour. I stood upon the hearth-rug and picked up the stick which our visitor had left behind him the night before. " "By the Lord, you'll be a man after McGinty's heart!" "What, does he hate the police too?" Scanlan burst out laughing. "Oh, spare me, Mr. "You've come to that already, have you?" "Oh, Ted, be reasonable--be kind! For my sake, Ted, if ever you loved me, be big-hearted and forgiving!" "I think, Ettie, that if you were to leave us alone we could get this thing settled," said McMurdo quietly. My word! it was a good bit of work!" "Admirable!" cried Challenger. The work itself, the pleasure of finding a field for my peculiar powers, is my highest reward. " "Certainly. " "Then I must go to his room. "In the first place, your Grace, I am bound to tell you that you have placed yourself in a most serious position in the eyes of the law. " "To some extent," he answered, thoughtfully. And now, Watson, let us have a little stroll round in the sunshine. He sends me a thousand at a time, and I grieve to say that I have to arrange for a fresh supply every fortnight. When we turned him over, the Boots recognized him at once as being the same gentleman who had engaged the room under the name of Joseph Stangerson. I will tell, too, of the great nocturnal white thing--to this day we do not know whether it was beast or reptile--which lived in a vile swamp to the east of the lake, and flitted about with a faint phosphorescent glimmer in the darkness. " Summerlee, with a twisted smile, was about to make some fresh assault when Lord John hastened to intervene. "By my hilt! mon gar. "I never thought I'd live to take the whole human race in one load. But my lips are sealed. " It was the most that Ettie could obtain, and yet it was something. "I would have spoken now had it not been for my dear girl. "Here," said I, pointing to some matches upon the ground, "is where we lit up. " "Exactly. "Come, Watson, I don't think we shall be wanted in Aldershot any more. "The game is afoot. "Precisely. "Now would you mind going down and fetching that poor little devil of a terrier which has been bad so long, and which the landlady wanted you to put out of its pain yesterday. Lack-brain she is, and lack-brain I shall call her. " Such was a sample of the sudden janglings which marred the peace of that little class. John Clay," said Holmes. "I have been at some small expense over this matter, which I shall expect the bank to refund, but beyond that I am amply repaid by having had an experience which is in many ways unique, and by hearing the very remarkable narrative of the Red-headed League. He was born in '45--fifty years of age. He is a Russian. A subtle change had come over him. This time it was the young lady coming from the station. It is a short account of the facts elicited at the death of Sir Charles Baskerville which occurred a few days before that date. Suddenly this morning it occurred to me that you were the man to advise me, so I have hurried to you now, and I place myself unreservedly in your hands. In shape they were like horrible toads, and moved in a succession of springs, but in size they were of an incredible bulk, larger than the largest elephant. On the other hand, Alleyne had used his weapons in constant exercise and practice on every day for many months, and being by nature quick of eye and prompt of hand, he might pass now as no mean swordsman. "Points," he muttered; "the points. " "What of it? What do you mean?" "I suppose there are no great number of points on a system such as this?" "No; they are very few. A thick fog rolled down between the lines of dun-coloured houses, and the opposing windows loomed like dark, shapeless blurs through the heavy yellow wreaths. When I came down to our room I found the breakfast laid and Homes pouring out the coffee. Was he our malignant enemy, or was he by chance our guardian angel? I swore that I would not leave the hut until I knew. " "Tall? Handsome?" "Yes, sir, she was a well-grown young woman. "Man, you are surely travelling overfast," said he. "I have heard no evidence yet that any stranger was ever in the house at all. I shall write to Mr. " "But you must--you, with your beauty, with your soul! Oh, Gladys, you were made for love! You must love!" "One must wait till it comes. It was not a pure bloodhound and it was not a pure mastiff; but it appeared to be a combination of the two--gaunt, savage, and as large as a small lioness. Suddenly this morning it occurred to me that you were the man to advise me, so I have hurried to you now, and I place myself unreservedly in your hands. At first it was but a lurid spark upon the stone pavement. Between them stood a lean, white-faced brother who appeared to be ill at ease, shifting his feet from side to side and tapping his chin nervously with the long parchment roll which he held in his hand. A jupon of dark blue cloth, tagged with buckles and pendants of gold, seemed but a sombre and plain attire amidst the wealth of silk and ermine and gilt tissue of fustian with which he was surrounded. " "And now?" I asked. Supposing I unravel the whole matter, you may be sure that Gregson, Lestrade, and Co. "Is he on his own or is he entirely in with them?" "I really don't know that I should be justified in discussing such a point. "No, it certainly is not. " "With all these data you should be able to draw some just inference. "I think it may be fairly assumed that if it does not come outwards it must run inwards. "Well, Holmes," said Athelney Jones, "You are a man to be humored, and we all know that you are a connoisseur of crime, but duty is duty, and I have gone rather far in doing what you and your friend asked me. I was a harum-scarum, reckless lad, and he had had an education, and was already marked for the sword-belt. I owe you too much to act otherwise; for in all my experience I cannot recall any more singular and interesting study. " "She brought, I understand, a considerable dowry?" "A fair dowry. Come out for the love and the lust of the thing. " We started off for the cab together, leaving our informant incredulous, but obviously uncomfortable. " "There are none. "Sweet little coz!" answered the burly squire. "Such a dainty color! Such a mellow voice! Eyes of a bashful maid, and hair like a three years' babe! Voila!" He passed his thick fingers roughly through the youth's crisp golden curls. "You seek to force a quarrel, sir," said the young man, white with anger. "So Reuben Hayes is taken? I am right glad to hear it, if it will not react upon the fate of James. The idea was that one of you was to marry her, and the other have a share of the plunder. The fugitive sprang out, but his stump instantly sank its whole length into the sodden soil. From over a distant rise there floated a gray plume of smoke. "It is Mrs. He asked me to come here to cure him. "Really, Mr. Holmes, I cannot undertake to say. " After an hour's delay, the great nobleman appeared. " The American's face showed his surprise and admiration. " "And are you, too, of the White Company?" asked Sir Nigel. "I have had advertisements sent to all the newspapers, and one of my men has gone to the American Exchange, but he has not returned yet. For myself, I don't believe it was an ordinary thief. But how was it at Winchelsea when their galleys came down upon it some few years back? I had an old mother there, lad, who had come down thither from the Midlands to be the nearer her son. Soames's back was turned, you released the man who was hiding in that bedroom. " Bannister licked his dry lips. In the morning, after a frugal breakfast of coffee and manioc--we had to be economical of our stores--we held a council of war as to the best method of ascending to the plateau above us. What was the benefit of a law written fair upon parchment, he wondered, if there were no officers to enforce it. "Personally, I am unable to classify the creature with any certainty," said Summerlee, lighting his pipe from the fire. "In refusing to commit yourself you are but showing a proper scientific reserve," said Challenger, with massive condescension. And yet Goodwin Hawtayne is not the man to stand back when his fellows are for pressing forward. I found myself weary and yet wakeful, tossing restlessly from side to side, seeking for the sleep which would not come. " She glanced at the iron box. Then, with a kindly smile, he slapped Professor Summerlee upon his shoulder. What sort of a menage is it which pays double the market price for a governess but does not keep a horse, although six miles from the station? Odd, Watson--very odd!" "You will go down?" "No, my dear fellow, YOU will go down. The various checks which influence the struggle for existence in the world at large are all neutralized or altered. Pulling up his steed, he slightly inclined his head, and sat in the stern and composed fashion with which he had borne himself throughout, heedless of the applauding shouts and the flutter of kerchiefs from the long lines of brave men and of fair women who were looking down upon him. "Sir knight," said the prince, "we have all marvelled this day at this great skill and valor with which God has been pleased to endow you. "Sir James died this morning. "Sir Nigel Loring, at last! By my soul we have awaited you this month past. " "Good heavens!" cried Holmes in amazement. " "But why can't you love me, Gladys? Is it my appearance, or what?" She did unbend a little. "I think, perhaps, we had better go down to Tredannick Wartha without further delay. I heard my wife coming, and I ran to the door and stopped her. But I must speak or I shall be too late. Is he not the celebrated author of The Dynamics of an Asteroid, a book which ascends to such rarefied heights of pure mathematics that it is said that there was no man in the scientific press capable of criticizing it? Is this a man to traduce? Foul-mouthed doctor and slandered professor--such would be your respective roles! That's genius, Watson. " "It is not easy to express the inexpressible," he answered with a laugh. "If you could see your way, sir, to confining your remarks to your own physical peculiarities, you would find that you had an ample field for comment," he cried. But if it does go through and comes out at the corresponding point on the other side, we should not have more than a hundred feet to descend. "Give me the water!" he gasped. I handed it to him. It is very probable, therefore, that in the absence of his master it was he who cared for the hound, though he may never have known the purpose for which the beast was used. He knew that I would do what I said--that his own fate was involved in mine. All this is the truth, and if I tell it to you, gentlemen, it is not to amuse you,--for you have not done me a very good turn,--but it is because I believe the best defence I can make is just to hold back nothing, but let all the world know how badly I have myself been served by Major Sholto, and how innocent I am of the death of his son. My host had shown me which was his bedroom the night before, so I knocked at the door. But the long cactus-strewn levels still stretched away, empty and bare, to the distant line of the cane-brake. "Well, there's no need for me to dwell on that part of it. He flew at me with his knife, and I had to grasp him twice, and got a cut over the knuckles, before I had the upper hand of him. Of course this Acton business has put every one on their guard. Every good stone is. Every string well locked. It was no wonder that it had not been swept away by the tide. It is the supposed murder of Colonel Barclay, of the Royal Munsters, at Aldershot, which I am investigating. Two thousand five hundred pounds was the amount, but I can only touch the interest. "What is the use of returning?" he said. "Why, that's true, sir," he said; "though how you come to know it, Heaven only knows. Then he peered into the darkness, blew the candle out, and threw it on the floor. "It is a lovely evening, my dear Watson," said a well-known voice. I have seen something of the sort on the side of a hill near Ballarat, where the prospectors had been at work. He is not an Englishman. Our father would never tell us what it was he feared, but he had a most marked aversion to men with wooden legs. He found the door open, and in the front room, which is bare of furniture, discovered the body of a gentleman, well dressed, and having cards in his pocket bearing the name of 'Enoch J. What the scene meant I could not imagine, but it seemed to me that Stapleton was abusing Sir Henry, who offered explanations, which became more angry as the other refused to accept them. The lady stood by in haughty silence. It was difficult to realise as we looked at the line of fine shops and stately business premises that they really abutted on the other side upon the faded and stagnant square which we had just quitted. We found a short valley between rugged tors which led to an open, grassy space flecked over with the white cotton grass. " "We have still the cabman who drove the spy. "I wish to have a quiet word with you, Bradstreet. If you come pestering me any more with your silly talk I'll set the dog at you. I could stand that, Mr. He tapped at the winder,--about three it would be. "I have done the lawn and the bicycle shed," said he. " We all followed him into the housekeeper's room, which stood upon the left-hand side of the passage. "No, for it was followed by a protestation of innocence. " "Coming on the top of such a damning series of events, it was at least a most suspicious remark. My mind is like a racing engine, tearing itself to pieces because it is not connected up with the work for which it was built. It is the first quality of a criminal investigator that he should see through a disguise. Barclay to hatred of her husband. I took the obvious course, therefore, of calling upon Miss M. It pleased and flattered that complex mind to think that London had died with his name and his words still present in their thoughts. I noticed a tall, thin, angular man seated in an arm-chair by the fire. A small taper on the edge of the table shed a feeble light which sufficed to show me that he was fully dressed. Behold it!" It was certainly a brilliant idea. Was last seen by his fiancee, Miss Violet Westbury, whom he left abruptly in the fog about 7:30 that evening. The reapers were slowly trooping back to their work. "Get it printed as soon as possible," he said; "I think your idea is an excellent one. "There are forces here which may be more dangerous than those he has escaped. " It was after five o'clock when Sherlock Holmes left me, but I had no time to be lonely, for within an hour there arrived a confectioner's man with a very large flat box. The setting sun cast a ruddy glare upon his burnished arms, and sent his long black shadow streaming behind him up the level clearing. Holmes walked in, and I followed him with that subdued feeling at my heart which the presence of death inspires. "And Mademoiselle's address?" he asked. "BALLARAT. " "Quite so. "I fancy that I see your Grace's check-book upon the table," said he. " "That is Merripit House and the end of our journey. Her face, too, was streaked with grime, and at the best she could never have been handsome, for she had the exact physical characteristics which Holmes had divined, with, in addition, a long and obstinate chin. So, between the old sinner and the young one the girl has had a pretty bad time. Yet of the moderns there are many who scoff at all omens. Three hazel switches a day have I broke across his shoulders, and he takes no more notice than you have seen him to-day. Then came the Germans, and they also fought very bravely, so that one or two broke through the archers and came as far as the feather-bed, but all to no purpose. Her young womanhood had, I knew, been spent in rough scenes and under strange conditions. They were grouped round the bier in the early hours of the morning, when, to their inexpressible fear and astonishment, the door was flung open, and a savage-looking, weather-beaten man in tattered garments strode into the room. Then, with a sudden impulse, they all rushed in a howling crowd to the trees for shelter, leaving the ground behind them spotted with their stricken comrades. You then--" Ryder threw himself down suddenly upon the rug and clutched at my companion's knees. I beg you, sir, to say nothing to the police. In my position you can readily understand that it is unwise to place one's self under obligations. They advanced rapidly and noiselessly, with the confidence and dexterity of practised scouts. " "Were these men Americans--Californians?" "Well, I don't know about Californians. But, touching what you say of the river, we can take heed that we shall not have it at the back of us, for the prince hath now advanced to Salvatierra, and thence to Vittoria, so that if we come upon their camp from the further side we can make good our retreat. Holmes opened it and turned the contents out. A constable was standing at the kitchen door. " "Wonderful!" I ejaculated. "A more perfect compound of the bully, coward, and sneak than Master Silas Brown I have seldom met with," remarked Holmes as we trudged along together. " I stooped in some confusion and began to pick up the fruit, understanding for some reason my companion desired me to take the blame upon myself. For all that I knew the worst might have happened in my absence. Then it was withdrawn as suddenly as it appeared, and all was dark again save the single lurid spark which marked a chink between the stones. I whipped up the mare and we were there under the ten minutes. Then I called at the offices round, but none of them seemed to know anything about it. Surely, I thought, there are limits to mental detachment. There are but two boughs left upon this old, old Saxon trunk. Then you passed out and closed the window, standing on the lawn outside smoking a cigar and watching what occurred. Word had spread of what was going forward, and the rivals were already surrounded, not only by the English archers of the Company, but by hundreds of arbalestiers and men-at-arms from the bands of Ortingo and La Nuit, to the latter of which the Brabanter belonged. "There is a mark yonder on the hill," said he; "mayhap you can discern it. I think that you will agree with me that an interview with Mr. --"by re-reading your masterly address at Vienna. That lucid and admirable statement seems to be the last word in the matter. They may be darned sharp, but they're not quite sharp enough to catch a Washoe hunter. Creatures which were supposed to be Jurassic, monsters who would hunt down and devour our largest and fiercest mammals, still exist. " (Cries of "Bosh!" "Prove it!" "How do YOU know?" "Question!") "How do I know, you ask me? I know because I have visited their secret haunts. " "One more direction! I wish you to drive to Merripit House. I could not see her face in the darkness, but her arms were thrown out in an attitude of entreaty. " Aylward at this order came shuffling forward amid the trees, and in an instant the two men were clinging in each other's arms, laughing and shouting and patting each other in their delight; while old Sir Nigel came running with his sword, under the impression that some small bickering had broken out, only to embrace and be embraced himself, until all three were hoarse with their questions and outcries and congratulations. He looked her over in his searching fashion, and then composed himself, with his lids drooping and his finger-tips together, to listen to her story. Ready now to take letter, bring rope,--anything. " To take a letter! Why not? Perhaps he might bring help; but in any case he would ensure that our lives were not spent for nothing, and that news of all that we had won for Science should reach our friends at home. " "And ready to start with an exploring ship?" "Yes, sir. "You have given me fresh life and hope. You said that you wished to see me here to avoid scandal. " And so it happened that an hour or so later I found myself in the corner of a first-class carriage flying along en route for Exeter, while Sherlock Holmes, with his sharp, eager face framed in his ear-flapped travelling-cap, dipped rapidly into the bundle of fresh papers which he had procured at Paddington. My life depends upon it. We are willing to give 30 pounds a quarter, or 120 pounds a year, so as to recompense you for any little inconvenience which our fads may cause you. He was a tall man, full-bearded, with spectacles, one glass of which had been knocked out. "We are hunting together, Mr. Being the seventh of January, we have very properly laid in the new almanac. It was clear, from the moment of his rising, that he had a number of friends and sympathizers in the hall, though they formed a minority in the audience. But here are our comrades, Sir Nigel, and here is our camp. It is painful to have to say these things, but you leave me no choice. When we parted she was a free woman, but I could never again be a free man. I have told you now the whole truth, and if I withheld it from the police it is because I did not realize then the danger in which my dear friend stood. But how can one serve people who are so foolish and so ungrateful?" Whilst the Seneschal of Villefranche had been detailing the evil doings of his tenants, Alleyne had been unable to take his eyes from the face of Lady Tiphaine. " "Was there anything in your letter which might have unbalanced him or induced him to take such a step?" "No, sir, certainly not. In spite of his capacity for concealing his emotions, I could easily see that Holmes was in a state of suppressed excitement, while I was myself tingling with that half-sporting, half-intellectual pleasure which I invariably experienced when I associated myself with him in his investigations. These are only a few indications, but they may assist you. It was the body of a tall, well-made man, about forty years of age. That night, wearied as I was after the wonderful happenings of the day, I sat late with McArdle, the news editor, explaining to him the whole situation, which he thought important enough to bring next morning before the notice of Sir George Beaumont, the chief. " "Mrs. Give up the letter. " With doffed caps and eager hands, the comrades took their new and precious possessions, and pressed onwards upon their journey, leaving the aged palmer still seated under the cherry-tree. Never was our expedition in more imminent danger of complete annihilation. His face was ashy pale, beads of perspiration shone upon his brow, and his hands shook until the hunting-crop wagged like a branch in the wind. "It has been touch and go with him," said I, "but he'll live now. "Read it aloud. " The note was undated, and without either signature or address. "She was at much pains at my upbringing, and, by my soul! I will uphold the curve of her eyelashes, for it tickleth my very heart-root to think of her. It is kindly and homely to me to hear her voice and to feel that she is behind me. I have no wish to commit you to anything without your having it all laid before you. I wonder I didn't drop. " "How on earth did you do that?" "Look it up in the books, sir. " "And then you were together five years in California, so that this business dates back not less than eleven years at the least?" "That is so. The climb was a more simple thing now that the rope dangled down the face of the worst part of the ascent. The 500 pounds. The Boots pointed out the door to me, and was about to go downstairs again when I saw something that made me feel sickish, in spite of my twenty years' experience. Godfrey Staunton had crammed the note into his pocket. He would not go if he could help it. Whimsical and bizarre conceits of this kind are common enough in the annals of crime, and usually afford valuable indications as to the criminal. Do you follow all this?" "Very clearly. And in this letter you certainly have a very strong piece of evidence to corroborate your view. " "I am afraid that you will find it difficult. " "Yes, at the mines. " "If I come down to you, Silas, I may lay my belt across your shoulders," Aylward answered, amid a general shout of laughter. "You're the man we want to see. I acknowledged that I was. ' "Seeing that my client was anxious to leave, I said no more but, calling for my cashier, I ordered him to pay over fifty 1000 pound notes. Mary was the first to rush into my room, and, at the sight of the coronet and of Arthur's face, she read the whole story and, with a scream, fell down senseless on the ground. I crept round there last night and scratched at the window. He is small for his age, with a head which is quite disproportionately large. Yet there was much around to interest us, for we were passing through as singular a countryside as any in England, where a few scattered cottages represented the population of to-day, while on every hand enormous square-towered churches bristled up from the flat green landscape and told of the glory and prosperity of old East Anglia. " "You arouse my curiosity," said I. "I thought I had squeezed all the juice out of it, but I see there was a little over," he said. I have need of it this day, but it shall be duly returned to you. E. D. Malone, was observed to rise and to make his way to the back of the platform. " (All right, Mac, wait till I get you alone!) "When quiet had been restored and the audience resumed their seats after the ovation which they had given to the travelers, the chairman, the Duke of Durham, addressed the meeting. By the three kings! I would even go further, and say that I have done things with my arbalest which no Englishman could do with his long-bow. He then had it returned and obtained another--a most instructive incident, since it proved conclusively to my mind that we were dealing with a real hound, as no other supposition could explain this anxiety to obtain an old boot and this indifference to a new one. He is said to have about seven lawsuits upon his hands at present, which will probably swallow up the remainder of his fortune and so draw his sting and leave him harmless for the future. "These shoes," it ran, "were dug up in the moat of Holdernesse Hall. " "By St. There was no light save in the dining-room, but Holmes caught up the lamp and left no corner of the house unexplored. And from what? A sheep-dog of the moor? Or a spectral hound, black, silent, and monstrous? Was there a human agency in the matter? Did the pale, watchful Barrymore know more than he cared to say? It was all dim and vague, but always there is the dark shadow of crime behind it. He sends me a thousand at a time, and I grieve to say that I have to arrange for a fresh supply every fortnight. But he's a good-hearted old chap. " Again there was the struggle upon McMurdo's face, and again it set like granite. " "And then you were together five years in California, so that this business dates back not less than eleven years at the least?" "That is so. "I could never learn, for he was carried within the barrier, and as I had chanced to break the bone of my leg it was a great unease for me to ride or even to stand. Scanlan groaned sympathetically. The horrible screams of the dead manager's wife pursued them as they hurried to the town. When this was drawn it disclosed a large, brass-bound safe. Could you give me the date when Beppo was arrested?" "I could tell you roughly by the pay-list," the manager answered. "No, here," he said. " "You have not been here before last night?" "No. " That was always the way. " "It is quite certain that when Mrs. " "Did you take any messages to Mr. "There, I didn't mean that," she said; "of course, you are a friend now. I'm a Freeman myself. " "I confess that I do not see what we can hope for here," said Professor Summerlee. "Is he safe?" she asked. But within a year at the furthest we will leave the valley behind us. It was not easy to pick one's steps, but, on the whole, I was inclined to dismiss the idea that there had been anything between the Colonel and Miss Morrison, but more than ever convinced that the young lady held the clue as to what it was which had turned Mrs. He had turned his back so that none could see him but I. He was clad in a professional but rather slovenly fashion, for his frock-coat was dingy and his trousers frayed. I stood dumb with astonishment, watching him from the darkness. I know it, and I want you to start upon your work knowing it, too. I thought that I would just ask you whether you had heard it. " "In this case, however--" "I never make exceptions. "Is that the treasure, then?" she asked, coolly enough. "No, it certainly is not. " "Well, young fellah, when you do you'll learn that once fairly out on a round, it would take the crack of doom to stop a true golfer. "Well, well," said he presently with an exclamation of satisfaction, "things are turning a little in our direction at last. I'd put him at forty years of age, and he was of a middle height, two or three inches shorter than you, sir. " "No, it's not him yet. " "I should like to have a glance round. But don't trouble to trace the mysterious gentleman upon the bicycle. " He slapped the German upon the shoulder with a rough familiarity from which the other winced. I tried it when I came to Croydon, and we kept on until about two months ago, when we had to part. I'd have waited a little longer if it hadn't come to my knowledge that my secret was coming out. " "No, it's not him yet. " "If the treaty had reached, let us say, the French or Russian Foreign Office, you would expect to hear of it?" "I should," said Lord Holdhurst, with a wry face. You have known my father and my kin: is not my family one of good standing and repute?" "Beyond all question. I have even heard that you go the length of boxing with the young officers. He was to bring his boat round on a certain night to an old wharf which was never guarded, and there he was to pick me up. His conversation, I remember, was about the Bertillon system of measurements, and he expressed his enthusiastic admiration of the French savant. So startling would his results appear to the uninitiated that until they learned the processes by which he had arrived at them they might well consider him as a necromancer. And, certes, had the two visages alone been seen, and the stranger been asked which were the more likely to belong to the bold warrior whose name was loved by the roughest soldiery of Europe, he had assuredly selected the lady's. Quick, Watson--quick, or we are done!" He sprang through a gate into a field, dragging the reluctant Pompey after him. There was the huge famished brute, its black muzzle buried in Rucastle's throat, while he writhed and screamed upon the ground. Andrew, where he hath kept his court these years back. With wonder and admiration, Alleyne, leaning over the bulwarks, gazed at the forest of masts, the swarm of boats darting hither and thither on the bosom of the broad curving stream, and the gray crescent-shaped city which stretched with many a tower and minaret along the western shore. Lestrade. He got himself into a fog recently over a forgery case, and that was what brought him here. The screams were repeated for the amusement of the lodge. As the mist parted, and the sun broke through, it gleamed and shimmered with dazzling brightness upon the armor and headpieces of a vast body of horsemen who stretched across the barranca from one cliff to the other, and extended backwards until their rear guard were far out upon the plain beyond. "Someone is moving in that room," said Holmes in a whisper, his gaunt and eager face thrust forward to the window-pane. "Yes, I can see his shadow. Half of it is yours and half is Thaddeus Sholto's. That's all right! Don't wait to talk or think. It all comes down to this: That there are some men that have good cause to hate me and would give their last dollar to know that they had got me. I have no idea what backward sweep of memory had brought the matter fresh to his mind, or what freak had caused him to desire that I should recount it; but I hasten, before another cancelling telegram may arrive, to hunt out the notes which give me the exact details of the case and to lay the narrative before my readers. If you are forewarned you will be the more ready to make allowances. Chapter III In Quest of a Solution It was half-past five before Holmes returned. "Toby has lost his character for infallibility. " "He acted according to his lights," said Holmes, lifting him down from the barrel and walking him out of the timber-yard. " "Then, when the row broke out, I had a little moist red paint in the palm of my hand. Holmes tore it open and burst out laughing. I was convinced, from his intent face and his purposeful manner, that at last he was upon a clue. " "Alack and alas for the fairest and sweetest!" she cried. "The road to Montaubon is over the river, and so through Quercy and the Agenois. The only effect was that the larger ones became detached and threatened to roll down the gradient and crush us. " "Which surely he restored to their owner?" "My dear fellow, there lies the problem. " "He said too much. " "And from what?" "From your slippers. His boots, too, might be told from their traces. This symptom was prevalent among all who had died from the poison. Mrs. Marker is prepared to swear that the professor was still in his night-clothes, and indeed it was impossible for him to dress without the help of Mortimer, whose orders were to come at twelve o'clock. "Did you dust this bureau yesterday morning?" "Yes, sir. Mrs. Allen, the housekeeper, had taken her upstairs and stayed with her in the bedroom. The housekeeper's room was rather nearer to the front of the house than the pantry in which Ames had been working. "Professor Challenger--personal--views--later," were the solid peaks above his clouds of inaudible mutter. The interrupter bowed, smiled, stroked his beard, and relapsed into his chair. With a scream of terror I turned and rushed wildly down the path. The Elder to whose care the two waifs had been committed, led them to his waggon, where a meal was already awaiting them. Through the window we could dimly discern that a young man was seated inside. He managed to find employment with Morse Hudson, and in that way tracked down three of them. "'Would you murder me?' he stammered. "'There is no murder,' I answered. There cannot be any missing,' said he. He had always laughed at what he called my cock-and-bull story about the colonel, but he looked very scared and puzzled now that the same thing had come upon himself. And yet that Indian was a sly fellow also. What can it mean? Surely my whole chain of reasoning cannot have been false. "Interview with Mr. Soley Wilson. " "Famous Specialist says 'Never despair!'" "Our Special Correspondent found the eminent scientist seated upon the roof, whither he had retreated to avoid the crowd of terrified patients who had stormed his dwelling. It is, as you are probably aware, only a fuller and more detailed version of the account which appeared in the Monday edition of the Daily Gazette--an account which has been universally admitted to be the greatest journalistic scoop of all time, which sold no fewer than three-and-a-half million copies of the paper. "There must be no mistake," said Holmes, looking round at him. "You can put that consideration out of the question. Holmes, but perhaps your friend here has not heard of it. I was some little way off, so that I could not make out the features, but there was something unnatural and inhuman about the face. Meanwhile I will simply show you how capable my apparatus is of supporting the weight of each of us. "A lady yesterday entered your study. "Why should he take the horse out of the stable? If he wished to injure it why could he not do it there? Has a duplicate key been found in his possession? What chemist sold him the powdered opium? Above all, where could he, a stranger to the district, hide a horse, and such a horse as this? What is his own explanation as to the paper which he wished the maid to give to the stable-boy?" "He says that it was a ten-pound note. " Then a sudden suspicion seized her. They left on Tuesday. Nothing more is known of them until Mr. But I take it that it is more likely to be some crony of the landlady's. Instead we were faced by an object so strange and so unexpected that we stood for a moment staring at it in amazement. In self-defence I stabbed him to the heart. Outside the street was absolutely deserted. Its reflection was shot back in ruddy patches by the distant pools which lay amid the great Grimpen Mire. Its owner grabbed at its legs, but too late to hold it. Its owner grabbed at its legs, but too late to hold it. There were the two towers of Baskerville Hall, and there a distant blur of smoke which marked the village of Grimpen. "What's the meaning of this?" I heard him say at last in a dry, rasping tone. " We heard the roar of it, and presently it came flying into sight, going at what seemed to me to be a prodigious speed. "No doubt you think that you are complimenting me in comparing me to Dupin," he observed. " "You can take him to the mortuary now," he said. At Holmes' request I walked down the bank to the right, and he to the left, but I had not taken fifty paces before I heard him give a shout, and saw him waving his hand to me. "I heard a cab drive up," she said. " "But what does it all mean?" I asked. It was evident that to his intensely aristocratic nature this discussion of his intimate family affairs with a stranger was most abhorrent, and that he feared lest every fresh question would throw a fiercer light into the discreetly shadowed corners of his ducal history. "Meanwhile," said he, "I have hardly had time to think over all that you have told me. It's a big thing for a man to have to understand and to decide at one sitting. Your name is made, but I have still to make mine. I married, and so left the hospital, and with it all hopes of a consulting practice. If Sarah had been there, by the Lord, she should have joined them. I lit a cigar, and puffed at it to steady my nerves, but my hands were trembling, and my temples throbbing with excitement. "It is, of course, well known to you that in a successful banking business as much depends upon our being able to find remunerative investments for our funds as upon our increasing our connection and the number of our depositors. "This night hath over wrought you, and your senses play you false. "Ha! you find it so?" "Extremely so. "I know you, you scoundrel! I have heard of you before. Mac," said he, kneeling down beside the body. "I wish you luck with your worm. " "Eh? What was that?" "I say that I have solved it. Otherwise they could not have imagined that I had returned to my rooms. Now, in this case there was not the slightest doubt in my mind from the first that the key of the whole matter must be looked for in the scrap of paper in the dead man's hand. " Our visitor had gulped off the brandy and the colour had returned to his face. I feel that there is reason lurking in you somewhere, so we will patiently grope round for it. So it ended by my accepting, and I went down to Chiltern Grange, about six miles from Farnham. For Sir Alleyne Edricson and for his beautiful bride the future had also naught but what was good. This and a certain tinge of superstition were the only unusual traits in his character which his brother officers had observed. The Manor House, with its many gables and its small diamond-paned windows, was still much as the builder had left it in the early seventeenth century. "Do you know, Watson," said Holmes as we sat together in the gathering darkness, "I have really some scruples as to taking you to-night. " "And Joseph! Joseph a villain and a thief!" "Hum! I am afraid Joseph's character is a rather deeper and more dangerous one than one might judge from his appearance. Holmes then threw the handkerchief to a distance, fastened a stout cord to the mongrel's collar, and led him to the foot of the water-barrel. " "It amounted, if I am correctly informed, to five thousand pounds to anyone who will tell you where your son is?" "Exactly. If this valley is closed to me and I can never come back, how can I leave you behind, and me perhaps in hiding from the police with never a chance of a message? It's with me you must come. And yet all that gentle loveliness of nature made this terrific and wholesale destruction the more pitiable and awful. Sherlock Holmes were beaten by a woman's wit. The look of anger passed in an instant from his face. But the glories of the landscape were all wasted upon my companion, who was sunk in the deepest thought. "We were shut up in Bhurtee, the regiment of us with half a battery of artillery, a company of Sikhs, and a lot of civilians and women-folk. " A minute later we were all seated in a comfortable landau, and were rattling through the quaint old Devonshire city. James of Compostella, who hath already befriended us this day, and on whose feast I hereby vow that I shall eat a second carp, if he will but interpose a second time. See to the broadcloth and velvet that the rogues bear upon their backs! By my troth! if they were my subjects they would be glad enough to wear falding and leather ere I had done with them. But mayhap it is best to let the wool grow long ere you clip it. All this may in time be forgotten. " "Alas! that I should say it, but I also am now the only Edricson. I am going through the City first, and we can have some lunch on the way. If the good will lock themselves up, and if the wicked will still wander free, then alas for the world!" Alleyne looked at her in astonishment, for her cheek was flushed, her eyes gleaming, and her whole pose full of eloquence and conviction. But if you have why, then, how could any gentleman ask you to condescend to accept anything under the three figures? Your salary with me, madam, would commence at 100 pounds a year. " "It is our pride," the prince answered coldly, "that we rule over freemen and not slaves. From the northern gate the prince and his companions looked down at a dark sea of heads, brightened here and there by the colored hoods of the women, or by the sparkling head-pieces of archers and men-at-arms. To right and left of the turrets were more modern wings of black granite. My first impulse was to tell Sir Henry all my plans. She followed me, however, before I could close the door. Now, when young ladies wander about the metropolis at this hour of the morning, and knock sleepy people up out of their beds, I presume that it is something very pressing which they have to communicate. Smith, when they got the boat. His health--well, I don't know that it's better nor worse for the smoking. It was I who lit the lamp some minutes afterward. The man who held out against the Church vanished away, and none knew whither he had gone or what had befallen him. There were some papers of importance in the cupboard, but there were no signs that this had been tampered with, and the professor assures me that nothing was missing. " "But James knew nothing of that. "You brought it upon yourself, John Tranter," said the tall squire, who had been addressed as Roger Harcomb. "You will convey the very impression which is in your own mind--a dying man--a dying and delirious man. " "You will excuse my anxiety, Miss Morstan," he remarked, airily. "If your Grace wishes----" "Yes, yes, you had better go. " I relapsed into my chair. " "You have been blind to much that is goodly and fair," quoth Sir Nigel, "but you have also been spared much that is sorry and foul. " "Challenger's sketch-book. " "He hailed me at half-past nine in Trafalgar Square. "By the way, what do you give him?" "Five hundred pounds for this particular job. Paul!" said the knight, "our good merchant of Southampton hath not played us false, for methinks I can see our ship down yonder. Did you not spy a crooked man upon the beach?" "Nay, I spied nothing," grumbled Sir Oliver, "for I was hurried down with a clam stuck in my gizzard and an untasted goblet of Cyprus on the board behind me. Lead on, Godfrey! A new golden pyx will shine in the minster of Dinan if we come safely through with it. " The attention of the insurgents had been drawn away from murder to plunder, and all over the castle might be heard their cries and whoops of delight as they dragged forth the rich tapestries, the silver flagons, and the carved furniture. "You work your own method, and I shall work mine. " We both put our eyes to the grating. " "But not more so than I to find you. You're all bees without stings, so far as lookin' after the hive goes. You ought to know where she is. You aided her to escape. That is your record in this business, Mr. Great sorrow or great joy should bring intense hunger--not abstinence from food, as our novelists will have it. " "That's why the country folk have great feasts at funerals," I hazarded. It's an ugly business, Watson, an ugly dangerous business, and the more I see of it the less I like it. Warren's lodger. It sounds plausible, does it not? The mysterious one could understand English, even if he could not print it. I pray you then my fair dove, that you will vouchsafe to me one of those doeskin gloves, that I may wear it as the badge of her whose servant I shall ever be. I sprang up and rang for the servant. To hear his quick step moving here and moving there from early morning to late at night, and yet never to catch so much as a glimpse of him--it's more than I can stand. At last he started in his chair, and his eyes brightened. "The cunning dog has covered his tracks," said he. " "What the plague did you ask me for then?" said Simon. You do not imagine that if I were the pursuer I should allow myself to be baffled by so slight an obstacle. Let us see, now. Yours faithfully, JEPHRO RUCASTLE. W. WINDLE D. M. ," I read. Another heading was "Argentine," another "Costa Rica," and another "San Paulo," each with pages of signs and figures after it. So! It is ready for them. " They were not long in coming. That is actually sketched from the life. You may have heard me upon the telephone. " He struck his stick sharply upon the ground, on which a cabman, his whip in his hand, sauntered over from a four-wheeler which stood on the far side of the street. I rushed forward, fell down, clapped my hand to my face, and became a piteous spectacle. This was the power which now carried me onwards. But we shall have horrors enough before the night is over; for goodness' sake let us have a quiet pipe and turn our minds for a few hours to something more cheerful. "Look here, Lestrade," said he, "has that constable in the passage been in charge of the place all the time?" "Yes, he has. "You see that plant behind the animal; I suppose you thought it was a dandelion or a Brussels sprout--what? Well, it is a vegetable ivory palm, and they run to about fifty or sixty feet. Douglas in a boarding house in London, did you not, and became engaged to him there? Was there any romance, anything secret or mysterious, about the wedding?" "There was romance. It was at Tunbridge Wells then that he had become conscious of some danger. On the other hand, he had never seen this brother since childhood, and the reports which had come to his ears concerning him were seldom to his advantage. Suddenly as we looked at her we saw a dense black cloud of smoke shoot up from her, which hung like a monstrous tree upon the sky line. "It is a Spanish call, my fair lord," said Black Simon. " He curled himself up in his chair, with his thin knees drawn up to his hawk-like nose, and there he sat with his eyes closed and his black clay pipe thrusting out like the bill of some strange bird. "Then that explains what the girl said. The sooner we start the better, as the fellow may put out his light and be off. They stood with their heads close together, talking in low, confidential tones. They were big fellows, as big as a man and a deal stronger. Sir Nigel was a slight man of poor stature, with soft lisping voice and gentle ways. We tore away his collar, and Holmes breathed a prayer of gratitude when we saw that there was no sign of a wound and that the rescue had been in time. Lestrade, of Scotland Yard, very solemn and impressive, was ushered into our modest sitting-room. One morning a young girl called, fashionably dressed, and stayed for half an hour or more. He and I seemed to be the only living things between the huge arch of the sky and the desert beneath it. "Now, Watson," said he. "Mr. Josiah Brown, I suppose?" said Holmes. Sandeford, of Lower Grove Road, Reading. "Yes, sir, I fear that I am a little late, but the trains were awkward. Old Acton, who is one of our county magnates, had his house broken into last Monday. But the maiden herself was most instructive. They might possibly float up against a ship, or a sleeping whale, or become entangled in seaweed. Have you the tools?" "They are here, in my overcoat. Roundhay?" "No, Mr. Holmes. With a shriek of joy our client clutched it up. In a few seconds she moaned, stirred, and sat up. " "What you say certainly sounds plausible. But his eyes, like my own, are the worse for wars. Let us for a moment consider the difficulties which stand in the way. The sky may darken, and the clouds may gather, and again the day may come when Britain may have sore need of her children, on whatever shore of the sea they be found. The third fellow paced up and down. It would not be very loud, and yet in the silence of the night it should have easily penetrated to Mrs. "I nearly fell into the error of supposing that you were typewriting. Suddenly it ceased, and I heard voices, and a scuffle, with the sound of blows. A few seconds later a roar like thunder burst upon our ears, and as the smoke thinned away there was no sign left of the _Gloria Scott_. Thus at the very moment that we thought that all was safe we were all four seized and brought to trial on a charge of murder,--three of us because we had held the gate that night, and the fourth because he was known to have been in the company of the murdered man. Had I the literary touch, they might have been worthy of the occasion. " "Ha! The attack may not have been entirely unexpected. Holmes, do you mean to tell me that, all the time I was talking to Bannister in this room, we had the man prisoner if we had only known it?" "So I read it. " The various bedrooms and sitting-rooms had yielded nothing to a careful search. This brutal preliminary seemed to shadow forth some strange and inexplicable horror in the background. When our friends left I at once followed them in the hopes of marking down their invisible attendant. What was his horror one evening to meet in the streets the very man who had initiated him in Naples, the giant Gorgiano, a man who had earned the name of 'Death' in the south of Italy, for he was red to the elbow in murder! He had come to New York to avoid the Italian police, and he had already planted a branch of this dreadful society in his new home. " "You are of such value to me," he cried, in a whirl of hot, passionate words, "that all else has become nought. "What then, Sir John?" asked the prince. Yes, sir, it was I who sold Dr. There he is!" There was a violent peal at the bell, and in a few seconds the fair-haired detective came up the stairs, three steps at a time, and burst into our sitting-room. " "I confess," said I, "that I do not quite follow you. Now, Mr. Far down the road a long-legged figure was running, with a bundle under one arm and the other hand to his side, like a man who laughs until he is sore. How long they seemed, those quarters! Twelve struck, and one and two and three, and still we sat waiting silently for whatever might befall. How there was Stir at the Abbey of St. How the Brushwood Men came to the Chateau of Villefranche XXXI. "Stand forth, and let me clip thee. "A nice trap!" cried the high, snarling voice. There was dense fog, however, and nothing could be seen. It has all been done before. "Let me see," said Holmes, standing at the corner and glancing along the line, "I should like just to remember the order of the houses here. I take it, in the first place, that neither of us is prepared to admit diabolical intrusions into the affairs of men. "'"Ah, my boy," said he, "it is all very well to talk, but you don't know how I am placed. But you shall know, Victor. I can't understand a spry man of the union finding no work to do in Chicago. Then the charge against him will break down. " "We shall follow the Lot until we come to Cahors, and then cross the marches into Villefranche," said Sir Nigel. "I was only testing you, and you ring true every time. "There was a day when, from Trent to Tweed, there was no better marksman than Robin Heathcot. "The maid's words have done me no scath. " "Quite so. "And I can see men-at-arms in yonder boats which ply betwixt the vessel and the shore. It is very hot for the time of year; and I have had a good deal to worry and try me. "Well, when he saw that they were indeed the proofs, it was then that he yielded to temptation. 'E's a very clever man, the master--so clever that 'e's clean balmy sometimes. I've seen 'im right off 'is onion, and no error. " "Signals?" "Yes, from that window. Holmes stuck his feet up on the corner of the mantelpiece and, leaning back with his hands in his pockets, began talking, rather to himself, as it seemed, than to us. "I don't think any one could make much of this," said he. "Better close the front door," cried Holmes, and we all rushed down the stairs together. We had hardly reached the hall when we heard the baying of a hound, and then a scream of agony, with a horrible worrying sound which it was dreadful to listen to. It was quite necessary for us to find some one to take his place, and we were fortunate in hearing of your powers. The world has paid a fearful price for its schooling. The key, having served its purpose, would be hurled away. Captain Morstan showed me his name among a list of passengers in one of the mail-boats very shortly afterwards. The only person in London whom he could have visited is Major Sholto. The sandal-wearing Mohammedan has the great toe well separated from the others, because the thong is commonly passed between. It is melancholy outside and in. They talk of woman's instinct; perhaps it was woman's instinct which gave me that feeling. But what is the truth? The night I joined you beat up old man Stanger. There's the devilish cunning of it! If he were acting through a human agent we could get some evidence, but if we were to drag this great dog to the light of day it would not help us in putting a rope round the neck of its master. And now for lunch, and then for Norman Neruda. The house was forbidden him; but when he tapped at the window Ettie came out to him. He has broken the rules in some fashion. Tell me what is your purpose, and see if he may not aid it. " "Thank you," said my patient, "but I have felt another man since the doctor bandaged me, and I think that your breakfast has completed the cure. Far away between the black lines of trunks the quick glitter of steel marked where the Company pursued its way. " "This gentleman?" she asked, facing round to me. Takes you as cramp, I fancy. " "Yes, yes; it is cramp. It was a magnificent specimen of the jeweller's art, and the thirty-six stones were the finest that I have ever seen. Sherlock Holmes. It was addressed to him, and ran thus: Please await me. She would not herself stay in the house another day and was starting that very afternoon to rejoin her family at St. "'Jephro,' said she, 'there is an impertinent fellow upon the road there who stares up at Miss Hunter. ' "'No friend of yours, Miss Hunter?' he asked. Apply them!" "I can only think of the obvious conclusion that the man has practised in town before going to the country. " "What on earth does this mean?" I ejaculated after I had twice read over the extraordinary announcement. " "Why not?" "He was murdered in his house last night. " "Yes. "Pray be precise as to details," said he. And you, sir? I can recommend them, for I have them especially prepared by Ionides, of Alexandria. Gregson," said the American, looking across at the official, "I don't know what your British point of view may be, but I guess that in New York this lady's husband will receive a pretty general vote of thanks. " "She will have to come with me and see the chief," Gregson answered. " "It is such men as he," retorted Micheldene, "who are like rats in a wheat-rick or moths in a woolfels, a harm and a hindrance to all peaceful and honest men. " "My dear fellow, you shall keep watch in the street. There is one other small point upon which I desire some light. I could see nothing recorded in the shape of crime which was not commonplace and futile. It was as ear-splitting as any whistle of a railway-engine; but whereas the whistle is a clear, mechanical, sharp-edged sound, this was far deeper in volume and vibrant with the uttermost strain of agony and horror. I have heard that at Twynham Castle there is a buffet which groans beneath the weight of his prizes. Once--well, I can hardly tell about the once to an official detective. It was on the last occasion that I took the liberty of running over his papers--with the most unexpected results. It was a stone-flagged room upon the second floor, with a bed in a recess for him, and two smaller pallets on the other side, on which Aylward and Hordle John were already snoring. "At first the maid thought that young Smith was already dead, but on pouring some water from the carafe over his forehead he opened his eyes for an instant. The small matter in which I endeavoured to help the King of Bohemia, the singular experience of Miss Mary Sutherland, the problem connected with the man with the twisted lip, and the incident of the noble bachelor, were all matters which are outside the pale of the law. "I came down, sir," said he, "because our people in America would very much like to hear more about this danger which is, in your opinion, pressing upon the world. "We may thank our stars that it is not raining. " "Excellent," said Sherlock Holmes. If this valley is closed to me and I can never come back, how can I leave you behind, and me perhaps in hiding from the police with never a chance of a message? It's with me you must come. " A sudden idea occurred to me, and I took the candle from the trembling hand of the butler. The waves have driven in the sail wherewith we strove to stop the hole. " "That is most important," said Holmes. Melas. "We may need an interpreter. I think we might employ it in getting some dinner and then, Lestrade, we will take the London fog out of your throat by giving you a breath of the pure night air of Dartmoor. Having taken the printed description. Do you understand?" "Entirely. " "Then my servant will call a cab, and I shall be with you in an instant. "There was the taking of the sea-rovers, and the holding of the keep against the Jacks. When I looked in at the window, I found Drebber all huddled together in a drunken sleep. "That was how Enoch Drebber came to his end. In this way we may have sight of their army, and perchance even find occasion for some small deed against them. "Whatever have you been doing with yourself, Watson?" he asked in undisguised wonder, as we rattled through the crowded London streets. " "Look here!" said McMurdo sternly. You have only to lay it before the proper authorities. You'll be more likely to get a confession out of him alone. But I'm sure I am exceedingly obliged to you, Mr. It was now broad daylight. More than one person fainted at the mere sight of him, so terrible was the effect. But you can take it from me, gentlemen, if it was my last word, that no man ever had a more loving, faithful wife--and I can say also no friend could be more loyal than I!" It was spoken with fervour and feeling, and yet Inspector MacDonald could not dismiss the subject. With your permission I will read it to you. Often it was only the smallest trace, Watson, the faintest indication, and yet it was enough to tell me that the great malignant brain was there, as the gentlest tremors of the edges of the web remind one of the foul spider which lurks in the centre. Petty thefts, wanton assaults, purposeless outrage--to the man who held the clue all could be worked into one connected whole. To the scientific student of the higher criminal world, no capital in Europe offered the advantages which London then possessed. It was then with a lighter heart and a stouter courage that the young man turned from the Abbot's room, while the latter, following him to the stair-head, finally commended him to the protection of the holy Julian, patron of travellers. Its general shape was that of a shallow funnel, all the sides sloping down to a considerable lake in the center. It had sprung from the perch and was circling slowly round the Queen's Hall with a dry, leathery flapping of its ten-foot wings, while a putrid and insidious odor pervaded the room. What passion of hatred can it be which leads a man to lurk in such a place at such a time! And what deep and earnest purpose can he have which calls for such a trial! There, in that hut upon the moor, seems to lie the very centre of that problem which has vexed me so sorely. And yet he would not so much as let me touch the tips of her fingers. " "And the churches!" cried Alleyne. " "Well, I am an honest man, though not a very rich one. "How many have you in your train?" asked the prince, assuming a graver mien. "And how with the good Queen Philippa?" "And how with Dame Alice Perrers?" cried a third. " But she had not recovered from that sudden glimpse of guilty fear which she had read in the man's face. " "I wish to heavens that you would, Mr. " "None of those which come to me are. "I think, my friends, that a further delay in this insufferable atmosphere is hardly advisable. " "Words, words!" shouted the other furiously. " "Exactly. The narrow passage led us into a quadrangle paved with flags and lined by sordid dwellings. Gregson flung it open and held his light full blaze in front of him, while we all peered eagerly over his shoulders. There's three folk come out since he went in, but I'll swear he wasn't one of them. Get your things on, and I'll be ready at the door by ten o'clock. " "Is this your land, then?" gasped Alleyne. I then inquired as to the vessels which lay at present in the port of London. I sat up with Sir Henry in his rooms until nearly three o'clock in the morning, but no sound of any sort did we hear except the chiming clock upon the stairs. In he walked, a middle-sized, dark-haired, dark-eyed, black-bearded man, with a touch of the Sheeny about his nose. There's coffee on the table, Watson, and I have a cab at the door. " "Surely we have a case. How about this mysterious ally? How came he into the room?" "Yes, the ally!" repeated Holmes, pensively. Suddenly there was the momentary gleam of a light up in the direction of the ventilator, which vanished immediately, but was succeeded by a strong smell of burning oil and heated metal. I was not absolutely alone in the world. I begged a fortnight's grace from the creditor, asked for a holiday from my employers, and spent the time in begging in the City under my disguise. I did not even knock when I reached it, but turned the handle and rushed into the passage. He is not an Englishman. He had prospered well, and Barker had first met him in California, where they had become partners in a successful mining claim at a place called Benito Canyon. He spoke perfect English, was pleasing in his manners, and as good-looking a man as ever I saw in my life. Now the great salt plain stretched before his eyes, and the distant belt of savage mountains, without a sign anywhere of plant or tree, which might indicate the presence of moisture. ' He drew up his chair very close to mine and began to stare at me again with the same questioning and thoughtful look. As we went I glanced back, and there was that yellow livid face watching us out of the upper window. On the cliffs on either side might also be seen the flash of arms and the waving of pennons where the force of Navarre looked down upon the army of strangers who passed through their territories. SEA UNICORN, Dundee. ' This seemed to establish that the crime had been done in a moment of fury, and that the murderer had seized the first weapon which came in his way. 'That is the way to prosper! You won't mind my testing you, will you? Let me see. How are Ayrshires?' "'A hundred and six and a quarter to a hundred and five and seven-eighths. How the White Company set forth to the Wars XIV. How Hordle John Found a Man whom he Might Follow XI. How Roger Club-foot was Passed into Paradise XXVIII. "He either avoids the place for weeks, or else he works there from morning to night. " "And has your business been attended to in your absence?" "Nothing to complain of, sir. You know what woman's instincts are. You aided her to escape. "Oh, you can leave me to deal with him then. "The door of death is indeed, as you said, hung with beautiful, shimmering curtains; for, once the choking feeling had passed, it was all unspeakably soothing and beautiful. "Now, by the keys of Peter! I had rather that hand withered and tongue was palsied ere I had struck or miscalled you. "Have you any change in your pocket?" "Yes. "And good?" "As an angel. The hand of God is leading us under the person of our Prophet. So they lived, these men, in their own lusty, cheery fashion--rude and rough, but honest, kindly and true. I spent three days in wiring to Dundee, and at the end of that time I had ascertained the names of the crew of the SEA UNICORN in 1883. Holmes, you know the people who live under my roof, and I shall continue with my miserable story. " My friend shook his head. Holmes, I could not! On the one side seemed certain ruin, on the other, terrible as it seemed to take my husband's paper, still in a matter of politics I could not understand the consequences, while in a matter of love and trust they were only too clear to me. I offered the lady marriage, but she refused it on the grounds that such a match might mar my career. Now, what did you gather from that woman's appearance? Describe it. You mentioned your name, as if I should recognize it, but I assure you that, beyond the obvious facts that you are a bachelor, a solicitor, a Freemason, and an asthmatic, I know nothing whatever about you. We can't have this reign of terror, Mr. It argues the degree in which I had lost touch with my profession that the name of Leslie Armstrong was unknown to me. The charwomen are in the habit of taking off their boots at the commissionnaire's office, and putting on list slippers. On the eve of the contest the peasants flocked in from the whole district of the Medoc, and the fields beyond the walls were whitened with the tents of those who could find no warmer lodging. Where have her children not gone? What have they not done? Her banner is planted on ice. " "Have you been in it since your adventure?" "No, I came straight away for you. "Count the cost! Your brain may, as you say, be roused and excited, but it is a pathological and morbid process, which involves increased tissue-change and may at last leave a permanent weakness. You know, too, what a black reaction comes upon you. Never mind your usual petty puzzles of the police-court. It's a vital international problem that you have to solve. I mind that you said it was a splay-foot, and here's the explanation. We can compare notes afterwards, and each will supplement the other. "One night, when Gennaro returned from his work, he brought a fellow-countryman back with him. The other is my wife, and I can answer for it that the sound could not have come from her. The key, having served its purpose, would be hurled away. He was free of the community from that time on. You will understand now how it was that I strove to keep the peace with him, and you will in some measure sympathize with me in the fears which fill me, now that he has gone from me to his other victim with threats upon his tongue. They spoke of those hours of burrowing. They were buzzards, the vultures of the west, whose coming is the forerunner of death. He was a man about five foot nine in height, fifty or so years of age, his hair slightly grizzled, a grayish moustache, a curved nose, and a face which all of them described as fierce and forbidding. Bernstone, were both released yesterday evening. It is quite certain that the thief or thieves were well acquainted with the house, for Mr. There are no footsteps nor any clue to the criminals. Now it returned. Her eyes shone with the joy of living, and her face still quivered with amusement at some remark of her companion. We passed round the lawn to the outside of the young diplomatist's window. Know you aught of Spain, Sir Oliver?" "Nought, my sire, save that I have heard men say that there is a dish named an olla which is prepared there, though I have never been clear in my mind as to whether it was but a ragout such as is to be found in the south, or whether there is some seasoning such as fennel or garlic which is peculiar to Spain. When every man's grip is on his neighbor's throat, and every five-sous-piece of a baron is marching with tuck of drum to fight whom he will, it would be a strange thing if five hundred brave English boys could not pick up a living. Could there be a better hiding-place?" "Ah, a hiding-place--that is better!" cried Stanley Hopkins. But now we come to a sinister fact. A dark-blue oar crossed with a cherry-pink one above his mantel-piece spoke of the old Oxonian and Leander man, while the foils and boxing-gloves above and below them were the tools of a man who had won supremacy with each. Holmes dashed into the crowd to protect the lady; but just as he reached her he gave a cry and dropped to the ground, with the blood running freely down his face. "He is his own master, and would act as his own judgment directed. "I guess somebody else made the country in these parts. He is a wondrous large and strong man, with no ruth for man, woman, or beast. If you could persuade him to come here and give us the benefit of his unique experience of this disease, the investigation of which has been his dearest hobby, I cannot doubt that he could help me. With indomitable patience and perseverance, Jefferson Hope possessed also a power of sustained vindictiveness, which he may have learned from the Indians amongst whom he had lived. For a moment it seemed as though he would have reached it, for he had trampled over or dashed aside the archers who threw themselves in his way; but Hordle John seized him by the foot in his grasp of iron and dragged him from the saddle, while two others caught the frightened horse. I was surprised, therefore, when, one morning in June, as I sat reading the British Medical Journal after breakfast, I heard a ring at the bell, followed by the high, somewhat strident tones of my old companion's voice. Sherlock Holmes to undertake the conduct of this case. "I am Mr. I pray you, friend, to give us 'The Bells of Milton,' or, if you will, 'The Franklin's Maid. The writing is undoubtedly my uncle's. " "Absolutely," said Holmes. " "Would he not have hidden a couple, had he desired to give the idea that they had gone off upon them?" "I suppose he would. It was a most petrifying experience. "What can it mean?" I gasped. "They will say that you are an infernal liar and a scientific charlatan, exactly as you and others said of me. I brought them because I had heard that you can read great things out of small ones. "I will now cut one of these pills in two," said Holmes, and drawing his penknife he suited the action to the word. " "The key!" ejaculated Phelps. Simon shook his head. We got into a cab together, and away we drove to some lodgings he had taken in Gordon Square, and that was my true wedding after all those years of waiting. "Make them wait till to-morrow, Zambo," I shouted; "then I can send letter back by them. " "Very good, sarr! I promise they wait till to-morrow," said the negro. But it is bad enough that one should misuse you. Holmes?" "Well, you put the case strongly," my friend replied thoughtfully. " "But we have no warrant for his arrest. "These strange men are our friends. "I marvel that ye should have come upon none of them before, for across the water they are as common as gallybaggers. I seem to remember flopping over by the step. He sets his kingdom up to the best bidder, like some scullion farrier selling a glandered horse. Suddenly, however, he broke out into a sharp, querulous cry. He was again in the grip of his mysterious malady. "He is coming," he said. This would be in the year 1878, after he had been eight or nine years in England. The real reason lay in the reluctance which Mr. It is probable that he imagined his crime to be a bloodless one, and hoped that if the body were consumed it would hide all traces of the method of his death--traces which, for some reason, must have pointed to him. I don't know that your assistant is not as remarkable as your advertisement. The Inspector and I must have a word with the prisoners, but you will certainly see me back at luncheon time. Alleyne, weary with the unwonted excitements of the day, was soon in a deep slumber broken only by fleeting visions of twittering legs, cursing beggars, black robbers, and the many strange folk whom he had met at the "Pied Merlin. To the right Sir Oliver, Aylward, Hordle John, and the bowmen of the Company fought furiously against the monkish Knights of Santiago, who were led up the hill by their prior--a great, deep-chested man, who wore a brown monastic habit over his suit of mail. "You're surprised to see me, sir," said he, in a strange, croaking voice. "But look here, mister, I don't care for folk poking about my place without my leave, so the sooner you pay your score and get out of this the better I shall be pleased. What would it profit a woman, for example, to get him a few months' imprisonment if her own ruin must immediately follow? His victims dare not hit back. It is probable that there existed an anthropoid ape in South America, who in past ages found his way to this place, and that he developed into the creatures we have seen, some of which"--here he looked hard at me--"were of an appearance and shape which, if it had been accompanied by corresponding intelligence, would, I do not hesitate to say, have reflected credit upon any living race. It may be that he needs space to breed some fresh bacillus less noxious than the last. "Here is Herr Heidegger, sure enough!" cried Holmes, exultantly. " She was confused, but not unduly so. I can well remember that two leagues from the town of Rheims I met a very valiant and courteous cavalier of France, with whom I had gentle and most honorable contention for upwards of an hour. "It struck me that the man was small," said I. It is now close on eight o'clock. Here it is. " * * * It was nearly six o'clock before we found ourselves in the pretty Surrey village of Esher, with Inspector Baynes as our companion. Indeed, he smoked very little, and yet he might have kept some tobacco for his friends. " "What, then, do you propose to do?" asked Summerlee, who had for once nodded his assent to the reasoning of his brother scientist. " He drew out a copy from his inside pocket. " "Had Sir Charles received any other letters in the same writing?" "Well, sir, I took no particular notice of his letters. " "Did he give you no address?" "He said that letters to the Hotel du Louvre, Paris, would eventually reach him. Nay, but you must not fail me, or it will go ill with me. See how his chest heaves, and his dear feathers all awry--the little knight who would not have his lady mishandled. There is goose-grease in a box, if the old scars ache at the turn of the weather. At least that was my first impression. Elsie had sunk down upon the floor, and we were face to face. I was heeled also, and I held up my gun to scare him off and let me get away. "He was stanch and true, was little Tonga. He possesses two out of the three qualities necessary for the ideal detective. 10. " "That would give me time. He laughed very heartily, with a high, ringing note, leaning back in his chair and shaking his sides. He had ridden over to Poole, one November day, with his fellow-squire, Peter Terlake, in quest of certain yew-staves from Wat Swathling, the Dorsetshire armorer. Through the plank partition he could hear the murmur of many voices from the assembly within. Once or twice he caught the sound of his own name, and he knew that they were discussing his candidacy. It was not the first time that they had handled an unwilling witness. He remarked that we must not disturb the housekeeper. I remained in my hiding-place, and it was well that I did so, for presently the man reappeared, cycling slowly back. " We were in time to overtake the major before he reached the corner. Not here!" "What is it here?" "It's a murder society, that's vat it is. All right; come if you want to. With tingling nerves but a fixed purpose, I sat in the dark recess of the hut and waited with sombre patience for the coming of its tenant. "For the sake of God, sirs," he whispered as he passed, "speak him fair and do not rouse him! For the love of the Virgin, be mild with him!" "Who is this, then?" asked Sir Nigel. " "Nay, Bertrand, I fear it as little as you," said she. "Was it your custom always to lock yourselves in at night?" "Always. The thieves ransacked the library and got very little for their pains. It was a bewildering route for anyone who was not accustomed to face Nature in her wildest moods. By means of this I had access to at least one spot in this great city where I could rely upon being free from interruption. But the word reminds me of a small accomplishment, trivial but amusing, which I used to possess. " "Now that Gorgiano is dead we fear nothing," said the lady. I cannot explain the practical things of life. There was no one in the corridors, Mr. That's why I made a little war on my own. It would fit into any box. There was Challenger, with his smile of condescension, his drooping eyelids, his intolerant eyes, his aggressive beard, his huge chest, swelling and puffing as he laid down the law to Summerlee. " "Can I be of assistance?" "Your presence might be invaluable. " "Had Sir Charles received any other letters in the same writing?" "Well, sir, I took no particular notice of his letters. "By Saint James! it is now my turn to show you where my weapon has the better of you. Christopher! it is indeed a fair and goodly life which you have chosen, for you gather up the spoil as a Warsash man gathers lobsters, without grace or favor from any man. " "You are right, master-shipman," said another of the older archers. Passing down the Waterloo Bridge Road we crossed over the river, and dashing up Wellington Street wheeled sharply to the right and found ourselves in Bow Street. Trusses of straw had been thrown down along the walls, and reclining on them were some twenty or thirty archers, all of the Company, their steel caps and jacks thrown off, their tunics open and their great limbs sprawling upon the clay floor. At every man's elbow stood his leathern blackjack of beer, while at the further end a hogshead with its end knocked in promised an abundant supply for the future. "Have the brethren come?" he asked, in the Anglo-French dialect used in religious houses. The aortic I may rely upon, but I should value your opinion upon the mitral. Him we enlisted at Para, on the recommendation of the steamship company, on whose vessels he had learned to speak a halting English. It was at Para also that we engaged Gomez and Manuel, two half-breeds from up the river, just come down with a cargo of redwood. The voice, too, when he spoke, was as deep and as fierce as the growl of a beast of prey. " The smoking house beyond the trees had burst into flames. "I submit to any conditions. "I believe it is meant for a sign-post. Hall Pycroft, to tell my friend your very interesting experience exactly as you have told it to me, or with more detail if possible. Allow me to introduce you to him. Whip your horse up, cabby, for we have only just time to catch our train. " The man whom I found myself facing was a well built, fresh-complexioned young fellow, with a frank, honest face and a slight, crisp, yellow mustache. " "You speak of danger. Holmes--absolutely fatal. Still, there are other gangs of three besides the Randalls, or it may be some new gang of which the police have never heard. It is all fair and above-board. I have said that the one person from whom we had had some sign of sympathy in our attempts to get away was the young chief whom we had rescued. I have some few references to make. As I did so I struck against an elderly, deformed man, who had been behind me, and I knocked down several books which he was carrying. Rucastle came out to me, looking as merry and jovial as ever. It is, as he said, beautifully situated, but it is not beautiful in itself, for it is a large square block of a house, whitewashed, but all stained and streaked with damp and bad weather. "There is nothing in which deduction is so necessary as in religion," said he, leaning with his back against the shutters. "It is said that Mr. Sergeant Tuson, of the City Police, was somewhat surprised, therefore to see a gentleman with a carpet bag come down the steps at twenty minutes past one. I checked them and considered them and maybe added a few of my own. But he will never trouble anyone in this country again. " "Kindly let me have the facts, Mr. "Our minds will play us strange pranks, and bethink you that these words of the Lady Tiphaine Du Guesclin have wrought upon us and shaken us. "The case certainly presents more features of interest and more possibility of development than I had originally thought. "Precisely. John Horner, a plumber, was accused of having abstracted it from the lady's jewel-case. " "We have been following you about all the morning. "I quite recognize that I am under obligations to you, Mr. "I shall probably wish to go over the outside of the house again. " Again I had an opportunity of asking him a point blank question, and again my delicacy prevented me from forcing another man to confide in me. Hardly had we reached the dark shadows before the step of the policeman was heard in the fog above. When the account of the railway and shipping accidents has been completed, it will furnish grim reading, although there is evidence to show that in the vast majority of cases the drivers of trains and engineers of steamers succeeded in shutting off their motive power before succumbing to the poison. Petersburg they had departed for Paris; and when he followed them there he learned that they had just set off for Copenhagen. At the Danish capital he was again a few days late, for they had journeyed on to London, where he at last succeeded in running them to earth. Three servants of the castle lay dead beside them, all torn and draggled, as though a pack of wolves had been upon them. At last, after a weary week, the day had come and the hour. You will see how impossible it is for me to go to Dartmoor. As I have already said, there is no man living who can fear death less than I do. They both disappeared utterly and completely. McCarthy kept two servants--a man and a girl. I braved him to do his worst. But you can imagine how surprised I was, Mr. Yet, by St. Ma foi! there were those who wished that he would have less care for their souls and a little more for their bodies!" "It is well to have a learned clerk in every troop," said Sir Nigel. Shoot, mes garcons, or you will be too late. " The throng of pirates had cleared away from the great wooden catapult, leaving two of their number to discharge it. We saw the cold winter sun rise over the dreary marshes of the Thames and the long, sullen reaches of the river, which I shall ever associate with our pursuit of the Andaman Islander in the earlier days of our career. What did we see first? A very placid and respectable lady, who seemed quite innocent of any secret, and a portrait which showed me that she had two younger sisters. As it fell out, however, he had that very evening, ere the sun had set, a chance of seeing how stern was the grip of the English law when it did happen to seize the offender. Without a word he grasped my arm and hurried me into a carriage, the door of which was standing open. He shrugged his shoulders in ungracious acquiescence, while our visitor in hurried words and with much excitable gesticulation poured forth his story. The man who had addressed us mounted to the box, while we took our places inside. The big blank spaces in the map are all being filled in, and there's no room for romance anywhere. From ten o'clock onward Mr. Such are the views which, with much passionate distortion of his thin features and wagging of his thin, goat-like beard, he poured into our ears all the way from Southampton to Manaos. Good, quiet, uncomplaining mother Nature, long slighted and miscalled, still bides her time and draws to her bosom the most errant of her children. The two walked swiftly across the meadow to the narrow bridge, he in front and she a pace or two behind. Right glad was the traveller to see the high tower of Christchurch Priory gleaming in the mellow evening light, and gladder still when, on rounding a corner, he came upon his comrades of the morning seated astraddle upon a fallen tree. One young knight on a gray jennet leaped over his fallen comrades and galloped swiftly up the hill, shrieking loudly upon Saint James, ere he fell within a spear-length of the English line, with the feathers of arrows thrusting out from every crevice and joint of his armor. Foully murdered, with a score of wounds upon him and a rope round his neck, his poor friend had been cast from the upper window and swung slowly in the night wind, his body rasping against the wall and his disfigured face upon a level with the casement. "My God!" cried Alleyne, shaking in every limb. He was in a pitiable state of reaction, with every nerve in a twitter. He carried his head very jauntily in the air, had a swaggering style of walking, and was, above all else, remarkable for his extraordinary height. With white armor, blazoned shield, and plume of ostrich-feathers from his helmet, he carried himself in so jaunty and joyous a fashion, with tossing pennon and curveting charger, that a shout of applause ran the full circle of the arena. On they rode, and on, until, at last, topping a ridge, they looked down upon the fateful valley. "Faith, John," said the prince, "it sounds as though you were right. Ha! my grace D'Armagnac, it seems that our friends on this side will not grieve if our English champions lose the day. When my eye is true, I am better at rovers than at long-butts or hoyles. James's Hall I felt that an evil time might be coming upon those whom he had set himself to hunt down. "You want to go home, no doubt, Doctor," he remarked as we emerged. "But my fair lady," she stammered, "what have I done? I have said no more than I heard. Wouldn't we have found the place disarranged, and missed the things which he had taken?" "It depends on what the things were," said Holmes. "You must remember that we are dealing with a burglar who is a very peculiar fellow, and who appears to work on lines of his own. Cerebral paresis! Mental inertia! Wonderful!" He was too absurd to make me angry. Indeed, it was a waste of energy, for if you were going to be angry with this man you would be angry all the time. Here and there amid the brushwood the travellers saw the rude bundle of sticks which served them as a home--more like a fowl's nest than the dwelling-place of man. Holmes, for over nine weeks, unconscious, and raving with brain-fever. I have been followed from London Bridge Station, and I am sure that they are only waiting for the warrant to arrest me. I followed the footsteps down the yew alley, I saw the spot at the moor-gate where he seemed to have waited, I remarked the change in the shape of the prints after that point, I noted that there were no other footsteps save those of Barrymore on the soft gravel, and finally I carefully examined the body, which had not been touched until my arrival. A lady dressed in black and heavily veiled, who had been sitting in the window, rose as we entered. M. ," I read. "Hum! He's about due. However, let us see what Jim Browner has to say for himself. " Such were the singular circumstances in connection with the Resident Patient and the Brook Street Doctor. Following the path backwards, we picked out another spot, where a spring trickled across it. Beyond was an open glade, and in this were five of the most extraordinary creatures that I have ever seen. I think myself that it is a page from some private diary. Between ourselves, Watson, it's a sporting duel between this fellow Milverton and me. Ordering my cab to wait, I passed down the steps, worn hollow in the centre by the ceaseless tread of drunken feet; and by the light of a flickering oil-lamp above the door I found the latch and made my way into a long, low room, thick and heavy with the brown opium smoke, and terraced with wooden berths, like the forecastle of an emigrant ship. Through the gloom one could dimly catch a glimpse of bodies lying in strange fantastic poses, bowed shoulders, bent knees, heads thrown back, and chins pointing upward, with here and there a dark, lack-lustre eye turned upon the newcomer. There were also two dress-circle tickets for the Woolwich Theatre, dated for that very evening. What did the police think of the noise which awoke you from your sleep?" "They considered that it might be caused by Arthur's closing his bedroom door. "I feel that time is of value," said he; "that is why I hastened here when the police inspector suggested that I should secure your co-operation. I deserve to be kicked from here to Charing Cross. It may have been a little over an hour before I reached Meiringen. "This way! This way! They are in the bowling-alley," cried the stranger, darting through the bushes. Never look rearwards, but always to our glorious goal. But you have sent for me, Sir Nigel?" "I would fain have your rede, Sir Oliver, for Master Hawtayne hath fears that when we veer there may come danger from the hole in our side. " The brave little creature hurried away, and presently we heard the sizzling of a kettle. "Can you tell me his exact height?" he asked. " "But I can. Well, when once his case has been settled, he will have a regular prison bath; and I think, if you saw him, you would agree with me that he needed it. Gilchrist's tan gloves a-lying in that chair. I knew those gloves well, and I understood their message. We must be wary for a while, if we are to get the information which we want. " "Good Lord! Good Lord! What shall I do?" cried the stranger, in an ecstasy of despair. "Funny, she didn't say good-bye; she 'most always did if she was just goin' over to Auntie's for tea, and now she's been away three days. Say, it's awful dry, ain't it? Ain't there no water, nor nothing to eat?" "No, there ain't nothing, dearie. How can such as you speak of violence and of vengeance. I think it is safe to say that things can never be quite the same again. A cup of coffee would clear my brain. Who were these German people, and what were they doing living in this strange, out-of-the-way place? And where was the place? I was ten miles or so from Eyford, that was all I knew, but whether north, south, east, or west I had no idea. " "Lord Holdhurst!" "Well, it is just conceivable that a statesman might find himself in a position where he was not sorry to have such a document accidentally destroyed. "There is a delightful freshness about you, Watson, which makes it a pleasure to exercise any small powers which I possess at your expense. "There are limits, you see, to our friend's intelligence. There is scope," said he. " "A large foot or a small?" "You could not distinguish. "Then I trust that you at least will honour me with your company," said Sherlock Holmes. I did so; and became at once conscious of an extraordinary throbbing and commotion which was going on inside. I called at Allan Brothers', the chief land agents in the village, and found that it was from this firm that the villa had been rented. " "You may safely trust us. The sun was beginning to sink behind the stables of Mapleton, and the long, sloping plain in front of us was tinged with gold, deepening into rich, ruddy browns where the faded ferns and brambles caught the evening light. It was mere chance that he was within earshot. " I have jotted down the very words of their argument, but now it degenerates into a mere noisy wrangle with much polysyllabic scientific jargon upon each side. At last she spoke in a hard and measured voice, as one who dare not trust herself to speak too freely. He took my refusal very seriously, but also very gently. "Now, Watson, confess yourself utterly taken aback," said he. Cunningham stood and saw the two men struggling just where we are. Alec Cunningham saw him from the back passage. Beyond the fact that he was a middle-sized man and dressed in some dark stuff, we have no personal clue; but we are making energetic inquiries, and if he is a stranger we shall soon find him out. Holmes himself if you wanted fuller information. "See," said he. "No one could find his way into the Grimpen Mire tonight. Let us hide him away, and who is the wiser?" "I did not kill him," said I. I suppose that you will admit that the action is morally justifiable, though technically criminal. The situation seemed beyond all words or comments. Gone was the coarse brown tint! Gone, too, was the horrid scar which had seamed it across, and the twisted lip which had given the repulsive sneer to the face! A twitch brought away the tangled red hair, and there, sitting up in his bed, was a pale, sad-faced, refined-looking man, black-haired and smooth-skinned, rubbing his eyes and staring about him with sleepy bewilderment. Then suddenly realising the exposure, he broke into a scream and threw himself down with his face to the pillow. Next morning, after the office opened, they came to inquire. The transport ship Gloria Scott was set down by the Admiralty as being lost at sea, and no word has ever leaked out as to her true fate. She advanced along this corridor, leaving no traces upon the cocoanut matting. And yet even here we may discriminate. What is the scientific mind to think of their presence? I can only account for it by an invasion from outside. I swear that another day shall not have passed before I have done all that man can do to reach the heart of the mystery. I can't say for certain, because it all depends--well, it all depends upon a factor which is completely outside our control. ' "I was, as you may think, Watson, horrified at this unexpected news. ILLINGWORTH: 'Undoubtedly. I move, then, that, while Professor Summerlee be thanked for his interesting address, the whole matter shall be regarded as 'non-proven,' and shall be referred back to a larger, and possibly more reliable Committee of Investigation. Sherlock Holmes to undertake the conduct of this case. "It is really very good of you to come, Watson," said he. "I found traces of the fellow's camp. This other comrade of mine is a right learned clerk, for all that he is so young, hight Alleyne, the son of Edric, brother to the Socman of Minstead. The choicest tapestries which the looms of Arras could furnish draped the walls, whereon the battles of Judas Maccabaeus were set forth, with the Jewish warriors in plate of proof, with crest and lance and banderole, as the naive artists of the day were wont to depict them. There is no vehicle save a dog-cart which throws up mud in that way, and then only when you sit on the left-hand side of the driver. Simple as it was, there were several most instructive points about it. " "Simple!" I ejaculated. :. --"and occasionally like this"--. :. :. :. --"and occasionally like this"--. :. "Can you remember that?" "No, I cannot. " "What reparation can I make?" "Where is Oberstein with the papers?" "I do not know. ) "Having conducted his audience in fancy to the summit, and marooned them there by reason of the fall of their bridge, the Professor proceeded to describe both the horrors and the attractions of that remarkable land. I have safely conducted these three gentlemen to the spot mentioned, and I have, as you have heard, convinced them of the accuracy of my previous account. But you saw me go, and that was the beginning of my troubles. Will you fix it, Brother Baldwin?" "Sure!" said the young man eagerly. "How many will you take?" "Half a dozen, and two to guard the door. "Five years altogether. " "He was a bachelor, you say?" "A widower. At last she spoke in a hard and measured voice, as one who dare not trust herself to speak too freely. Three servants of the castle lay dead beside them, all torn and draggled, as though a pack of wolves had been upon them. With a kick and a blow he freed himself from two others who clung to him, and in a moment he was within the portal with his comrades. Both the guards who held Summerlee were down, and he was staggering about like a drunken man in his amazement, unable to realize that he was a free man. They had at once sent for the doctor and for the constable. Nothing more is known of them until Mr. This is no time for despair. " "And why, sir?" "Because the document in question is of such immense importance that its publication might very easily--I might almost say probably--lead to European complications of the utmost moment. "I have two Englishmen of this class in my train, who are at this instant, I make little doubt, as full of your wine as any cask in your cellar. But it is, as you may think, sir, a very pleasant thing for me to hear that you are grieved at what you have done, and I can but rede that we should go back together, and you should make your peace with the Socman by handing back your prisoner. I thought it might suit me--and now I know it will. Well, I didn't ask you in here just to talk sport. He could hide his hound, but he could not hush its voice, and hence came those cries which even in daylight were not pleasant to hear. He computes the value of the jewels at not less than half a million sterling. Professor Challenger answered that they had. Mr. McCarthy was very anxious that there should be a marriage between us. She heard Mr. "If I take it up I must understand every detail," said he. " "And so say I," cried Felton, heartily. " "Now, tell me, Dr. " "I understand you to say that your room is on the second floor, that there is no entrance from without, and that from within no one could go up unobserved. "How can you prove that?" he asked. "That's the worst blow yet. Where's mother?" "Mother's gone. I guess you'll see her before long. It was, as I have said, a pit, with sharply-sloping walls and a level bottom about twenty feet across. Here is the print of a foot in mould upon the sill. Back among the groves he could see the high gable ends and thatched roofs of the franklins' houses, on whose fields these men found employment, or more often a thick dark column of smoke marked their position and hinted at the coarse plenty within. Yet it would be well to shoot the bolt in yonder door when one is in strange quarters. It is for the convenience of these that the Diogenes Club was started, and it now contains the most unsociable and unclubable men in town. I left him seated amid his pink radiance, oiling the lock of his favorite rifle, while he still chuckled to himself at the thought of the adventures which awaited us. But I see that the enemy's preparations have gone so far that we cannot risk the presence of a light. "It was torn out of the dead man's hand. Sergeant Tuson, of the City Police, was somewhat surprised, therefore to see a gentleman with a carpet bag come down the steps at twenty minutes past one. I checked them and considered them and maybe added a few of my own. From the top of this bowlder the gleam of something bright caught my eye, and, raising my hand, I found that it came from the silver cigarette-case which he used to carry. If this man were inside it I should find out from his own lips, at the point of my revolver if necessary, who he was and why he had dogged us so long. You did not know, Dr. These," he pointed around, "are my other guns. The parallel is exact. They had scarce reached it, however, ere they found that the wooden joists and planks of the flooring were already on fire. They have been identified as her clothes, and it seemed to me that if the clothes were there the body would not be far off. They call them many names, and they rule them this way or that but they are all English, for I can hear the voices of the people. So far as I know, he and his wife are as respectable a couple as any in the county. Let me advise you to gain at least the small credit for repentance and confession, since there are still some details which we can only learn from your lips. " "By the three kings! there is sooth in what you say," remarked the archer. "You have had no great truck with the world," she said, "or you would have learned that it is the small men and not the great who hold their noses in the air. You have no warrant for my arrest. He will show them when to act and where. "From the Plymouth hotel, Watson," he said. Barclay, denied having any knowledge of what it was which had caused the ill-humor in which her companion had returned. You then, as I understand, followed her home and saw through the window an altercation between her husband and her, in which she doubtless cast his conduct to you in his teeth. " He handed it to me and closed the door of his oak cabinet. At the same time, Stanley Hopkins's methods do not commend themselves to me. At first he was very eager to come, but on second thoughts it seemed to both of us that if I went alone the results might be better. On the very day, however, before I left, an incident occurred which proved in the sequel to be of importance. "We were sitting out upon the lawn on garden chairs, the three of us, basking in the sun and admiring the view across the Broads, when a maid came out to say that there was a man at the door who wanted to see Mr. But I deem it best that ye should leave your squires and come with me, for, howsoe'er pressed the prince may be, I am very sure that he would be loth to keep two old comrades-in-arms upon the further side of the door. Please burn the cipher message, which can now be of no use to you. Bring with you a jemmy, a dark lantern, a chisel, and a revolver. " As he spoke, the knight-errant, who had remounted his warhorse, galloped forward to the royal stand, with a silken kerchief bound round his wounded arm. We have a saying here, Sir Nigel, that if you pummel Jacques Bonhomme he will pat you, but if you pat him he will pummel you. Their method was to fall forward with their full weight upon each in turn, leaving him crushed and mangled, to bound on after the others. "Higher, Wat, higher!" "Put thy body into it, Will!" "Forget not the wind, Hal!" So ran the muttered chorus, while high above it rose the sharp twanging of the strings, the hiss of the shafts, and the short "Draw your arrow! Nick your arrow! Shoot wholly together!" from the master-bowman. And now both mangonels were at work from the galleys, but so covered and protected that, save at the moment of discharge, no glimpse could be caught of them. He gathered her into his arms and kissed away her fears and doubts. He called on John Ferrier that night, and many times again, until his face was a familiar one at the farm-house. McMurdo had obtained a temporary job as bookkeeper for he was a well-educated man. "Why did you shoot him?" "I was helping Uncle Sam to make dollars. "You have everything a man could have,--youth, health, strength, education, energy. "Do you think you could walk round the house with me?" "Oh, yes, I should like a little sunshine. My results are always very much at your service if you care to apply to me for them. The lamp was on the table; so I lit it. He looked round him in surprise as he emerged into the clear, starlit night. I can see him now, with yellow, pasty face, drooping lids, and pin-point pupils, all huddled in a chair, the wreck and ruin of a noble man. When I got to the door----" "You stopped, and then walked back to the garden gate," my companion interrupted. " Holmes chuckled and rubbed his hands. I have known such things to happen. But there is a ring at the bell, Watson, and as the clock makes it a few minutes after four, I have no doubt that this will prove to be our noble client. When I got back after my visit to you, the very first thing I saw next morning was a fresh crop of dancing men. Their height, as we approached them, seemed to me in some places to be greater than he had stated--running up in parts to at least a thousand feet--and they were curiously striated, in a manner which is, I believe, characteristic of basaltic upheavals. " "The Worthingdon bank gang," cried the inspector. "I next called upon Madame Charpentier," continued the detective. When I said that you stimulated me I meant, to be frank, that in noting your fallacies I was occasionally guided towards the truth. Summerlee was a bit hysterical, and he laughed till he cried. At last we exposed that monstrous torso (fifty-four inches, by the tailor's tape). Hewers of wood and drawers of water, such were they from now onwards. We had returned across the plateau with our allies two days after the battle, and made our camp at the foot of their cliffs. " "A singular case," remarked Holmes. Reuben Hayes's manner was far from gracious, but Holmes took it with admirable good-humour. "Look here, my man," said he. "By George, this must be the trail of the father of all birds!" An enormous three-toed track was imprinted in the soft mud before us. McGinty, you may have to answer for your own conduct some of these days," the captain answered. "This man McMurdo was a crook before ever he came here, and he's a crook still. Holmes, and on Saturday the manager came in and planked down four golden sovereigns for my week's work. If it had not been for Miss Harrison here and for the doctor's care I should not be speaking to you now. You'll get a great welcome when you return. " "I thank you," said McMurdo, and shaking hands with his new acquaintance he plodded, gripsack in hand, up the path which led to the dwelling house, at the door of which he gave a resounding knock. Why did he not break it there, since it is evident that every yard that he carried it increased the risk of someone meeting him?" "I give it up," said Lestrade. "How do I know that they are lying? Because it is a clumsy fabrication which simply could not be true. "Kiss it and make it well," she said, with perfect gravity, shoving [19] the injured part up to him. "That's what mother used to do. "I know that every word is true, for you have hardly said a word which I did not know. "I know not what to say or what to think. My dear Watson, I owe you a thousand apologies. It was the sight of that Alpine-stock which turned me cold and sick. It gave the name John Douglas. The one to whom Felton found himself opposed was a tall stripling with a stag's head upon his shield, while Sir Nigel's man was broad and squat with plain steel harness, and a pink and white torse bound round his helmet. " Alleyne lost no time in following the directions of the wild, masterless man, whom he left among the trees where he had found him. "Pardieu! yes. Now they ride forth from the shadow. The tree was, however, enormous, and, looking upwards, I could see no thinning of the leaves above my head. The broad strips of bracken glowed red and yellow against the black peaty soil, and a queenly doe who grazed among them turned her white front and her great questioning eyes towards the wayfarers. Two of his constables came at the call. The king raised his hand as a signal. Milverton dropped his papers and sat rigid in his chair. The sound was repeated, and then there came a gentle tap at the door. I noticed that she had her hand to her brow. Had your father, Miss Morstan, refrained from throwing a strain upon his heart, he might have been alive now. " I could have struck the man across the face, so hot was I at this callous and off-hand reference to so delicate a matter. "I fear that it may be the last investigation in which I shall have the chance of studying your methods. " "I ought to make you sign a paper to that effect. Well, we can let that be bygones; for, between you and me--and perhaps I'm going further than my duty in saying it--they could get no clear case against you, and Chicago's open to you to-morrow. Even the most insignificant problem would be welcome in these stagnant days. " Things had indeed been very slow with us, and I had learned to dread such periods of inaction, for I knew by experience that my companion's brain was so abnormally active that it was dangerous to leave it without material upon which to work. We bobbed and grinned in front of each other. Do you feel equal to it?" "Yes; I shall not feel easy until I have told my story. Holmes. The letter--for it was a letter from a foreign potentate--was received six days ago. There was a thrill in the doctor's voice which showed that he was himself deeply moved by that which he told us. "Eminent Bodymaster," he said, in a solemn voice, "I claim urgency!" "Brother McMurdo claims urgency," said McGinty. "It's a claim that by the rules of this lodge takes precedence. Holmes," said he, as he sank, like a wearied man, into an armchair. "The Inspector here has done all that could possibly be suggested, but I wish to leave no stone unturned in trying to avenge poor Straker and in recovering my horse. "We are through, boys! We are through!" It was indeed the full moon which shone straight down the aperture which opened upon the cliffs. "It will serve to take him to Scotland Yard. "Your telegram was dispatched about one. Holmes. "There are certainly grave difficulties in the way," said he. In the dim light I could make out that the person who had opened the door was a small, mean-looking, middle-aged man with rounded shoulders. Summerlee had lain down and slept upon the sand, but we others roamed round the edge of the water, seeking to learn something more of this strange country. Summerlee might be interested to know that with the Orinoco, which communicated with it, some fifty thousand miles of country were opened up, and that in so vast a space it was not impossible for one person to find what another had missed. Lord John lay silent, wrapped in the South American poncho which he wore, while Challenger snored with a roll and rattle which reverberated through the woods. There, prostrate upon their faces, lay the little red figures of the four surviving Indians, trembling with fear of us and yet imploring our protection. A huge sombre cloud, flecked with livid blotches, stretched over the whole seaward sky-line, with long ragged streamers whirled out in front of it. " "The Brixton Road does not lie between any circus and Houndsditch," said Sherlock Holmes sharply. " "We are told that three men drank from them. It is quite clear that the colonel was a cool and desperate man, who was absolutely determined that nothing should stand in the way of his little game, like those out-and-out pirates who will leave no survivor from a captured ship. My clothes were all sodden with dew, and my coat-sleeve was drenched with blood from my wounded thumb. This passage is printed on the examination paper, and it would naturally be an immense advantage if the candidate could prepare it in advance. Some blankets rolled in a waterproof lay upon that very stone slab upon which Neolithic man had once slumbered. The police are of opinion that this outrage may have been perpetrated upon Miss Cushing by these youths, who owed her a grudge and who hoped to frighten her by sending her these relics of the dissecting-rooms. " "How, then, did you deduce the telegram?" "Why, of course I knew that you had not written a letter, since I sat opposite to you all morning. The most we can say is that the vitiated ether has produced a temporary death. Now, I make a point of never having any prejudices, and of following docilely wherever fact may lead me, and so, in the very first stage of the investigation, I found myself looking a little askance at the part which had been played by Mr. Mrs. Challenger held her hand stretched out to it in her longing. Her husband turned on more gas. As she swept silently into the room she impressed me with a greater sense of grief than the banker had done in the morning, and it was the more striking in her as she was evidently a woman of strong character, with immense capacity for self-restraint. My brother and I naturally associated this peculiar incident with the fear which haunted my father during his life; but it is still a complete mystery to us. To think that I should have overlooked you! I need not introduce you to Mr. That night he sat up with his gun and kept watch and ward. I hope that I make it all plain?' "'I quite follow you,' said I. I had as much right to it as Peter Carey, anyhow, so I took it with me and left the hut. " As he spoke he turned the contents of the wine glass into a saucer and placed it in front of the terrier, who speedily licked it dry. " "To a great mind, nothing is little," remarked Holmes, sententiously. I have a large correspondence. Turn thy quiver to me, Aylward. " He picked a red-covered volume from a line of books of reference beside the mantelpiece. "The younger brother of the late Sir James Walter, the head of the Submarine Department. " "It is very neatly tied. Having, however, at last, satisfied himself as to his identity, the man's surprise changed to consternation. "You are mad to come here," he cried. "And you accept the rule of the Bodymaster for the time being under all circumstances?" "I do. I have no mind as yet to show them how much they have to fear from us. " Under his direction I cut such gashes in the sides of the trees as would ensure that it should fall as we desired. Where are we to be free from this pestilent race? Can a Frenchman upon French land not sit down in a French auberge without having his ears pained by the clack of their hideous talk? Send them packing, inn-keeper, or it may be the worse for them and for you. Athens. ' "Another five minutes, Mr. ' 'But I have something for thee, Gourval,' said Simon. ' "'And how far from the edge of the wood?' "'About the same. "'The plan is his. The man next to me, upon the aft side, was one whom I had particularly noticed when we were led down the quay. I sat down beside the fire, however, with the intention of awaiting him, however long he might be. " "Well, well, we all get a bit prosy sometimes," said Lord John. ) "Then I put you to the test. But had the process stopped? Was this gentleman to be taken as the final type--the be-all and end-all of development? He hoped that he would not hurt the feelings of the gentleman in the red tie if he maintained that, whatever virtues that gentleman might possess in private life, still the vast processes of the universe were not fully justified if they were to end entirely in his production. All the stores of food, all the vintages of wine, all the treasures of art were ours for the taking. " "Alas! that I should say it, but I also am now the only Edricson. "Most certainly a sign-post," said Challenger. "What else? Finding himself upon a dangerous errand, our pioneer has left this sign so that any party which follows him may know the way he has taken. We all stood still and listened. A great broken bough upon the grass showed whence he had gained his leverage to tilt over our bridge. Rachel--who is a very good girl, but of an excitable Welsh temperament--had a sharp touch of brain-fever, and goes about the house now--or did until yesterday--like a black-eyed shadow of her former self. That was our first drama at Hurlstone; but a second one came to drive it from our minds, and it was prefaced by the disgrace and dismissal of butler Brunton. " "Could it not have been dropped from a bridge?" "I should say it was impossible. You have no explanation yourself of the tragedy?" "Possibly an accident, possibly--I only breathe it among ourselves--a suicide. This has always been held so. A patient, evidently, and possibly an all-night sitting. So defiling was their presence that a true Cistercian might not raise his eyes to their face or touch their finger-tips under ban of church and fear of deadly sin. " "None in the world," said he. "Oh, spare me, Mr. How cruelly I have misjudged him!" "When I arrived at the house," continued Holmes, "I at once went very carefully round it to observe if there were any traces in the snow which might help me. How a Strange Company Gathered at the "Pied Merlin" VI. "The maid is like the young filly, which kicks heels and plunges for very lust of life. My glass allowed me to observe that the plaster was slightly scratched in doing it, which would not have been the case if the man's nail had been trimmed. These little problems help me to do so. Night after night the soldiers got up poorer men, and the poorer they got the more keen they were to play. Mr. Holmes, I am the unhappy John Hector McFarlane. " "Perhaps he is waiting for a better price. There was a tap at a door, a bull's bellow from within, and I was face to face with the Professor. They sat with their profiles towards me on either side of the round table. " "Is it on this Brixton case that you are employing them?" I asked. "Women are never to be entirely trusted,--not the best of them. " I did not pause to argue over this atrocious sentiment. " "I have no sympathy with these childish games. She was a very beautiful woman. When I cried out that it was a false alarm, she replaced it, glanced at the rocket, rushed from the room, and I have not seen her since. By the way"--his eyes darted again from my face to Holmes's--"did you hear anything else besides a cry?" "No," said Holmes; "did you?" "No. " "Ha! What did he say?" "He was cold, but not harsh. " "I am a Mackworth of Normanton," the other answered, with some uneasiness of manner. Her face was haggard and thin and eager, stamped with the print of a recent horror. As she whisked round to us, I gave a cry of surprise and horror. "By Gar! you'd best hurry yourselves!" cried the man below. Christopher! it is indeed a fair and goodly life which you have chosen, for you gather up the spoil as a Warsash man gathers lobsters, without grace or favor from any man. " "You are right, master-shipman," said another of the older archers. " "Yes, my stepfather. " "Dear me! that is certainly remarkable. But how in the name of wonder did you come here, and what have you been doing? I thought that you were in Baker Street working out that case of blackmailing. " "Is it hard to know?" "Very hard. " "A call for help, you thought?" "Yes. " "We must ask about this right away. He ran out and ran in, smoked incessantly, played snatches on his violin, sank into reveries, devoured sandwiches at irregular hours, and hardly answered the casual questions which I put to him. He carried his head very jauntily in the air, had a swaggering style of walking, and was, above all else, remarkable for his extraordinary height. I cared nothing for him. The three of us can show a bold front to Brother Bartholomew. "What talk is this?" he cried. It creaked and groaned, but did not yield. "Go to Baker Street at once," it said. "Go straight back to London, instantly. "If I have not returned, wait for me. As it is, he must know that he will be reported to the police by the hotel manager and that his disappearance will be connected with the murder. Mortimer driving in his dog-cart over a rough moorland track which led from the outlying farmhouse of Foulmire. They had called upon us that very afternoon, so that it was natural that the subject should come up for discussion. " Holmes laughed softly to himself and stretched himself out upon the cushioned seat. With your permission, Miss Stoner, we shall now carry our researches into the inner apartment. Dear me! Mr. There was neither superscription nor signature. Yes, diavolo! if it had broken, my heart would have broken too. Watson. " "Indeed! You are alone?" "Quite. "By God's tooth!" he continued, with a brutal laugh, "you ask me if I am a man of quarterings, and it is even so, for I am officer to the verderer's court at Lyndhurst. Paul!" said Sir Nigel gayly, as he stood upon the poop and looked on either side of him, "it is a land which is very well worth fighting for, and it were pity to go to France for what may be had at home. He said that she would be of great size and of a yellow shade. "I did not take long to think about it, Watson. And now, my poor Watson, here we are, stranded and friendless in this inhospitable town, which we cannot leave without abandoning our case. There is some queer illness down yonder, that's beyond all doubt, and to-day there's a cable just come in from Singapore that the lighthouses are out of action in the Straits of Sundan, and two ships on the beach in consequence. " Lestrade looked sadly at my companion. Our client, however, stared in amazement. Our leader moved across the river, therefore, and took up his position in the old fort at Agra. " "Which were very well justified," observed Holmes. The light was just fading. He had long nerved himself to the sacrifice, however, and the thought of the honour and happiness of his daughter outweighed any regret at his ruined fortunes. " "How did you know it, then?" Mrs. Father, I am much beholden to this young clerk, who was of service to me and helped me this very morning in Minstead Woods, four miles to the north of the Christchurch road, where I had no call to be, you having ordered it otherwise. " All this she reeled off in a loud voice, and then glanced with sidelong, questioning eyes at Alleyne for his approval. His good-humor returned and he laughed. He had undoubtedly let himself down by the ivy, for we could see the marks of his feet where he had landed on the lawn. What was that? In the silence he heard a gentle scratching sound--low, but very distinct in the quiet of the night. On all the French marches are droves of outcasts, reivers, spoilers, and draw-latches, of whom I judge that these are some, though I marvel that they should dare to come so nigh to the castle of the seneschal. From time to time an elderly man in black with rounded shoulders and a long white wand in his hand came softly forth from this inner room, and beckoned to one or other of the company, who doffed cap and followed him. Right in front of us, and almost within our reach, was the broad, rounded back of Milverton. Innumerable women who staggered along under burdens, and children who toddled beside the waggons or peeped out from under the white coverings. This was evidently no ordinary party of immigrants, but rather some nomad people who had been compelled from stress of circumstances to seek themselves a new country. " "I am sure that you are right, Mr. "It gives me fresh life to know that something is being done. But you will come on, will you not, and see Merripit House?" A short walk brought us to it, a bleak moorland house, once the farm of some grazier in the old prosperous days, but now put into repair and turned into a modern dwelling. " Lord John Roxton wiped his brow. "He would follow Barrymore and see what he did. He was pale when we entered the room," said he. It was a little, single-roomed hut, sixteen feet by ten. On discovering their mistake they released him. Gomez whipped out his knife, however, and but for the huge strength of his captor, which enabled him to disarm him with one hand, he would certainly have stabbed him. The matter has ended in reprimands, the opponents have been compelled to shake hands, and there is every hope that all will be well. In the centre of this room there was an upright beam, which had been placed at some period as a support for the old worm-eaten baulk of timber which spanned the roof. Holmes stole across and looked at it. He held his open note-book upon his knee, and from time to time he jotted down figures and memoranda in the light of his pocket-lantern. Twice already in his career had Holmes helped him to attain success, his own sole reward being the intellectual joy of the problem. Then he turned the handle and entered, I at his heels, with the cocked pistol in my hand. I could see a mile of road, but he was not on it. Mr. Abelwhite was a kind man, and he would often drop into my little shanty and smoke a pipe with me, for white folk out there feel their hearts warm to each other as they never do here at home. He had it in his head that the affair had been exaggerated, and that it would blow over as suddenly as it had sprung up. His reason for attempting this special line of business was that he had struck up an acquaintance with a consumptive tutor upon the voyage home, and that he had used this man's ability to make the undertaking a success. Are they blood stains, or mud stains, or rust stains, or fruit stains, or what are they? That is a question which has puzzled many an expert, and why? Because there was no reliable test. " Sherlock Holmes had opened his mouth to reply, when the door flew open, and Peterson, the commissionaire, rushed into the apartment with flushed cheeks and the face of a man who is dazed with astonishment. As designed at first, no dwelling had been allotted to the lord of the castle and his family but the dark and dismal basement story of the keep. I crouched low among the bushes, for I knew from past experience that with a single cry the creature could bring a hundred of its loathsome mates about my ears. As long as this man has no idea that anyone can have a clue there is some chance of securing him; but if he had the slightest suspicion, he would change his name, and vanish in an instant among the four million inhabitants of this great city. It was easy to see by their dress and manner that they were two of those wandering students who formed about this time so enormous a multitude in every country in Europe. I had no idea how long he might be, but I sat stolidly puffing at my pipe and skipping over the pages of Henri Murger's "Vie de Bohème. ' "'If I promise to keep a secret,' said I, 'you may absolutely depend upon my doing so. Vincent Spaulding seemed to know so much about it that I thought he might prove useful, so I just ordered him to put up the shutters for the day and to come right away with me. He was very willing to have a holiday, so we shut the business up and started off for the address that was given us in the advertisement. I brought him his boots when he went for the police. " "How on earth did you do that?" "Look it up in the books, sir. Pardieu! I have never seen a man get off his horse as quick as did that stranger Englishman. Ere the words were past the other's lips he was beside him, his face nigh touching, and his breath hot upon his cheeks. The man never uttered moan nor moved muscle, but lay were he had fallen. Now, I make a point of never having any prejudices, and of following docilely wherever fact may lead me, and so, in the very first stage of the investigation, I found myself looking a little askance at the part which had been played by Mr. Smith, when they got the boat. His health--well, I don't know that it's better nor worse for the smoking. His face in repose was not an unpleasing one, though his heavy brows and aggressive chin gave him, as I had lately seen, a terrible expression when moved to anger. "No offense, young fellah. "Seventeen from the right and second from the left. This is the cave sure enough. The curtain was still hanging, but the boudoir and dressing-room could be taken as one chamber for the purposes of our experiment. No figures could express them. Already you see I had reason to think that, if one of your three students was a man of unusual height, he was the most worth watching of the three. It was on the very evening of our perilous adventure with Challenger's home-made balloon that the change came in our fortunes. " The Professors nodded. "Here, then, is something to try upon," quoth the archer, pulling a square of parchment from the inside of his tunic. The tailor's tab is on the neck--'Neal, Outfitter, Vermissa, U. "Enough of this," said my friend, coldly. "Drop that pistol! Watson, pick it up! Hold it to his head. "Curse you!" he cried. "Who are you to interfere--you that are new to the lodge? Stand back!" He raised his stick; but McMurdo had whipped his pistol out of his pocket. "Not 'e. "It is not needful that this priest should be called, and it is in my mind that in asking for this ye cast some slight shadow or slur upon the good name of my wife, as though it were still doubtful whether her power came to her from above or below. The first thing that strikes one is the obvious possibility that the person now in the rooms may be entirely different from the one who engaged them. There was some thick, bush-like clump which seemed to be a parasite upon a branch up which I was swarming. In fact, in the whole of that floor there was no one to be found save a crippled wretch of hideous aspect, who, it seems, made his home there. "Nunc dimittis!" he cried at last. "What will they say in England of this?" "My dear Summerlee, I will tell you with great confidence exactly what they will say in England," said Challenger. The brothers, who were English to a man, pricked up their ears at the sound of the homely and yet unfamiliar speech; but the Abbot flushed red with anger, and struck his hand upon the oaken arm of his chair. Right glad was the traveller to see the high tower of Christchurch Priory gleaming in the mellow evening light, and gladder still when, on rounding a corner, he came upon his comrades of the morning seated astraddle upon a fallen tree. It was evident that we had entirely miscalculated his movements, that he had never been to his bedroom, but that he had been sitting up in some smoking or billiard room in the farther wing of the house, the windows of which we had not seen. " Mr. "I meant no harm, sir, I'm sure. I am this man's wife. " "Well, that makes it the more effective. " "Did he give you no address?" "He said that letters to the Hotel du Louvre, Paris, would eventually reach him. Occasionally in our rambles we came across Inspector Baynes. Clearly they reflected the thoughts which possessed him, but whether the music aided those thoughts, or whether the playing was simply the result of a whim or fancy was more than I could determine. That was to some extent in favour of the accused, as when seen quarrelling he was face to face with his father. " "I see, he might have proved an alibi. "A plausible lawyer could make it out as an act of self-defence. The rest he handed to his comrade, who drank the wine, and then, to the clerk's increasing amazement, made a show of swallowing the bottle, with such skill that Alleyne seemed to see it vanish down his throat. Godfrey Norton, as our client is to its coming to the eyes of his princess. He would not go if he could help it. On no account must he leave us. Beside this table, on the wooden chair, sat Dr. " "And how of yon gray turret on the left?" "'Tis the fane of St. "Shame! Shame!" "Give him a hearing!" "Put him out!" "Shove him off the platform!" "Fair play!" emerged from a general roar of amusement or execration. The chairman was on his feet flapping both his hands and bleating excitedly. I instantly communicated with Miss Morstan, and it only remains for us to drive out to Norwood and demand our share. Let me, therefore, return to the facts concerning Sir Henry Baskerville. I suppose that you will admit that the action is morally justifiable, though technically criminal. "'Whose was it?' "'His who is gone. ' "'Who shall have it?' "'He who will come. ' "'Show him round here. He had, as I understand, some sort of map or chart which he was comparing with the manuscript, and which he thrust into his pocket when you appeared. Then he burst into a bitter laugh. "A very commonplace little murder," said he. That is objection No. I don't know whether you observed it, Watson, but the Colonel's manner has been just a trifle cavalier to me. I called the police and had the place examined. "But now came the real difficulty of the inquiry. " "It would ill beseem me to claim to be a better marksman," answered Johnston, "for I have heard great things of your skill. Soames returned and called for you, you were very much disturbed?" "Yes, sir. Then out came my poor young master, whom I had dandled on my knee, and confessed it all to me. I could name a score of cases in which it would have been decisive. " "Have you her photograph?" "I brought this with me. " "Get a move on us and see all that has happened. "Does Lucy bear up well?" he asked, when he had satisfied his hunger. "Nay, not I. I had reason to think that he might not need them again, seeing that a thirty-inch shaft had feathered in his back. He intended to change his name altogether, draw this money, and vanish, starting life again elsewhere. For him the villain, for me the microbe. " "You reasoned it out beautifully," I exclaimed in unfeigned admiration. These were very remarkable, but as eccentric as all his other accomplishments. The thing to do was clearly to bring the business to an end in such a dramatic manner that it would leave a permanent impression upon the young lady's mind and prevent her from looking upon any other suitor for some time to come. It is the most lovely country, my dear young lady, and the dearest old country-house. Of course, I did not mind you so much, as you are not connected with the official police, but it is not pleasant to have a family misfortune like this noised abroad. It was very long, though--almost as long, Watson, as when you and I waited in that deadly room when we looked into the little problem of the Speckled Band. The cursed greed which has been my besetting sin through life has withheld from her the treasure, half at least of which should have been hers. Nothing could have been more admirable than his way of putting it. It was a splendid chance of putting your theories into practice, Mr. From this sure post it makes its sallies even to the beginning and to the end of all things. The young novice, however, appeared to have other thoughts, for his eyes sparkled and his smile broadened. These are the documents in the extraordinary case of the Gloria Scott, and this is the message which struck Justice of the Peace Trevor dead with horror when he read it. I hadn't much time to make it all clear to Barker and to my wife; but they understood enough to be able to help me. If Sarah had been there, by the Lord, she should have joined them. If, on the other hand, as I fancy is more likely, the inmates were warned of your coming, and left before you entered yesterday, then they may be back now, and we should clear it all up easily. Let me set down exactly what occurred. Now it must be evident to you, Watson, that this young man's body was PLACED on the roof of the train. Holmes, and I should be very glad if you could tell me what it all means, and, above all, what I should do. " His dark brows knitted and his face flushed to a dusky red as he spoke. "What you say is perfectly logical, Mr. You are all turning your brains towards getting into this country. No powder on her nose--that proved to be the correct solution. It won't be long now before he is here to help us. ' I was convinced that it was an invitation which he would not refuse, since he could never imagine that it could come from anyone but the lady. ' Let us glance at our Continental Gazetteer. " Sherlock Holmes rubbed his hands with delight, and I stared with astonishment at our client. "My dear Watson, when I have exterminated that fourth egg I shall be ready to put you in touch with the whole situation. A few minutes later the train ran into the ill-lit station, and there was a general clearing; for Vermissa was by far the largest town on the line. Whether it was the weapon which did the deed, or whether it belonged to the dead man, I do not know. On the morning after our being trapped upon the plateau by the villainous Gomez we began a new stage in our experiences. They were close upon it when of a sudden there broke out a wild hubbub from a distant portion of the camp, with screams and war-cries and all the wild tumult of battle. " "I fear that Watson and I must go to London. Holmes. And you, too, Dr. " What a time it seemed! From comparing notes afterwards it was but an hour and a quarter, yet it appeared to me that the night must have almost gone and the dawn be breaking above us. Hudson entered with the tea and coffee. Don't go, doctor. " "It is eight o'clock now," I said, glancing at my watch. " "And she was seen walking with this very woman afterwards?" "Yes. "The last words in it were 'For God's sake,'" he whispered, confidentially; "I am very anxious at getting no answer. "Precisely. "Now would you mind going down and fetching that poor little devil of a terrier which has been bad so long, and which the landlady wanted you to put out of its pain yesterday. Up to half-past ten the servants were moving about the house; so it was certainly not before that time. The first thing which I saw filled me with amazement. Drink and politics had made the Boss a very rich as well as powerful man. The more terrible, therefore, seemed that glimpse of the prison or the gallows which had risen before him the night before. Pulling up his steed, he slightly inclined his head, and sat in the stern and composed fashion with which he had borne himself throughout, heedless of the applauding shouts and the flutter of kerchiefs from the long lines of brave men and of fair women who were looking down upon him. "Sir knight," said the prince, "we have all marvelled this day at this great skill and valor with which God has been pleased to endow you. The servants had already gone to their quarters. A weary-looking police-sergeant reclined in the corner. This terrible secret society was formed by some ex-Confederate soldiers in the Southern states after the Civil War, and it rapidly formed local branches in different parts of the country, notably in Tennessee, Louisiana, the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida. Two of his guards caught him by the wrists and pulled him brutally to the front. It's a bad place, the great Grimpen Mire. " "You do what you think is your duty the best way you can, Councillor. "There was the taking of the sea-rovers, and the holding of the keep against the Jacks. "It may, of course, be trivial--individual eccentricity; or it may be very much deeper than appears on the surface. I put the case before you as it has reached me. Now, Mr. Holmes, what have you to say?" My friend waited until the door had closed behind the retreating secretary. ' "Well, I tried one or two leads, but could get at nothing which would help our hypothesis, and several points which would make against it. There is, of course, the other woman, the drink, the push, the blow, the bruise, the sympathetic sister or landlady. " He was approaching the door of the house, when it opened, and a little, curly-headed lad of six came running out, followed by a stoutish, red-faced woman with a large sponge in her hand. " "Mrs. The pressman looked at him in mild surprise. We walked, and our way took us close to the office. "Yesterday morning I was seated in my office at the bank when a card was brought in to me by one of the clerks. I started when I saw the name, for it was that of none other than--well, perhaps even to you I had better say no more than that it was a name which is a household word all over the earth--one of the highest, noblest, most exalted names in England. One day, however, when the autumn was far advanced and the vacation drawing to a close, I received a telegram from my friend imploring me to return to Donnithorpe, and saying that he was in great need of my advice and assistance. This other is a milliner's account for thirty-seven pounds fifteen made out by Madame Lesurier, of Bond Street, to William Derbyshire. In order to negotiate with him they have to get an interpreter, and they pitch upon this Mr. It floods the banks, extends in great lagoons over a monstrous waste of country, and forms a huge district, called locally the Gapo, which is for the most part too marshy for foot-travel and too shallow for boating. And now, Doctor, we can do nothing until the answers to those letters come, so we may put our little problem upon the shelf for the interim. Hence was it that the good burghers of Romsey were all in the streets, that gay flags and flowers brightened the path from the nunnery to the church, and that a long procession wound up to the old arched door leading up the bride to these spiritual nuptials. It is a mistake to confound strangeness with mystery. Terrible misfortune. Right wing three-quarter missing, indispensable to-morrow. Innumerable women who staggered along under burdens, and children who toddled beside the waggons or peeped out from under the white coverings. This was evidently no ordinary party of immigrants, but rather some nomad people who had been compelled from stress of circumstances to seek themselves a new country. 'With your leave or without it, Mr. Can you hear them now?" "Very far away. " I scribbled a note to my neighbor, rushed upstairs to explain the matter to my wife, and joined Holmes upon the door-step. "My name," said he, "is John Openshaw, but my own affairs have, as far as I can understand, little to do with this awful business. " "I congratulate you. "It was a joke, my good sir--a practical joke, nothing more," he whined incessantly. Philosophy, astronomy, and politics were marked at zero, I remember. Botany variable, geology profound as regards the mud-stains from any region within fifty miles of town, chemistry eccentric, anatomy unsystematic, sensational literature and crime records unique, violin-player, boxer, swordsman, lawyer, and self-poisoner by cocaine and tobacco. --Variable. Well up in belladonna, opium, and poisons generally. For the last stand of the Company had been told throughout Christendom wherever a brave deed of arms was loved, and honors had flowed in upon the few who had survived it. "'There were three sisters altogether. ' "'You can see where it used to be?' "'Oh, yes. " "Indeed," said Holmes. "You are mad, Mr. You shall rue it to the end of your days. Malone got us the chart. One man can then go across and the rest will cover him with guns, until he sees that it is safe for the whole crowd to come along. Yesterday evening I went to Esher to fulfil this engagement. "He had described his household to me before I went there. " "Not so. "By St. For this man was so swollen with pride that he would neither drink with us, nor sit at the same table with us, nor as much as answer a question, but must needs talk to the varlet all the time that it was well there was peace, and that he had slain more Englishmen than there were tags to his doublet. "The river washes along the front of the old fort, and so protects it, but on the sides and behind there are many doors, and these had to be guarded, of course, in the old quarter as well as in that which was actually held by our troops. This is straight. Was it from Mr. Or did he drop it in the carriage? That is also possible. The mere fact that with a comparatively small hyperoxygenation of our blood we can hold out against it is surely a proof in itself that no very great change would be needed to enable animal life to endure it. " "I suggest that we put it in one of the huts until we can communicate with the police. The officers conducted him to the cab, but Lestrade remained. At the Lymington River they splashed through the ford, and lay in the meadows on the further side to eat the bread and salt meat which they carried upon the sumpter horses. Finally I was left in doubt as to whether it was animal or human. His whole bearing made me feel that something wonderful but dangerous lay before us. He spoke in a slow staccato fashion, choosing his words with care, and gave the impression generally of a man of learning and letters who had had ill-usage at the hands of fortune. Of course the fog was very thick. If an original were missing they would change the whole thing. " "And how would they bring about our destruction, Mr. We all listened intently to the young man's words. ' "'Five hundred a year!' I shouted. Then I swallowed the other, and we stood facing one another in silence for a minute or more, waiting to see which was to live and which was to die. Yet I have been a good mother to him. I shall stand by him, therefore, and he shall neither be put out on the road, nor shall his ears be offended indoors. I remember the look in your eyes. Their knights and squires, lad, are every whit as good as ours, and I could pick out a score of those who ride behind Du Guesclin who would hold the lists with sharpened lances against the best men in the army of England. Large and small, not less than a thousand of these filthy creatures lay in the hollow before us. Behind there was nothing remarkable, save that the passage window could be reached from the top of the coach-house. They paused, however, at the bridge, and, leaning their elbows upon the stonework, they stood looking down at their own faces in the glassy stream, and at the swift flash of speckled trout against the tawny gravel. " "What would ye think of offering up prayer?" the man asked diffidently. "I will come, with pleasure," said I. I was at my wit's end where to get the money, but a sudden idea came to me. If I backed down I knew well what would come to me. My darling made use of the few clear days which our start had given us in arranging for a refuge for me in such a fashion that no possible danger could reach me. Every stride of the horses and every turn of the wheels was taking us nearer to our supreme adventure. Our conversation was hampered by the presence of the driver of the hired wagonette, so that we were forced to talk of trivial matters when our nerves were tense with emotion and anticipation. Might I trouble you to open the window, for chloroform vapour does not help the palate. I could manage it better if I were alone. On the last evening he seems to have hid himself near the hut in which we were discussing our plans, and, being observed by our huge negro Zambo, who is as faithful as a dog and has the hatred which all his race bear to the half-breeds, he was dragged out and carried into our presence. "Why, Holmes, you had only two yesterday. "I know a dog that would follow that scent to the world's end. " "That depends on how it turns out. Mac?" "It gives me the impression of a secret society of some sort; the same with his badge upon the forearm. Holmes, it's in better hands than mine. The idea of some ghastly presence constantly haunted him, and on more than one occasion he has asked me whether I had on my medical journeys at night ever seen any strange creature or heard the baying of a hound. They are waiting for me at the cañon. There are no inhabitants of this land of despair. Men who die from heart disease, or any sudden natural cause, never by any chance exhibit agitation upon their features. There is vacillation in his k's and self-esteem in his capitals. A small boy was waiting upon the platform. On the right side was a small wooden thicket, which led into a narrow path between two neat hedges stretching from the road to the kitchen door, and forming the tradesmen's entrance. Alleyne might talk to her of the stories of old gods and heroes, of gallant deeds and lofty aims, or he might hold forth upon moon and stars, and let his fancy wander over the hidden secrets of the universe, and he would have a rapt listener with flushed cheeks and eloquent eyes, who could repeat after him the very words which had fallen from his lips. Once he shook both hands furiously in the air, and twice he sprang from his seat and hurried down the road. In vain were sword-sheaths, apple-branches and belts linked together thrown out to him by his companions. "Easy, Councillor! For heaven's sake, go easy!" he cried, as he dragged him back. McGinty released his hold, and Baldwin, cowed and shaken gasping for breath, and shivering in every limb, as one who has looked over the very edge of death, sat up on the barrel over which he had been hurled. "Brother Morris," said he, "you were always a croaker. We picked you up when you were starving in the desert, we shared our food with you, led you safe to the Chosen Valley, gave you a goodly share of land, and allowed you to wax rich under our protection. " "What is your plan, then?" asked Holmes, as he walked down the dark tree-lined road. Close behind us is the moline cross of the gallant William Molyneux, and beside it the bloody chevrons of the Norfork Woodhouses, with the amulets of the Musgraves of Westmoreland. In the waist gathered the Southampton mariners, hairy and burly men, with their jerkins thrown off, their waists braced tight, swords, mallets, and pole-axes in their hands. Holmes stole across and looked at it. If only you two know of this incident, there is no reason why it should go any farther. But say nothing to anyone upon the matter. Sir Oliver Buttesthorn with his men-at-arms had swarmed down from the forecastle, while Sir Nigel, with his three squires, Black Simon, Aylward, Hordle John, and a score more, threw themselves from the poop and hurled themselves into the thickest of the fight. Alleyne sprang in front of the Norman, but his sword was shattered and he himself beaten to the ground by a second blow from the ponderous weapon. "The Lord Loring commands," said the boy, "that you will follow me to the great chamber, and await him there. " He stepped past and laid his hand upon the glossy neck of the thoroughbred. "Do you tell me," said the sergeant, "that the wedding ring was BELOW the other?" "Always!" "Then the murderer, or whoever it was, first took off this ring you call the nugget ring, then the wedding ring, and afterwards put the nugget ring back again. " Dr. You may possibly remember that you chaffed me a little, some hours ago, when the sun seemed on your side of the hedge, so you must not grudge me a little pomp and ceremony now. Perhaps Miss Ettie can tell you something about it. God He knows that I am unworthy of such honor, yet I can show my four-and-sixty quarterings, and I have been present at some bickerings and scufflings during these twenty years. CHAPTER VII "To-morrow we Disappear into the Unknown" I will not bore those whom this narrative may reach by an account of our luxurious voyage upon the Booth liner, nor will I tell of our week's stay at Para (save that I should wish to acknowledge the great kindness of the Pereira da Pinta Company in helping us to get together our equipment). But anon their bemused wits awoke to the nature of the deed which was like to be done upon the moorlands. And even as they looked the thing tore the throat out of Hugo Baskerville, on which, as it turned its blazing eyes and dripping jaws upon them, the three shrieked with fear and rode for dear life, still screaming, across the moor. From an official point of view it's simply awful. That angular shadow up yonder was the bait, and we were the hunters. And now, Doctor, we've done our work, so it's time we had some play. " It was nearly one o'clock when Sherlock Holmes returned from his excursion. I could distinctly see the isolated, tree-crowned pinnacle of rock which was detached from the crag. Soames he went for you. Shall I do so? Well, well, don't trouble to answer. It was but for a moment, for the action of the alkaloid is rapid. It is evidently the theory of some arm-chair lounger who evolves all these neat little paradoxes in the seclusion of his own study. The funds of the society were raised by blackmailing rich Italians and threatening them with violence should they refuse the money. They had scarce reached it, however, ere they found that the wooden joists and planks of the flooring were already on fire. Mr. Douglas gave it up. No, she was not hurrying; it did not seem to him that she was particularly agitated. "John, show these gentlemen out!" A pompous butler ushered us severely to the door, and we found ourselves in the street. Holmes burst out laughing. I knew that someone had entered the house cautiously from without. " "There you are," said Holmes, smiling. "Anyone but a blind man could do as much," the other answered. She laughed at the compliment. I took her part, got her into a cab, and here we are. When the offer was first made, I little thought the turn which events might take. I had no difficulty in finding her rooms, which were central and well appointed. That is the situation for the discussion of which I have made a claim of urgency. Least of all does the maiden herself know it until the tone of a voice or the touch of a hand sets her heart thrilling within her, and she learns, with a mixture of pride and of fear, that a new and a larger nature has awoken within her. There are few who cannot recall that day and remember the one little incident which heralded the dawn of a new life. Which is it to be, death or life? We can only give you three minutes to decide, for the time is passing, and all must be done before the rounds come again. The Simpson incident had shown me that a dog was kept in the stables, and yet, though some one had been in and had fetched out a horse, he had not barked enough to arouse the two lads in the loft. " "How did the burglar know no one would hear it? How dared he pull at a bell-rope in that reckless fashion?" "Exactly, Mr. He denied it, however, with the utmost earnestness, and I am convinced that he was speaking the truth. I mentioned it to Mr. One day my editor wished to have a series of articles upon begging in the metropolis, and I volunteered to supply them. "'You blackguard!' I shouted, beside myself with rage. The purchase will be completed in a week, and meanwhile you will remain in Birmingham and make yourself useful. But at last he thought he saw his chance. We soon, however, had another and a more striking proof that there were secret agencies at work all round us. We were all assembled round him when the door opened, and a tall, gaunt woman entered the room. We must have something definite. " "Very," said Holmes. I gripped myself hard, and went on with the argument. " "You must remember," said Summerlee, sourly, "that I have a large class in London who are at present at the mercy of an extremely inefficient locum tenens. " "Good heaven! Did no one examine?" "Yes, I examined, myself. " "And beyond that, fair son?" "Beyond that is Jerusalem and the Holy Land, and the great river which hath its source in the Garden of Eden. Her initials were L. The first impression left by Mrs. I will explain the events which led up to it as shortly and as clearly as I can, though I am well aware that the fuller the detail upon such a subject the more welcome it will be to the reader, for the public curiosity has been and still is insatiable. Theirs was the spirit which upheld Darwin among the gauchos of the Argentine or Wallace among the head-hunters of Malaya. It is decreed by a merciful Nature that the human brain cannot think of two things simultaneously, so that if it be steeped in curiosity as to science it has no room for merely personal considerations. As to the pistol, you'll find it waiting for you, or I'm mistaken. Trevor make a sort of hiccoughing noise in his throat, and jumping out of his chair, he ran into the house. "'What is his name?' asked my host. "'He would not give any. ' "'What does he want, then?' "'He says that you know him, and that he only wants a moment's conversation. It was a labyrinth of an old house, with corridors, passages, narrow winding staircases, and little low doors, the thresholds of which were hollowed out by the generations who had crossed them. Your bones will whiten up there, and none will know where you lie or come to cover them. Why then should you, who are soldiers of the Spirit, be ever moping or hiding in cell or in cave, with minds full of your own concerns, while the world, which you should be mending, is going on its way, and neither sees nor hears you? Were ye all as thoughtless of your own souls as the soldier is of his body, ye would be of more avail to the souls of others. Besides, remember that she had resolved to use it within a few days. She is four-and-twenty. "Last Monday I had finished for the day and was dressing in my room above the opium den when I looked out of my window and saw, to my horror and astonishment, that my wife was standing in the street, with her eyes fixed full upon me. Neville St. Clair, of Lee, in the county of Kent. And what do you think they found in the pockets?" "I cannot imagine. How came the stone into the goose, and how came the goose into the open market? Tell us the truth, for there lies your only hope of safety. "It is not our custom in Spain to reward pertness in a messenger," Don Pedro answered, patting the head of his greyhound. He read the passage aloud. "Let me have the Hotel Directory," said Holmes. "Then we must send them up Sir Oliver Buttesthorn," quoth Ford. Adieu, ma vie! The two livres shall settle the score and buy some ribbons against the next kermesse. Do not forget Sam Aylward, for his heart shall ever be thine alone--and thine, ma petite! So, marchons, and may St. Holmes. Several rolls of paper were within, covered with figures and calculations, without any note to show to what they referred. "Caught cold, Watson?" said he. "No, it's this poisonous atmosphere. " "Dear me! Why, I could have sworn to it. "You see, a good many of the criminal classes begin to know me,--especially since our friend here took to publishing some of my cases: so I can only go on the war-path under some simple disguise like this. "Here's the agreement on the side-table. Athelney Jones," said Holmes, quietly. For myself, I felt elated at the thought that we were nearing the end of our task, and I caught something of Holmes's gaiety. There is the secret of that Cornish seclusion which people have marvelled at. The next day it came out in the evening papers that Private Miles, of the Coldstream Guards, on duty outside Marlborough House, had deserted his post without leave, and was therefore courtmartialed. Her officers were the same as in '95, with one exception. As she whisked round to us, I gave a cry of surprise and horror. It was a few weeks before my own marriage, during the days when I was still sharing rooms with Holmes in Baker Street, that he came home from an afternoon stroll to find a letter on the table waiting for him. CHAPTER VIII. HOW SIR NIGEL SOUGHT FOR A WAYSIDE VENTURE. " The night had already fallen, and the moon was shining between the rifts of ragged, drifting clouds, before Alleyne Edricson, footsore and weary from the unwonted exercise, found himself in front of the forest inn which stood upon the outskirts of Lyndhurst. "Art from Oxenford or from Cambridge? Hast thou a letter from the chancellor of thy college giving thee a permit to beg? Let me see thy letter. "This is indeed a day of comings and of goings. I can press it back, and here is the roof itself, sloping at a gentle angle. We had got well out on the country road, when a somewhat mortifying incident occurred. I made for the boat, and in an hour we were well out at sea. As I passed out through the wicket gate, however, I found my acquaintance of the morning waiting in the shadow upon the other side. Some weeks afterwards I learned incidentally that my friend spent a day at Windsor, whence he returned with a remarkably fine emerald tie-pin. Memory, at least, will never fail me, for so long as the breath of life is in me, every hour and every action of that period will stand out as hard and clear as do the first strange happenings of our childhood. No new impressions could efface those which are so deeply cut. What could be better for the purpose? Say again, then, Sahib, whether you are with us, or if we must look upon you as an enemy. The various checks which influence the struggle for existence in the world at large are all neutralized or altered. When finished, the busts were put on a table in the passage to dry, and afterwards stored. He had tied his cord to the hook on which the heavy lamp used to hang, and he had jumped off from the top of the very box that he showed us yesterday. "He is coming," he said. "You've got us side-tracked with your interesting anecdotes, Mr. Holmes. I had smoked two cigarettes before he moved. " "Then how is it that you did not go?" "Because I received help in the interval from another source. " "He would be the heir to the estate because that is entailed. " "This hat has not been brushed for weeks. " "Nay, the prince would not permit it. He retained it in his hand after using it to set the hound upon the track. ' "'That is true. It is the German who is so uncourteous to his verbs. The same singularly proud and reserved nature which turned away with disdain from popular notoriety was capable of being moved to its depths by spontaneous wonder and praise from a friend. Twice ere they reached open ground they had to break their way through small bodies of horses, and once there came a whistle of arrows and singing of stones about their ears; but, still dashing onwards, they shot out from among the tents and found their own comrades retreating for the mountains at no very great distance from them. Finally we pulled the boats up among the brushwood and spent the night on the bank of the river. Then he wrote a long telegram upon a cable form. But who could that have been, and how could he have got away?" "That is the problem which we are now about to solve," said Sherlock Holmes. The features are given to man as the means by which he shall express his emotions, and yours are faithful servants. For fifteen hundred miles one may trace this ghastly caravan route by these scattered remains of those who had fallen by the wayside. Then, as quick as a flash, came an expression of overpowering fear. You may have observed that some of them were marked with ticks, and the others--the great majority--were not. You cursed fools, you are trapped, every one of you!" We were too astounded to speak. G. ' That is two days after Mrs. I had thought of a great office with shining tables and rows of clerks, such as I was used to, and I dare say I stared rather straight at the two deal chairs and one little table, which, with a ledger and a waste paper basket, made up the whole furniture. A long black shadow was trailing down the corridor. She states that while she was there she saw, at the border of the wood and close by the lake, Mr. "The newcomers were Colonel Lysander Stark and a short thick man with a chinchilla beard growing out of the creases of his double chin, who was introduced to me as Mr. " Edricson came, however, of that sturdy Saxon blood which is very slowly heated, but once up not easily to be cooled. " "But you haven't helped me. Sherlock Holmes welcomed her with the easy courtesy for which he was remarkable, and, having closed the door and bowed her into an armchair, he looked her over in the minute and yet abstracted fashion which was peculiar to him. "You must not fear," said he soothingly, bending forward and patting her forearm. "But why is it, my good fellow, that you sit upon this man. Oh! I know that he is right. James never did it. "There's a cold-blooded scoundrel!" said Holmes, laughing, as he threw himself down into his chair once more. " "You seem to take it for granted, Challenger," said Summerlee, "that the object for which this world was created was that it should produce and sustain human life. Colonel Lysander Stark had said that it was only seven miles, but I should think, from the rate that we seemed to go, and from the time that we took, that it must have been nearer twelve. As to Holmes, he returned refreshed to his monograph upon the Polyphonic Motets of Lassus, which has since been printed for private circulation, and is said by experts to be the last word upon the subject. "There is little I can tell you, sir. "Who was your accomplice who came for the ring which I advertised?" The prisoner winked at my friend jocosely. "Not 'e. "It must be Maple White's. "It makes a considerable difference to me, having someone with me on whom I can thoroughly rely. " "And have you any on hand just now?" I asked with interest. "I guess you're the same in all places, shoving your advice in when nobody asks for it. Yes, I could see it, too. One was the harpoon with which the deed was committed. Windibank, asking him whether he could meet us here at six o'clock tomorrow evening. Hosmer Angel came to the house again and proposed that we should marry before father came back. " Mr. "Our quest is practically finished. No doubt it's just as they say. " "Where is Bannister now?" "He was very ill, poor fellow. But he was dead before he fell. "They will soon come now, Massa Malone. They must have thought that there was some chance of their being followed, for they would never go out alone, and never after nightfall. They know--and shall know--nothing of Whitehall Terrace. Milverton will send the letters to the Earl unless a large sum of money is paid him. He is known to have held papers which he used for blackmailing purposes. In the character of a registration-agent I had a most interesting gossip with his landlady. After a little hesitation, then, I screwed up my courage and continued upon my way, my useless gun under my arm. It was a useless attempt. " Percy Phelps and his nurse looked at Holmes during this demonstration with surprise and a good deal of disappointment written upon their faces. "Come, Watson," said he, and we passed from that house of grief into the pale sunlight of the winter day. "He may be the better judge, since he hath no call to side with either of us. " "I believe that he is coming here," said Holmes, rubbing his hands. " "It is such men as he," Sir Nigel remarked, "who give the true knight honorable deeds to do, whereby he may advance himself. I was shaving at my window in the morning when I heard the rattle of hoofs and, looking up, saw a dog-cart coming at a gallop down the road. " "A large-scale map, I presume?" "Very large. He was a very restless gentleman, sir, a-walkin' and a-stampin' all the time he was here. " "Well, bar the expression, that might almost be a description of Douglas himself," said Holmes. It cuts no ice with a British copper to tell him you're an American citizen. Come round here. It is within a hundred yards of the hall door. " (I was inclined to interpolate, as I looked at him, that I had seen his first cousin in Kensington. "How could they have got on to Steiner?" he muttered. "That's the worst blow yet. It's open just as it was found last night. " "Maybe he won't come. Now cast your mind back, Holmes. Lord John comes over to me, and we look out together into the night. "Shoot into the thick of them! Shoot! sonny, shoot!" cried my companion. There are strange red depths in the soul of the most commonplace man. I confess that I felt easier in my mind when, after following Holmes' example and slipping off my shoes, I found myself inside the bedroom. " "Quite so; but the sequel was rather unusual. Know then that though there may be peace between our own provinces and the French, yet within the marches of France there is always war, for the country is much divided against itself, and is furthermore harried by bands of flayers, skinners, Brabacons, tardvenus, and the rest of them. It is also of the exact weight of two pounds, so that I may use it in the balance. The details are still to be added. " "But a blow! a blow!" cried several of the older squires. " "You were travelling in the States?" "Yes. "A more perfect compound of the bully, coward, and sneak than Master Silas Brown I have seldom met with," remarked Holmes as we trudged along together. An unsuccessful lover might have killed Mr. " We were all astonished by the appearance of the apartment into which he invited us. Pray give my greetings to Mrs. " "'What are my duties?' I asked. "I've had my eye on him this year past. " "I'm expecting the end of the world to-day, Austin. Might I venture?" "No, sir, no--certainly not. "Thank you. "May I see your father if I call to-morrow?" "I am afraid the doctor won't allow it. He is big enough and old enough to look after himself, and if he is so foolish as to lose himself, I entirely refuse to accept the responsibility of hunting for him. In short, Watson, it is a very common book. We are faddy people, you know--faddy but kind-hearted. What think you of it, my worthy Captal? He took you at Cocherel, and, by my soul! you will have the chance now to pay that score. "Interview with Mr. Soley Wilson. " "Famous Specialist says 'Never despair!'" "Our Special Correspondent found the eminent scientist seated upon the roof, whither he had retreated to avoid the crowd of terrified patients who had stormed his dwelling. "Why, man, you're crazy," he said. "The truth is that the gentleman told me that he was a detective and that I was to say nothing about him to anyone. "I am the last and highest court of appeal in detection. Sherlock Holmes, and I am aware of your profession--one of which I by no means approve. You compel me to tell you that this is too serious a matter to be treated in such a fashion. You must assert that in such words as will carry conviction with them. " Holmes smiled, and clapped Lestrade upon the shoulder. I was still looking rather ruefully after the rapidly disappearing luggage-van which contained my wardrobe, when Holmes pulled my sleeve and pointed up the line. He had resumed his seat, the cigar still projecting at an insolent angle from the corner of his mouth. Hordle John was stripped from his waist upwards, and his huge body, with his great muscles swelling out like the gnarled roots of an oak, towered high above the soldier. Alleyne, all unnerved at so strange and unwonted a sight, shrunk up against the wall with his eyes fixed upon the frenzied creature, which came bounding along with ungainly speed, looking the larger in the uncertain light, its huge jaws agape, with blood and slaver trickling to the ground. Du Guesclin eyed her keenly from time to time, and passed his broad brown fingers through his crisp, curly black hair with the air of a man who is perplexed in his mind. "These folk here," said the knight of Bohemia, "they do not seem too well fed. " "We are to wait here?" "Yes, we shall make our little ambush here. " "If I could only get a single good, meaty sentence which seemed to convey some sort of definite human idea, it would serve my turn. "You came in as the knight does in the jongleur's romances, between dragon and damsel, with small time for the asking of questions. Watson; but it is this way," said he: "When I was speaking to the other chap in London, at the time that he laughed at my not going to Mawson's, I happened to notice that his tooth was stuffed in this very identical fashion. Your room is at the Westville Arms. Yes, my young friend," he added to the American reporter, with a sudden mood of amused geniality, "it may interest you to know that the world has swum through the poisonous current which swirls like the Gulf Stream through the ocean of ether. McFarlane in at half-past nine. She wished her hand had withered before she had done so. He slowed also. Perhaps it would be best for you if you never heard from the fellow at all. Mr. Williamson was the name of the tenant. There is some rumor that he is or has been a clergyman, but one or two incidents of his short residence at the Hall struck me as peculiarly unecclesiastical. " "There are Frenchmen among them, my fair lord," remarked Black Simon. We took Toby round to each in turn, but, though he sniffed earnestly, he made no sign. You know, Watson, I don't mind confessing to you that I have always had an idea that I would have made a highly efficient criminal. But you vill find other lodgings, mister. I wouldn't frighten Kate--poor little Kate. These were the two men who entered abruptly into our little sitting-room on Tuesday, March the 16th, shortly after our breakfast hour, as we were smoking together, preparatory to our daily excursion upon the moors. It is a hat of the very best quality. But beware of what? Wait a bit, he is coming to the window once more. "For my own part," the Duke continued, "I have advised the police to turn their attention to the south of France. "Think of my father! Of my mother! It would break their hearts. The sailing ships too--how they will back and fill with their cargoes of dead sailors, while their timbers rot and their joints leak, till one by one they sink below the surface. But there were ample signs that I had not come upon a false scent. Henderson, of High Gable, was by all accounts a curious man to whom curious adventures might befall. Joshua Stone, Nether Walsling. "This is a very obvious way of limiting our field of operations," said Holmes. It is almost a facsimile. My brother and I rushed towards the window, but the man was gone. " "I heard a cry also. "I frankly admit that I am unable to prove it. " "Indeed I have, sir. "As it stands, not one farthing shall you have with my free will, and when I see my brother, the Socman of Minstead, he will raise hue and cry from vill to vill, from hundred to hundred, until you are taken as a common robber and a scourge to the country. I saw him once look hard over my shoulder, so I turned round and looked also. 'I want her to-night at eight o'clock,' said he,--'eight o'clock sharp, mind, for I have two gentlemen who won't be kept waiting. Ha! by the five wounds, many men of war have drunk my wine, but never one was more to my fancy than this little Englishman. And you have no doubt that it is your husband's hand, madam?" "None. Her attack and her bowing are splendid. I had raised my hat and was about to make some explanatory remark when her own words turned all my thoughts into a new channel. 450 Express and the fowlin'-piece, the shorter one with the rubbered stock, and a clip or two of cartridges--just a fool's fancy, of course, but there it is. How does it strike you, Herr Professor?" "Well," said Summerlee, "since you ask my opinion, it strikes me as an indefensible throwback to the Stone Age or before it. How the Company Made Sport in the Vale of Pampeluna XXXV. How Samkin Aylward Wagered his Feather-bed VII. Never had he heard such jargon of scholastic philosophy, such fine-drawn distinctions, such cross-fire of major and minor, proposition, syllogism, attack and refutation. I am reckoned fleet of foot, but he outpaced me as much as I outpaced the little professional. " "Well, that makes it the more effective. " "Where did the money come from?" "That was all right. "Twice have we come scathless out of peril, and now for the third time I commend me to the blessed James of Compostella, to whom I vow----" "Nay, nay, old friend," whispered Sir Nigel. "You are like to bring a judgment upon us with these vows, which no living man could accomplish. That fire is miles on the farther side of it. It indicates a confederate at the other end. My companion was in the best of spirits, and prattled away about Cremona fiddles, and the difference between a Stradivarius and an Amati. "I very well remember the sensation which was caused by the disappearance of Captain Morstan. Barker; but it would come with a better grace from you. " "Oh, you think so, do you? Well, all I can say is that if there's any secret here it is not my secret, and I am not the man to give it away. I have wired to get his name and address from the Official Registry. " "Precisely. Holmes. I've had a bustling afternoon, I promise you. And yet I can't get out of doing business with him--indeed, he is here at my invitation. Do you note the peculiar construction of the sentence--'This account of you we have from all quarters received. "Wonderful! You might have been there!" "My final shot was, I confess a very long one. It struck me that so astute a man as Straker would not undertake this delicate tendon-nicking without a little practice. They were grave, it is true, and thoughtful, but of an invincible serenity. So I could do nothing. On the farm thus acquired John Ferrier built himself a substantial log-house, which received so many additions in succeeding years that it grew into a roomy villa. A desk stood in the centre, with a turning-chair of shining red leather. Nothing was moved before I got there, and strict orders were given that no one should walk upon the paths leading to the house. ' "'Then let me do so?' "'No, I forbid you. ' "So I had to be content with that, though it was the first time that there had ever been any secret between us. From the centre of this branch there hung a man, with his head at a horrid slant to his body and his toes just touching the ground. ' "'But,' said I, 'there would be millions of red-headed men who would apply. In dress now, for example. "It had been used for the storage of wood, but the billets, which had evidently been littered over the floor, were now piled at the sides, so as to leave a clear space in the middle. Hold it up to the light. " I did so, and saw a large "E" with a small "g," a "P," and a large "G" with a small "t" woven into the texture of the paper. " "I should not go so far as to say that, Watson. When they were dressed they found that the others had stolen out, leaving the door open behind them. " When we returned to Mrs. "Will you go?" "I really don't know what to say. Tarp Henry looked thoughtful. " At the same time I was aware that a tall, thin man, with dark gingery hair, a few seats in front of me, was also upon his feet. It came out upon the landing opposite to a second more ornamental stair which came up from the front hall. He kept the key in his pocket, made his own bed, cleaned it himself, and allowed no other foot to cross the threshold. "He looks like a beaten man," cried Phelps. Now, attention, friend, and let your ears work as well as your nether jaw. " The man sat huddled up in his chair, with his head sunk upon his breast, like one who is utterly crushed. Holmes? Have you a clue?" "An idea--an indication, no more. " "We must wire to Mawson's. Jones, but I will make you a free present of the name and description of one of the two people who were in this room last night. There was one man at the rudder, one to tend the engines, and two burly police-inspectors forward. "Then for the first time the horror of my situation came in its full force. I think that we should begin by seeing Forbes. Here is the message. Slowly the long and glittering train wound into the lists, until every horse had been tethered by the varlets in waiting, and every lord and lady seated in the long stands which stretched, rich in tapestry and velvet and blazoned arms, on either side of the centre of the arena. The holders of the lists occupied the end which was nearest to the city gate. They inherit Plantagenet blood by direct descent, and Tudor on the distaff side. And well they strove to keep their vow! From Chicago he was chased, after two attempts so near success that it was sure that the third would get him. All this, Dr. I'll let you have pocket-money and everything. "'Oh, just as you like,' said she, a little huffed. 'Which is it you want, then?' "'That white one with the barred tail, right in the middle of the flock. ' "'Oh, very well. ' "'And a very good thing, too!' I cried. "'No, I know no one in these parts. ' "'Dear me! How very impertinent! Kindly turn round and motion to him to go away. Proceed. ' "Dr. " I was staring at the strange message which I had scrawled, as he deciphered it, upon a sheet of foolscap on my knee. " "They shut at twelve on Saturdays. He calls attention, and with reason, to the discrepancy about his father having signalled to him before seeing him, also to his refusal to give details of his conversation with his father, and his singular account of his father's dying words. "This is really intolerable!" he cried, glaring across the platform. There is no name," said she, smoothing it out upon the counter. " "Meaning that you saw none?" "I assure you, sir, that there were none. After throwing down your paper, which was the action which drew my attention to you, you sat for half a minute with a vacant expression. Would you kindly look at this?" He handed me a photograph--half-plate size. Summerlee serve on such a committee and test his story in person? Mr. Then in a moment came the panic and the collapse. It was clearly some notable job which needed numbers. And so the blood-mottled figure had been left as a warning to all such hard-hearted employers, and the three noble avengers had hurried off into the mountains where unbroken nature comes down to the very edge of the furnaces and the slag heaps. Bender, he was the fust to go, and then Indian Pete, and then Mrs. McGregor, and then Johnny Hones, and then, dearie, your mother. " "Then mother's a deader too," cried the little girl dropping her face in her pinafore and sobbing bitterly. The mirror was so placed that, seated in the dark, we could very plainly see the door opposite. " "And then?" "Then Nancy fainted, and I caught up the key of the door from her hand, intending to unlock it and get help. He was brought up and remanded for further inquiries. What was in the letter we could never discover, but I could see as he held it that it was short and written in a scrawling hand. "No, no. It's among the trees there. You'll never pass as a pure-bred civilian as long as you keep that habit of carrying your handkerchief in your sleeve. We have our own ways and methods, different from Chicago. Please come yourself first and tell us what you know. " Our client looked down with a rueful face at his own unconventional appearance. Holmes had brought with him the carpet slippers from the hall. As Ames had observed, the soles of both were dark with blood. I knew not what wild beast we were about to hunt down in the dark jungle of criminal London, but I was well assured, from the bearing of this master huntsman, that the adventure was a most grave one--while the sardonic smile which occasionally broke through his ascetic gloom boded little good for the object of our quest. Then the charge against him will break down. Maybe he did split. The man who held me seemed to know my thoughts; for, even as I braced myself to it, he whispered, 'Don't make a noise. They had scarce reached it, however, ere they found that the wooden joists and planks of the flooring were already on fire. From below the two glowing ends of their cigars might have been the smouldering eyes of some malignant fiend looking down in the darkness. The clink of crossing sword-blades, the dull thudding of heavy blows, the panting and gasping of weary and wounded men, all rose together in a wild, long-drawn note, which swelled upwards to the ears of the wondering peasants who looked down from the edges of the cliffs upon the swaying turmoil of the battle beneath them. There is a double league which makes a fair balance of military power. " "How?" "Well, by his insufferable rudeness and impossible behavior. It is quite clear that the colonel was a cool and desperate man, who was absolutely determined that nothing should stand in the way of his little game, like those out-and-out pirates who will leave no survivor from a captured ship. I have no doubt at all that a family mannerism can be traced in these two specimens of writing. Never let yourself doubt upon that point. His face was ashy pale, beads of perspiration shone upon his brow, and his hands shook until the hunting-crop wagged like a branch in the wind. A Flandrish hat of beevor, bearing in the band the token of Our Lady of Embrun, was drawn low upon the left side to hide that ear which had been partly shorn from his head by a Flemish man-at-arms in a camp broil before Tournay. Alleyne, on the other hand, must trust for his defence to his quick eye and active foot--for his sword, though keen as a whetstone could make it, was of a light and graceful build with a narrow, sloping pommel and a tapering steel. Tranter well knew his advantage and lost no time in putting it to use. As his opponent walked towards him he suddenly bounded forward and sent in a whistling cut which would have severed the other in twain had he not sprung lightly back from it. " "So far as I can follow you, then, Mr. It was never quite out of his mind. " "At once?" "Well, as soon as you conveniently can. "I wish you would come back with me, Inspector," said he. It was unfortunately lost with so much else in the same boat accident which ruined my photographs. His father could trace his pure Saxon lineage back to that Godfrey Malf who had held the manors of Bisterne and of Minstead at the time when the Norman first set mailed foot upon English soil. He stooped his head to hers, and she raised one hand as if in protest. Putting out my hand I felt several coats hanging from the wall, and I understood that I was in a passage. "And all in four years, Baron. It was Neville St. " "Then for four hours the despatch-box had lain unguarded?" "No one is ever permitted to enter that room save the house-maid in the morning, and my valet, or my wife's maid, during the rest of the day. His wild eyes, stained cheeks, and unkempt hair all spoke of the sudden blow which had fallen upon the household. Then, having left the door open behind him, he was leading the horse away over the moor, when he was either met or overtaken by the trainer. " That was Charles the Second, whose advent was already foreseen. "Don't tell me that you're Marvin of the Chicago Central!" he cried. But I am sure that it will interest Mr. So you can make up your soul, young fellah my lad, for it will be one way or the other before evenin'. "I stood up and examined the rocky wall behind me. "'Answer me frankly,' he continued, 'for you will find it to your interest to do so. You have all the cleverness which makes a successful man. " "You were told, no doubt. " "But might be recognized as proofs?" "Possibly. At the end of Broad Street it ran right down to the water's edge, where there was a small wooden wharf. CHAPTER X. HOW THERE WAS STIR AT THE ABBEY OF ST. Even the squires' table at the Abbey of St. "I tell you again, Mr. "Before I go into the dining-room, I should like to hear your experience. But if it was not he, it must have been Alec Cunningham himself, for by the time that the old man had descended several servants were upon the scene. A train of coal trucks stood motionless upon the line. Our gas was lit and shone on the white cloth and glimmer of china and metal, for the table had not been cleared yet. I sat in front with the chauffeur, but behind me my three comrades seemed to me to be all talking together. ' "I assured him that I was not offended. ' "PROFESSOR SUMMERLEE (springing to his feet): 'Might I explain, your Grace, that this man is my personal enemy ever since our controversy in the Quarterly Journal of Science as to the true nature of Bathybius?' "THE CHAIRMAN: 'I fear I cannot go into personal matters. " "By Gar! I believe you are right," said McGinty. He was wrongfully accused of cheating at cards. Footmarks of both men could be made out on the carpet, but none of any third person, which again is a trick for the other side. They were piling up their score all the time and we were at a standstill. Here, for example, is one 'Upon the Distinction between the Ashes of the Various Tobaccoes. " "But, father," quoth Alleyne, "the holy Elisha was bald, which brought down upon him the revilements of the wicked children. An instant afterwards he had closed the door behind us, and we had become felons in the eyes of the law. The use of artificial means to make the creature diabolical was a flash of genius upon his part. There, sure enough, I perceived a number of flaky ashes, and round the edges a fringe of brownish powder, which had not yet been consumed. Through all this motley assemblage, threading her way with the skill of an accomplished rider, there galloped Lucy Ferrier, her fair face flushed with the exercise and her long chestnut hair floating out behind her. Now the cog's head was turned Francewards, and the shipman walked the deck, a peaceful master-mariner once more. In the first place, we may start with a strong presumption that Colonel Openshaw had some very strong reason for leaving America. A tall, thin white man was standing beside them, his head bowed, his arms folded, his whole attitude expressive of his horror and dejection. Holmes tied the dog to the hedge, and we hastened onward. I knew that someone had entered the house cautiously from without. I know now that I cannot have the use of it, and I know that they cannot. " "The exact date is 1742. "There are two words in this matter. Round this corner were three doors in a line, the first and third of which were open. It was terrible and amazing to see such a woman so convulsed with joy at such a sight. Sometimes he spent his day at the chemical laboratory, sometimes in the dissecting-rooms, and occasionally in long walks, which appeared to take him into the lowest portions of the City. As to the housekeeper, she had heard nothing on the night of the crime. Then of course I saw exactly what it all meant. As I passed his pew on the way out I dropped my bouquet over to him, and he slipped the note into my hand when he returned me the flowers. I did not know how this Agra treasure had weighed me down, until now that it was finally removed. But I cared a great deal for the much more formidable person who was behind him, the bosom friend of Moriarty, the man who dropped the rocks over the cliff, the most cunning and dangerous criminal in London. L. " "Have you got that slip?" "No, sir, it crumbled all to bits after we moved it. " "I understand you to say that your room is on the second floor, that there is no entrance from without, and that from within no one could go up unobserved. Summerlee asked if he might light his pipe, and we all had cigarettes. Summerlee: "Yes, I will. " (Great cheering. Sherlock Holmes rose softly and moved his chair in the direction of the door. The future will show which is right. The conclusions of every department are passed to him, and he is the central exchange, the clearinghouse, which makes out the balance. Through the gateway we passed into the avenue, where the wheels were again hushed amid the leaves, and the old trees shot their branches in a sombre tunnel over our heads. Out of the black shadows there glimmered little red circles of light, now bright, now faint, as the burning poison waxed or waned in the bowls of the metal pipes. The swing skylights above the saloon table had been a bit open, and they had fired on us through the slit. "'Come, now, Mr. Holmes,' said he, laughing good-humoredly. 'You really must, you know. ' "What do you think of that, Watson?" cried Holmes in high glee, rubbing his hands together with satisfaction. 'I suppose that you can get rid of your boarders when you wish. ' Then, as I tried to shake her off, she clung to me in a frenzy of entreaty. Was Under-Secretary for the colonies in a late administration. Or did he drop it in the carriage? That is also possible. It's about Isa. He has not been home for two days. You will understand now how it was that I strove to keep the peace with him, and you will in some measure sympathize with me in the fears which fill me, now that he has gone from me to his other victim with threats upon his tongue. We have had for some years in this household a housekeeper--one Sarah, with whose second name I have never attempted to burden my memory. " A few minutes later we were in the study. "Besides, we may chance to hit upon some other obvious facts which may have been by no means obvious to Mr. If you will come round once more to my rooms at six o'clock to-morrow, I think I shall be able to show you that even now you have not grasped the entire meaning of this business, which presents some features which make it absolutely original in the history of crime. I know a good woman in the place I come from, and it's there I'd leave you till we can get married. They exactly correspond, so I gather that the lady went back to the same establishment for the second. " "Then why did they fly?" "Quite so. "I got a message from the head office that a gent at this address had been inquiring for No. "I shall probably wish to go over the outside of the house again. " Our cab was awaiting us outside, and our programme was evidently prearranged, for the driver started off at once at a rapid pace. "There has been many a hammer murder and no trace on the hammer. "I think that if you knew all that I had in this box you would ask me to pull some out instead of putting others in. Now, Watson, there is cocoa ready in the next room. Holmes, with your permission, I will show you round the house. " "Perhaps he is waiting for a better price. There was a cheetah, too; perhaps we might find it upon our shoulders at any moment. " "Stoutly spoken, master alderman! But how have you fared hitherto?" "As a lamb fares in a land of wolves. " "About twelve o'clock last night," said the Standard, "Mr. "Yes, sir, I have already read the account in the evening papers. "It may seem very foolish in your eyes," I added, "but really I don't know how you deduced it. He has died within ten seconds of being bitten. John, cooped up in the valley, and absorbed in his work, had had little chance of learning the news of the outside world during the last twelve years. All this Jefferson Hope was able to tell him, and in a style which interested Lucy as well as her father. "I had gone up to town about an investment, and I met him in Regent Street with hardly a coat to his back or a boot to his foot. I was at my wit's end where to get the money, but a sudden idea came to me. " "And how have you succeeded?" "Well. What copy it would have made for the Gazette! Had ever a journalist such an opening and so little chance of using it--the scoop of scoops, and no one to appreciate it? And then, suddenly, the old instinct of recording came over me. He thrust a hollow reed into it and cried out with delight like a schoolboy then he was able, on touching it with a lighted match, to cause a sharp explosion and a blue flame at the far end of the tube. "I do not know what I have done to be so severely tried," said he. On the very day that we fought over the little hussy, she went off with Evan ap Price, a long-legged Welsh dagsman. On being asked where this old shipmate lived, he was unable to give any satisfactory reply. As I approached the spot I was aware of voices, some remark in the deep tones of a man, answered by a little ripple of feminine laughter. "You have implicit faith in Holmes?" he asked. Here you are, and here you will stay until I will otherwise. But I'll humour you. " About nine o'clock the light among the trees was extinguished, and all was dark in the direction of the Manor House. He said that he was a detective, and he offered me two guineas if I would do exactly what he wanted all day and ask no questions. He took his chance, intending, no doubt, to make some excuse if he met anyone. " "Jim was shot last month when they tried to kill Chester Wilcox of Marley Creek," McMurdo's neighbour informed him. "Do not go asleep; your very life may depend upon it. "Exactly. We are in Camden House, which stands opposite to our own old quarters. This would explain it. Full of the one idea, I set myself to find out what had become of the Secretary. I don't know how long we sat in amazed silence. Soames he went for you. I flopped down into that chair, and nothing would budge me until Mr. "Who--who's this?" he stammered. "It is Selden, the man who escaped from Princetown. I beg your pardon, sir, for I haven't spoke as much as this for many a long year, but to-day my feelings seem to 'ave got the better of me. So we just had to leave that detail to take care of itself. " "Be he who he might, he was a very hardy gentleman. "The first of them was that they threw me out. "The symptoms are for some reason developing more rapidly upon the sea level. "Dost know who I am?" "No, sir, I do not. "I would have you to know, clerk, that I am a free English burgher, and that I dare say my mind to our father the Pope himself, let alone such a lacquey's lacquey as you!" "Base-born and foul-mouthed knave!" cried the sompnour. "I hear of Sherlock everywhere since you became his chronicler. Then I walked across to the window, hoping that I might catch some glimpse of the country-side, but an oak shutter, heavily barred, was folded across it. "Any steps?" he asked. " Alleyne thought of what he had read of demoniac possession--the jumpings, the twitchings, the wild talk. " His revolver cracked, and I saw the blood spurt from the front of Woodley's waistcoat. "I am a practical man, Mr. " "Then there is a lake in the center. Staunton in London?" "Certainly not. " "Dear me, dear me--the postoffice again!" Holmes sighed, wearily. "Lord, how some of that Somaliland-Uganda crowd would turn a beautiful pea-green if they saw it! I don't know what you chaps think, but it strikes me that we are on mighty thin ice all this time. " I had the same feeling of mystery and danger around us. "Now, I'll show you the explanation. " III. Mortimer, with his companion, had long vanished in front of us. " "Indeed! And anyone else?" "There were many insignificant sums to individuals, and a large number of public charities. "Yes, but I have a peculiar taste in these matters. "For years I have loved her. On the third day, however, I had ample evidence that her solemn promise was not enough to hold her back from this secret influence which drew her away from her husband and her duty. On the other, the plans of the Bruce-Partington submarine are presumably already on the Continent. Astonished at the sight, I leaned forward to pick it off, when, to my horror, it burst between my finger and thumb, squirting blood in every direction. My cry of disgust had brought the two professors to my side. I remember that the monstrous and grotesque idea crossed my mind--the illusion may have been heightened by the heavy stuffiness of the air which we were breathing--that we were in four front seats of the stalls at the last act of the drama of the world. " "Let me say, Mr. The Foreign Minister alone I could have withstood, but when the Premier also deigned to visit my humble roof--! The fact is, Watson, that this gentleman upon the sofa was a bit too good for our people. Just notice this point, Mr. A short walk along the winding drive with such sward and oaks around it as one only sees in rural England, then a sudden turn, and the long, low Jacobean house of dingy, liver-coloured brick lay before us, with an old-fashioned garden of cut yews on each side of it. CHAPTER XIV. HOW SAMKIN AYLWARD WAGERED HIS FEATHER-BED. Black was the mouth of Twynham Castle, though a pair of torches burning at the further end of the gateway cast a red glare over the outer bailey, and sent a dim, ruddy flicker through the rough-hewn arch, rising and falling with fitful brightness. With rows of flaring torches to light it up, and the colour and rude hilarity of an old-time banquet, it might have softened; but now, when two black-clothed gentlemen sat in the little circle of light thrown by a shaded lamp, one's voice became hushed and one's spirit subdued. Any night, for example, our neighbours the Stapletons might be attacked by him, and it may have been the thought of this which made Sir Henry so keen upon the adventure. But there is nothing to eat unless he were to catch and slaughter one of the moor sheep. ' "The same afternoon saw us both at Hurlstone. "'We have not got our name up yet, for we only secured these temporary premises last week. On our way we had to pass through Hudson Street, which is a very quiet thoroughfare. The head had been beaten in by repeated blows of some heavy and blunt weapon. How could I settle the point forever? Obviously the first thing to do was to see the Grimpen postmaster and find whether the test telegram had really been placed in Barrymore's own hands. I knew that none had fallen since the evening before, and also that there had been a strong frost to preserve impressions. It could only have been the murderer, since neither the gardener nor anyone else had been there that morning, and the rain had only begun during the night. But dark or fair, she is my own dear little girlie, and her mother's pet. " All along the woodland track there did indeed run a scattered straggling trail of blood-marks, sometimes in single drops, and in other places in broad, ruddy gouts, smudged over the dead leaves or crimsoning the white flint stones. "He of the fur mantle has a wise and reverent face. First he must be a monk forsooth, and all because a wench was wise enough to turn her back on him. Then there came a gray friar, or minorite, with a good paunch upon him, walking slowly and looking about him with the air of a man who was at peace with himself and with all men. As a Pressman, I felt sure from what I had been told that I could never hope to get into touch with this cantankerous Professor. "Mr. Henry Baker, I believe," said he, rising from his armchair and greeting his visitor with the easy air of geniality which he could so readily assume. In one hour and five minutes I meet him at Waterloo Station. Once, I remember, as we passed over the Gemmi, and walked along the border of the melancholy Daubensee, a large rock which had been dislodged from the ridge upon our right clattered down and roared into the lake behind us. Then all was blank, until he woke to find kindly blue English eyes peering down upon him and to hear the blessed sound of his country's speech. "I say, Watson," he whispered, "would you be afraid to sleep in the same room with a lunatic, a man with softening of the brain, an idiot whose mind has lost its grip?" "Not in the least," I answered in astonishment. You must keep on until you do. " "Well, I have been obliged to reconsider it. "Do you know," said he, "that I begin to believe that I am the unconscious centre of some monstrous conspiracy, and that my life is aimed at as well as my honor?" "Ah!" cried Holmes. Joseph will come, too. Joseph Stangerson," said Lestrade gravely, "was murdered at Halliday's Private Hotel about six o'clock this morning. The details of the case will probably be never known now, though we are informed upon good authority that the crime was the result of an old standing and romantic feud, in which love and Mormonism bore a part. " "You have found a way up?" "I venture to think so. " "Mind it is, for it's the last thing of mine that I'll lose in this den of thieves. " "Then there is Chandos. " "That is easily got. Sooth to say, the stout heart of Sir Nigel, which cared little for the wrath of her lion-like spouse, was somewhat shaken by the calm, cold face of this stately dame, for twenty years of camp-life had left him more at ease in the lists than in a lady's boudoir. He bethought him, too, as he looked at her set lips and deep-set questioning eyes, that he had heard strange tales of this same Lady Tiphaine du Guesclin. You will soften him, Watson. You would think that it must be forever desert. " "Yes; she got a duplicate after the fire. "It were better for you, John Ferrier," he thundered, "that you and she were now lying blanched skeletons upon the Sierra Blanco, than that you should put your weak wills against the orders of the Holy Four!" With a threatening gesture of his hand, he turned from the door, and Ferrier heard his heavy step scrunching along the shingly path. It may be that others have come into the castle. And yet there were indications that even human life itself was not far from us in those mysterious recesses. " "Why would no one stay?" I asked. "A bicycle, certainly, but not THE bicycle," said he. Hungerton, her father, really was the most tactless person upon earth,--a fluffy, feathery, untidy cockatoo of a man, perfectly good-natured, but absolutely centered upon his own silly self. If anything could have driven me from Gladys, it would have been the thought of such a father-in-law. They have perished, and by my hand. You could not have made any slip in coming?" "I did exactly what you advised. " "Whom would you recommend, then?" Holmes laid his hand upon my arm. "If ever geologists should by any chance live upon earth again they will have some strange theories of the existence of man in carboniferous strata. " "And so say I," cried Felton, heartily. " "Yet I would fain have your rede and counsel, Sir Simon. Now, then: 'Found at the corner of Goodge Street, a goose and a black felt hat. No, sir, such a man will look after himself and will look after his chums. There is no prospect of danger, or I should not dream of stirring out without you. The twitter of birds, the buzz of insects, the far-off echo of voices, the lowing of cattle, the distant barking of dogs, roar of trains, and rattle of carts--all these form one low, unremitting note, striking unheeded upon the ear. It was indeed a singular scene which met their eyes. " "I have given up looking for either the one or the other," said Morris. By the way, I've got a small job for you, if you'll help me. " "But, Aylward, think of the men whom I saw yesternight," said Alleyne. "You are developing a certain unexpected vein of pawky humour, Watson, against which I must learn to guard myself. "You see it?" But I saw nothing. "I have never been a very rich man, Mr. "And you might add of the attempted murder of one Sherlock Holmes," remarked my friend with a chuckle. "How long is it since there has been peace in my hapless country? Where are the steadings, and orchards, and vineyards, which made France fair? Where are the cities which made her great? From Providence to Burgundy we are beset by every prowling hireling in Christendom, who rend and tear the country which you have left too weak to guard her own marches. "That's the worst blow yet. As we drove up to the porticoed front door, I observed in front of it, beside the tennis lawn, the black tool-house and the pedestalled sundial with which we had such strange associations. Paul's. He fancied his own literary touch. These letters would have saved him. " "You are over-grave to-day, John," the prince answered. "Wait a bit, Gregson," said Sherlock Holmes. "You go too fast. " "Where is he, then? Where shall we know him?" "Eminent Bodymaster," said McMurdo, earnestly, "I would put it to you that this is too vital a thing for us to discuss in open lodge. "You may find the scath yourself, my lusty friend, if you raise your great cudgel to me. "What can you hope for? I'm fifteen stone, as hard as nails, and play center three-quarter every Saturday for the London Irish. Surely your medical experience would tell you, Watson, that weakness in one limb is often compensated for by exceptional strength in the others. " "Well, that is part of the risk. "Well, I first had the hammer examined. It seemed altogether past belief that anyone could make such a will, or that they would pay such a sum for doing anything so simple as copying out the 'Encyclopaedia Britannica. We should soon come upon rapids, he explained, which would make its further use impossible. She is a woman of a severe and forbidding aspect, prim and demure in her bearing, very impassive in her nature, and never known within our experience to show signs of any emotion. I have not treated her ungenerously, and she had no just cause of complaint against me, but you know what women are, Mr. Foremost of all, of course, were the sight of the fiery caves and the certainty that some troglodytic race inhabited them. But besides that I could speak from experience of the central lake. The moon shone clear above them, and they rode swiftly abreast, taking that course which the maid must needs have taken if she were to reach her own home. The clerk's mind was on his brother, on his future--above all on this strange, fierce, melting, beautiful woman who had broken so suddenly into his life, and as suddenly passed out of it again. She was there in an instant, and I caught a glimpse of it as she half-drew it out. I have no complaint to make. " "Yet they have souls, fair lady, they have souls!" murmured the chaplain, a white-haired man with a weary, patient face. It looked as if the pair might take an immediate departure, and so necessitate very prompt and energetic measures on my part. Saturday was always the lodge night, and McMurdo was leaving his house to attend it when Morris, the weaker brother of the order, came to see him. " Chapter 3--Lodge 341, Vermissa On the day following the evening which had contained so many exciting events, McMurdo moved his lodgings from old Jacob Shafter's and took up his quarters at the Widow MacNamara's on the extreme outskirts of the town. The narrow passage led us into a quadrangle paved with flags and lined by sordid dwellings. I remember that during our short visit we found the vicar garrulous, but his lodger strangely reticent, a sad-faced, introspective man, sitting with averted eyes, brooding apparently upon his own affairs. Our course now ran down Nine Elms until we came to Broderick and Nelson's large timber-yard, just past the White Eagle tavern. "We are devil-ridden, Mr. That means that while they are, as we have seen, very anxious to watch him, they are equally anxious that he should not see them. " "Any questions, Mr. "You pass too lightly over the matter. "There was nothin' else to be done. Westaway was the name of the founder of the business, but it is really managed by Miss Stoper. She sits in her own little office, and the ladies who are seeking employment wait in an anteroom, and are then shown in one by one, when she consults her ledgers and sees whether she has anything which would suit them. Day by day she grew queerer and more irritable, and we had ceaseless rows about nothing. I was fairly puzzled by it all. Yet, for all my care, things were not merry in the house, and I thought it well to come away. Even after I became suspicious, I found it hard to think evil of such a dear, kind old clergyman. However, once we had got out of our narrow haven of refuge into the wider atmosphere of everyday life, our normal energy came gradually back to us once more. I want to find the whereabouts of a steam launch called the Aurora, owner Mordecai Smith, black with two red streaks, funnel black with a white band. But how can one serve people who are so foolish and so ungrateful?" Whilst the Seneschal of Villefranche had been detailing the evil doings of his tenants, Alleyne had been unable to take his eyes from the face of Lady Tiphaine. I have been warm under a coverlet all night, and you cold in your chairs. "By Jove!" he cried. What is this golden banner which waves upon the left?" "It is the ensign of the Knights of Calatrava," answered Felton. I am afraid he won't make much of [15] Why, by Jove, here's the very man himself!" It was indeed Lestrade, who had ascended the stairs while we were talking, and who now entered the room. You must divide it out among yourselves, and do both banks thoroughly. " "You have followed me wonderfully!" I exclaimed. Melas. He earns his living partly as interpreter in the law courts and partly by acting as guide to any wealthy Orientals who may visit the Northumberland Avenue hotels. It was all that I could do to persuade him to let me find out Miss Morstan's address and send her a detached pearl at fixed intervals, so that at least she might never feel destitute. Every time that a knock came to the door, or a sharp step passed in the street, I imagined that it was either Holmes returning or an answer to his advertisement. By degrees Mr. Yet, ere the last string had twanged, he would be down on his four bones among the stricken, and have them all houseled and shriven, as quick as shelling peas. I have read Ockham, Bradwardine, and other of the schoolmen, together with the learned Duns Scotus and the book of the holy Aquinas. " "Art so set on plunder then? Is the purse so light that there is not enough for a rouse? I have a bag at my belt, camarade, and you have but to put your fist into it for what you want. But, still, whatever your motive, I am glad that you went down that mine. My strength had been rather tried of late. He met me and married me there. I looked back before I reached Farnham, but the man was gone, so I thought no more about it. I have enclosed with this a rough chart of our journey, which may have the effect of making the account rather easier to understand. You'd have done the same, if you have any manhood in you, if you had been in my place. "That girl that I spoke of was to have married me twenty years ago. Alack and alas that ever I should have been fool enough to trust him! Now, young man, what manner of a bird would you suppose a pied merlin to be--that being the proper sign of my hostel?" "Why," said Alleyne, "a merlin is a bird of the same form as an eagle or a falcon. I can well remember that learned brother Bartholomew, who is deep in all the secrets of nature, pointed one out to me as we walked together near Vinney Ridge. At first, of course, he denied everything. He was eager that I should break the entail, and he was of opinion that it lay in my power to do so. Yet, in spite of his shabby and even absurd appearance, his voice had a sharp crackle, and his manner a quick intensity which commanded attention. Yet the king hath given me a living here in the southlands, and please God these two lads of mine will pay off a debt that hath been owing over long. It is certain that there is a point where an ascent is possible. The cries of the people in the galleries, who were alarmed at the near approach of those glowing eyes and that murderous beak, excited the creature to a frenzy. She was preparing to go to bed when the loud ringing of the bell had attracted her attention. She came to Mr. Stapleton himself seems to have been capable of jealousy, and when he saw the baronet paying court to the lady, even though it was part of his own plan, still he could not help interrupting with a passionate outburst which revealed the fiery soul which his self-contained manner so cleverly concealed. I gave a trifle myself. It is a pure matter of form. But all I heard pointed in the one direction. Sit down on this bench, Watson, until a train for Chiselhurst arrives, and allow me to lay the evidence before you, imploring you in the first instance to dismiss from your mind the idea that anything which the maid or her mistress may have said must necessarily be true. The lady's charming personality must not be permitted to warp our judgment. Alleyne watched him until he was small in the distance, and then, wiping the tears from his eyes, he set off briskly once more upon his journey. The youth had now journeyed considerably beyond the furthest domains of the Abbey. Hilton Cubitt's room, and he reported that her injuries were serious, but not necessarily fatal. She shot him and then herself--so the servants say. " "I daresay you are right. Alleyne had turned to follow them, when he felt a touch upon his shoulder, and found a young page by his side. "There is no need for such anger," he said mildly. "I cannot expect to find it developed in all of you to the same point which it has reached in me, for I suppose that the strength of our different mental processes bears some proportion to each other. It has been a long evening, and I don't think my nerve is as good as it was. Athelney Jones, of Scotland Yard, with all his well-known energy and sagacity. His trained and experienced faculties were at once directed towards the detection of the criminals, with the gratifying result that the brother, Thaddeus Sholto, has already been arrested, together with the housekeeper, Mrs. His nostrils seemed to dilate with a purely animal lust for the chase, and his mind was so absolutely concentrated upon the matter before him that a question or remark fell unheeded upon his ears, or, at the most, only provoked a quick, impatient snarl in reply. "The baronet himself told him about the family hound, and so prepared the way for his own death. " "That is true," said I. Your words prove that you have these, and all the rest is but the work of use and time. " "If my hand is not hard, it is ready. "The fact is that I knew this fellow Milverton, that I considered him one of the most dangerous men in London, and that I think there are certain crimes which the law cannot touch, and which therefore, to some extent, justify private revenge. "What think you of our ways, Brother?" McMurdo's criminal soul seemed to have already absorbed the spirit of the vile association of which he was now a member. "Drums," said Lord John, carelessly; "war drums. I have heard them before. I staggered to the balustrades of the stair. " "What do you mean, then?" "I mean that I have earned the reward. " "I could only account for it so. " Alleyne followed the messenger to the east end of the courtyard, where a broad flight of steps led up to the doorway of the main hall, the outer wall of which is washed by the waters of the Avon. Know then that though there may be peace between our own provinces and the French, yet within the marches of France there is always war, for the country is much divided against itself, and is furthermore harried by bands of flayers, skinners, Brabacons, tardvenus, and the rest of them. For every statue, cut gem, shrine, carven screen, or what else might please the eye of a learned clerk, there are a good hundred to our one. " "Your Company has been, then, to bow knee before our holy father, the Pope Urban, the prop and centre of Christendom?" asked Alleyne, much interested. Waldron looked with amazement along the line of professors upon the platform until his eyes fell upon the figure of Challenger, who leaned back in his chair with closed eyes and an amused expression, as if he were smiling in his sleep. There are points in it with which I disagree, and it has been my duty to indicate them as they arose, but, none the less, Mr. And it ended by my discovering traces, but very different ones from those which I had expected. " She pulled a little handkerchief out of her muff and began to sob heavily into it. Holmes was very serious in his manner, myself curious, and the detectives obviously critical and annoyed. Armstrong at the door. " "We can follow him to-morrow. "It would, perchance, be best that the novices be not admitted," suggested the master. It was done by a thick pen, and these are fine. Better to sleep here at this inn, and then travel on to Minstead in the morning. If his brother would take him in, well and good. So perfect was the organisation of the society, and so systematic its methods, that there is hardly a case upon record where any man succeeded in braving it with impunity, or in which any of its outrages were traced home to the perpetrators. Lower down were six reapers all in a litter, their limbs crossing, their dead, unwinking eyes gazing upwards at the glare of heaven. The blue reeks of smoke from the cottages gave the whole widespread landscape an air of settled order and homely comfort. "Enough of this," said my friend, coldly. "Drop that pistol! Watson, pick it up! Hold it to his head. Thank you. I have always had the key on my watch-chain. Do not think that I intrude one story before another is finished. " "What sort of fool's talk is this? Do you back out?" "Easy, Councillor, easy! What have I ever said or done that you should think I would be after standing back from an order of the Bodymaster of my own lodge? If it's right or if it's wrong, it's for you to decide. " "My dear Holmes, what do you mean?" "I think that you know me well enough, Watson, to understand that I am by no means a nervous man. " "Well, then," said Holmes, with a mischievous twinkle, "I suppose that you have no objection to helping me?" Phelps raised the cover, and as he did so he uttered a scream, and sat there staring with a face as white as the plate upon which he looked. There will be no difficulties for you or your baggage. When we have found who he is and who his associates are, we should have a good start in learning what he was doing in Pitt Street last night, and who it was who met him and killed him on the doorstep of Mr. But we hold several threads in our hands, and the odds are that one or other of them guides us to the truth. " "I am ever her knight and slave. "I can see him plainly. I confess that I have seldom known a case which at first sight presented a more singular problem. Only a very important issue could call me from London at present. At that moment there arrived Dr. On reaching the base of the bluff they halted, and held a short council among themselves. They had him alone at their mercy every other night in the week. " "My Mary? Impossible!" "It is unfortunately more than possible; it is certain. "With two such men as yourself and Lestrade upon the ground, there will not be much for a third party to find out," he said. I will turn the facts over in my mind, Mr. With bow, a smile, and a twinkle, Milverton was out of the room, and a few moments after we heard the slam of the carriage door and the rattle of the wheels as he drove away. In the dim light of the lamp I saw him sitting there, an old briar pipe between his lips, his eyes fixed vacantly upon the corner of the ceiling, the blue smoke curling up from him, silent, motionless, with the light shining upon his strong-set aquiline features. This stone is not yet twenty years old. Maple White passed Rosario four years ago, or two years before I saw his dead body. He was not alone at the time, but there was a friend, an American named James Colver, who remained in the boat and did not meet this ecclesiastic. Then, at his order, the whole tribe lay down upon the ground before us in homage. "I thought so," said he, "the revolver had an ejector, and here is the third cartridge. I was at my wit's end where to get the money, but a sudden idea came to me. Perhaps it was thoughtless of me to say so. " He walked swiftly round from one to the other, pausing only at the large one which looked from the hall onto the stable lane. I think that we may gain that by means of the law; but we have our web to weave, while theirs is already woven. If there were a hidden meaning in it, I was confident that I could pluck it forth. Come along, Watson. "Ah, Wilson, I see you have not forgotten the little case in which I had the good fortune to help you?" "No, sir, indeed I have not. It is a toss of the head and a droop of the eyes if I say one word of what is in my mind. I must, however, as a matter of duty, send an inspector with you, since you have so valuable a charge. Melas, that if at any time to-night you attempt to raise an alarm or do anything which is against my interests, you will find it a very serious thing. "'Yes. ' "'Well done, well done! No ill-will, Mr. Holmes, and my mind is made up that I will accept it. Tell me all, Mr. The rest will to Dax when the prince starts, which will be before the feast of the Epiphany. It was a quarter-past seven when we left Pall Mall, and my watch showed me that it was ten minutes to nine when we at last came to a standstill. James' Street and the Strand. We had not long to wait for our enemy. Finally, we have the curious fact that the intruder carried away the key with him when he left. But they determined to get rid forever of Garcia. It was absolutely certain, therefore, in spite of her denial, that she must know something of the matter. And yet there were indications that even human life itself was not far from us in those mysterious recesses. " "I am armed. If any visitor were to call asking for Mrs. For two days we made our way up a good-sized river some hundreds of yards broad, and dark in color, but transparent, so that one could usually see the bottom. It lay scattered, in splintered shards, upon the grass. And it is this letter--this letter which may well mean the expenditure of a thousand millions and the lives of a hundred thousand men--which has become lost in this unaccountable fashion. When a woman has been seriously wronged by a man she no longer oscillates, and the usual symptom is a broken bell wire. "This Godfrey Norton was evidently an important factor in the matter. I can press it back, and here is the roof itself, sloping at a gentle angle. His studies are very desultory and eccentric, but he has amassed a lot of out-of-the way knowledge which would astonish his professors. "It is Sir William de Pakington, the prince's own herald and scrivener," whispered Sir Nigel, as they pulled up amid the line of knights who waited admission. On the other hand, a man should be at his very best and keenest for such nice work as that, and I did not wish to do it when fagged by a long journey. I was to see that the doors were open and the signal of a green or white light in a window which faced the drive was to give notice if all was safe or if the attempt had better be postponed. " "Colour of his eyes?" "No, I can't say that. " "Children, my dear boy, children. It is very possible if I had known about this notebook it might have led away my thoughts, as it did yours. "How much do you know?" he asked at last, without raising his head. "That's the worst blow yet. "Jack McGinty is the boss there. " "What sort of a man is he?" McMurdo asked. "Will that not nip life in the bud?" "The poison may be a mere stratum or layer in the ether--a mephitic Gulf Stream across that mighty ocean in which we float. Tarp Henry looked thoughtful. " At the same time I was aware that a tall, thin man, with dark gingery hair, a few seats in front of me, was also upon his feet. And you saw no more of him?" "Not after he went into the station. Frankland, who was standing, gray-whiskered and red-faced, outside the gate of his garden, which opened on to the highroad along which I travelled. Stapleton, the naturalist, there are no other men of education within many miles. Sir Charles was a retiring man, but the chance of his illness brought us together, and a community of interests in science kept us so. The four rode alone, for the archers had passed a curve in the road, though Alleyne could still hear the heavy clump, clump of their marching, or catch a glimpse of the sparkle of steel through the tangle of leafless branches. On landing at Bombay, I learned that my corps had advanced through the passes, and was already deep in the enemy's country. I was instantly aroused, and, with the two footmen, started off at once in search of the missing girl. Together they could protect each other, but singly they were at my mercy. It appeared to have been fitted up as a chemical laboratory. The crate upon which I sit contains 2,000 napoleons packed between layers of lead foil. But how is it with you, master shipman?" "Ill enough, my fair lord. " "I wanted to hire his steam launch. His orders were to stay in the house. "So, Watson," said he, suddenly, "you do not propose to invest in South African securities?" I gave a start of astonishment. Accustomed as I was to Holmes's curious faculties, this sudden intrusion into my most intimate thoughts was utterly inexplicable. "How on earth do you know that?" I asked. "I have had so much to think of, with these wicked villains so close upon us, that it had quite gone out of my head. However, as I cast my mind back over the events of the morning, and as I reconsider the fatuous conduct of my companions, I find it easy to believe that some poison of an exciting kind was responsible for their symptoms. Well, we had a horrid business afterwards. With a sudden crash the door flew open, and three frowning, intent faces glared in at them from under the peaks of police caps. There was no lounger who could tell us who had passed. Yet they are not averse to comfortable chairs and the latest periodicals. Use it, Bertrand, while you may. " "I will, my sweet. Lestrade laughed loudly. The area door of Oberstein's house had been left open the night before, and it was necessary for me, as Mycroft Holmes absolutely and indignantly declined to climb the railings, to pass in and open the hall door. Cut, parry, and thrust followed so swiftly upon each other that the eye could not follow them, until at last coming thigh to thigh, they cast their arms around each other and rolled off their saddles to the ground. The heavier Spaniard threw himself upon his enemy, and pinning him down beneath him raised his sword to slay him, while a shout of triumph rose from the ranks of his countrymen. But I allow that I can hold him till you come. Twice he opened his mouth and twice he peered again, as though to assure himself that his eyes had not played him a trick. There she still sat when Alleyne reached the crossing. You will see it often in humans. It's all very well for you to laugh, Mr. That would be about his time for hanging himself. Then, horrified by what he had done, he fled out of the hut, dropping the notebook which he had brought with him in order to question Peter Carey about these different securities. Once our friends stopped and stared into a shop window, upon which Holmes did the same. In vain were sword-sheaths, apple-branches and belts linked together thrown out to him by his companions. " "By St. "And now, fair sir, I must hasten back to see how my rogues have fared with the brawn. Soames, I wish you good-night. " Three yellow squares of light shone above us in the gathering gloom. "Nay, we should drift upon the rocks. Chandos hath persuaded the prince to leave many behind, and indeed I think that he is right, for there is little food and less water in these parts for which we are bound. A man without his meat or a horse without his fodder is like a wet bow-string, fit for little. Oh, how simple it would all have been had I been here before they came like a herd of buffalo and wallowed all over it. Holmes, if you could only, only save his honour! It was so much to him. "The fact is, your Grace," said he, "that my colleague, Dr. Enoch Drebber and of Mr. Joseph Stangerson. There's a place, however, on the wooden fence which skirts the road which shows signs, they tell me, as if some one had got over, and had snapped the top of the rail in doing so. " "Then we shall take it. " "If it is not too much trouble. The light was just fading. " "There have," said I, "been numerous petty thefts. "What color! What outlines! See to this martyrdom of the holy Stephen, Ford. " "Precisely. " "Ah, then, we'll step over afterwards," said the Colonel, coolly settling down to his breakfast again. She was plainly but neatly dressed, with a bright, quick face, freckled like a plover's egg, and with the brisk manner of a woman who has had her own way to make in the world. " Alleyne, still standing in the stream, glanced down at the graceful pink-and-white figure, the curve of raven-black hair, and the proud, sensitive face which looked up frankly and confidingly at his own. " "Then what on earth can he be doing? There is something which I don't understand in this manner. And now I will make the thing clear to you; it has been a long time in the acting, but will not take me long to tell. One other neighbour I have met since I wrote last. "You damned murderers!" he said. Let me see it. But I am prepared to give you a few indications which will be of interest. He has been there for ten days, and neither Mr. Indeed, they are children both--the one wizened and cantankerous, the other formidable and overbearing, yet each with a brain which has put him in the front rank of his scientific age. Brain, character, soul--only as one sees more of life does one understand how distinct is each. The very next day we did actually make our start upon this remarkable expedition. "We can't do these things in the force, Mr. "We have touched on three English counties in our short drive, starting in Middlesex, passing over an angle of Surrey, and ending in Kent. " "Very likely not. " "The highest of which we have cognizance. "I have led a retired life, and have no friends whom I could appeal to. " The young lady resumed her seat with an air of displeasure. "It will be time to look out for squalls when we do. Hatherley," said he. "Pray, lie down there and make yourself absolutely at home. "I recognized in an instant that the thief must have come up the stairs from the side door. But I trust, Sir Nigel, that you will also partake of none-meat with me?" "I have overmuch to do," Sir Nigel answered, "for we must be aboard, horse and man, as early as we may. I had understood that every paper in the United States was writing about it. It was just after eleven, and the big room was fairly full, though the rush had not yet set in. At last, as midnight approached and the street gradually cleared, he paced up and down the room in uncontrollable agitation. There were steps in the passage. The machine goes readily enough, but there is some stiffness in the working of it, and it has lost a little of its force. But you have yourself had some experience of my methods of work in the Jefferson Hope case. Mortimer. "Shall I speak or you?" he asked of the vicar. "Well, as you seem to have made the discovery, whatever it may be, and the vicar to have had it second-hand, perhaps you had better do the speaking," said Holmes. "What are your questions?" "Did you correspond with Sir Charles?" "I certainly wrote to him once or twice to acknowledge his delicacy and his generosity. "I'd like a shillin'," said he. " "So you shall," said Challenger. She's my wife. Who are you, though?" he continued, glancing with curiosity at his stalwart, sunburned rescuers; "there seems to be a powerful lot of ye. For my part I walked ten miles, got a train at Tunbridge Wells, and so reached London, and no one the wiser. Once again we were able to visit our camp and get at our stores. " She looked back at us from the door, and I had a last impression of that beautiful haunted face, the startled eyes, and the drawn mouth. " "And who was the first?" I asked. "Aye, truly would it, my fair son. "Here is to old Samkin Aylward!" shouted several at the further end of the room, waving their blackjacks in the air. "This is the proper way to raise children. Watson, before whom you can speak as freely as before myself. I'll be able to tell you more clearly then how this thing strikes me. In the meantime spare no pains, Mr. Knowing my methods as you do, you were, of course, conscious of the somewhat clumsy water-pot expedient by which I obtained a clearer impress of his foot than might otherwise have been possible. A year ago Godfrey Staunton lodged in London for a time and became passionately attached to his landlady's daughter, whom he married. "Excuse me, sir," said he, "but am I addressing Dr. "Watson won't allow that I know anything of art but that is mere jealousy because our views upon the subject differ. "Some touch of the artist wells up within me, and calls insistently for a well-staged performance. Blessington came down to me in, as it seemed to me, a state of considerable agitation. "Well, I never thought that I should see anything more of the Russian and his son, so you can imagine my amazement when, at the very same hour this evening, they both came marching into my consulting-room, just as they had done before. Holmes, have you solved this mystery yet?" He shoved the large tin of cigarettes which stood on a table beside him towards my companion. The Problem I confess at these words a shudder passed through me. Scanlan and McMurdo climbed a heap of slag from which the whole scene lay before them. In the early hours of the morning a beautiful woman and a much muffled man boarded a special train which had been sent by the railroad company, and made a swift, unbroken journey out of the land of danger. McArdle, I hope very soon to shake you by the hand. The good old Scotchman shook his head, scratched his dwindling fringe of ruddy fluff, and finally put his reluctance into words. "It was rather a queer position that we found ourselves in then. "I have brought off a double event. "I give you my word that I'll fire if you come any nearer. " "You are no very shrewd reasoner, fellow," quoth the knight; "for if it be within the law for you to threaten him with your club, then it is also lawful for me to threaten you with my sword. " "Precisely. I should much prefer to hear now. Let me go, Aylward, for my place is by his side. " That was enough to decide me. " "Might I ask from whom?" A shadow passed over the gaunt face of the explorer. "It's a bonny thing," said he. Holmes. I could tell from his expression that he was on a hot scent, and yet I could not in the least imagine in what direction his inferences were leading him. "I am naturally observant, as you may have remarked, Mr. So far as I can see, I have no choice. If ever human features bespoke vice of the most malignant type, they were certainly those of Enoch J. Yet you could ever win me over to your side with that soft voice of yours. " "As to the body," remarked Challenger, "we do not mourn over the parings of our nails nor the cut locks of our hair, though they were once part of ourselves. "But we had no trouble of any kind. My colors have not passed. The launch was not at any landing-stage or wharf, nor had it returned. On the other hand, all the exposed provisions--and I remembered that there were a considerable quantity of them--were gone. "Well played, sweet poppet!" cried the younger. Hola! mon ange, bring wine and ale. I take only the money in a linen bag, and the box of rose colored sugar which is a gift from my captain to the Lady Loring. E. S. A. There is no cover at all. " "Then, by St. With these two implements he trotted noiselessly about the room, sometimes stopping, occasionally kneeling, and once lying flat upon his face. I knew that the opening of safes was a particular hobby with him, and I understood the joy which it gave him to be confronted with this green and gold monster, the dragon which held in its maw the reputations of many fair ladies. That was the impression that I had, and I moved quickly forwards to get a nearer view of the person who was watching me. " At Waterloo we were fortunate in catching a train for Leatherhead, where we hired a trap at the station inn and drove for four or five miles through the lovely Surrey lanes. "You are the surer, Watkin," said Aylward, standing by them with shaft upon string. "Hast journeyed far, I wot. "Why shrink from us, then, as though we were the spawn of the Evil One?" "Why shrink, my honey-bird? Why so afeard, my sweet cinnamon?" exclaimed the other, a loose-jointed lanky youth with a dancing, roguish eye. "You have everything a man could have,--youth, health, strength, education, energy. I had no idea that such individuals did exist outside of stories. After months of searching I discovered where he was. We are but preventing her from injuring another. The gulf between the dead and the living was something which our chemistry could not as yet bridge. "Sir Humphrey Tennant of Ashby may till his own fields for me," he cried. I have here my bales of cloth which I carry to Cahors--woe worth the day that ever I started on such an errand! I crave your gracious protection upon the way for me, my servant, and my mercery; for I have already had many perilous passages, and have now learned that Roger Club-foot, the robber-knight of Quercy, is out upon the road in front of me. To-morrow, I trust that we shall hear the last of it forever. " Sharp at the hour named Inspector Stanley Hopkins appeared, and we sat down together to the excellent breakfast which Mrs. " "And the none-meat horn has blown three times," quoth Harcomb, as they all streamed in chattering groups from the ground. A most practical, pressing matter, which must be decided within twenty-four hours. Round this clearing there was a semi-circle of trees with curious huts built of foliage piled one above the other among the branches. A rookery, with every nest a little house, would best convey the idea. In the corners stood carboys of acid in wicker baskets. He could hardly stand still so great was his mental agitation, and he ran towards Holmes with two eager hands outstretched. He understood that Mr. He slipped into the first room that he saw, and concealed himself behind the curtain. The country roads seem to be not very good in that part of the world, for we lurched and jolted terribly. We had hardly done so before the driver whipped up his horse, and we plunged away at a furious pace through the foggy streets. Holmes had sat up upon the couch, and I saw him motion like a man who is in need of air. "A white cock," said he. "Gregory, let me recommend to your attention this singular epidemic among the sheep. Drive on, coachman!" Colonel Ross still wore an expression which showed the poor opinion which he had formed of my companion's ability, but I saw by the Inspector's face that his attention had been keenly aroused. " We had a pleasant little meal together, during which Holmes would talk about nothing but violins, narrating with great exultation how he had purchased his own Stradivarius, which was worth at least five hundred guineas, at a Jew broker's in Tottenham Court Road for fifty-five shillings. "This is, indeed, a most serious matter. It is too much to be balked by so petty an obstacle, when all else had been overcome. The clang of blows, the cries of the stricken, the short, deep shout of the islanders, and the fierce whoops of the rovers, rose together in a deafening tumult, while the breath of the panting men went up in the wintry air like the smoke from a furnace. A large sum of money is at stake, for the scholarship is a very valuable one, and an unscrupulous man might very well run a risk in order to gain an advantage over his fellows. The openings of these huts and the branches of the trees were thronged with a dense mob of ape-people, whom from their size I took to be the females and infants of the tribe. The Lady Tiphaine was lowered with a noose drawn fast under the arms, and the other five slid swiftly down, amid the cheers and joyous outcry of their rescuers. "Please be at the Black Swan Hotel at Winchester at midday to-morrow," it said. "Do come! I am at my wit's end. By St. Between friends, there is overmuch of the hangman in him, and too little of the prince. This, then, is the stage upon which tragedy has been played, and upon which we may help to play it again. Mrs. Marker, you can go. These have both been with him since his arrival, and they seem to be women of excellent character. You can even see his hearth and his couch if you have the curiosity to go inside. " Gregson looked quite crest-fallen. He is a harmless enough fellow, Parker by name, a garroter by trade, and a remarkable performer upon the jew's-harp. A sudden thought struck him, however, and he ran through the hall door and round to the lawn upon which the long French windows open. This morning he was removed to a cell, and I, after going through all the police formalities, have hurried round to you to implore you to use your skill in unravelling the matter. Mortimer had stayed to dinner, and he and the baronet played ecarte afterwards. " Chapter 4. Close behind us is the moline cross of the gallant William Molyneux, and beside it the bloody chevrons of the Norfork Woodhouses, with the amulets of the Musgraves of Westmoreland. Behind it all, however, came that low-pitched, deep-toned hum, which seemed to come from every quarter and to fill the whole air. We four white men walked in the rear with rifles loaded and ready. Pray allow me to keep the papers. " "When my father took over the Horsham property, he, at my request, made a careful examination of the attic, which had been always locked up. The first time that I ever heard my comrade Black Simon laugh was in front of that door. The land where their fathers had bled, the home of chivalry and of knightly deeds, the country of gallant men, of courtly women, of princely buildings, of the wise, the polished and the sainted. No stream could be more convenient for navigation, since the prevailing wind is south-east, and sailing boats may make a continuous progress to the Peruvian frontier, dropping down again with the current. "There is a mental inhibition by which such symptoms can be checked and controlled," said Challenger. "Here is a hole in the side two ells across, the sail split through the centre, and the wood as bare as a friar's poll. "This is one of them. "There are a thousand details which I should desire to know before I decide upon our course of action. "I have every hope, however, that your horse will start upon Tuesday, and I beg that you will have your jockey in readiness. You would do well, Mr. " He handed it to me and closed the door of his oak cabinet. "His Grace is not in the habit of posting letters himself," said he. "This letter was laid with others upon the study table, and I myself put them in the post-bag. "May the holy Benedict, patron of our house, be present this day and aid us in our findings! How many counts are there?" "Three, most holy father," the brother answered in a low and quavering voice. Holmes. " "Well, unless he has a burrow close by or a change of clothes ready, they can hardly miss him. The only other kinsman whom we have been able to trace was Rodger Baskerville, the youngest of three brothers of whom poor Sir Charles was the elder. With yells of triumph the Indians came flocking down from their caves and danced a frenzied dance of victory round the dead bodies, in mad joy that two more of the most dangerous of all their enemies had been slain. It is a capital mistake to theorize in advance of the facts. ' "'That you may get away, or perhaps that you may conceal what you have stolen,' said I. ' He suddenly sprang up, and darting like lightning across the room he flung open the door. We shall want you to come to-night by the last train. These alarms, and the desperate need for secrecy, argue that the matter is one of life or death. There were human beings, then, upon the plateau. There are the heather and the flowers and the birds. That one is politics. He wore shoes, but no socks, and his open coat disclosed a nightshirt beneath it. His wife is a bad lot, though. The other, who was secured in a similar fashion, was a tall man in the last stage of emaciation, with several strips of sticking-plaster arranged in a grotesque pattern over his face. When we reached it, all doubt was removed. I answered that it had ceased to be a private matter, but had become a public one, since the ruined coronet was national property. Once I lost myself, and it was only by good luck, and after an hour of wandering, that I found the camp once more. " "I should like these dates a little clearer," said MacDonald. It was a curious way of managing it, but, really, it would be difficult to suggest a better. Her sad, appealing eyes travelled from one to the other of us with a curiously inquisitive expression. She always comes to us when she is in town. " "A confidential servant?" "A little too much so. "But let the men break their fast, and we shall then take counsel what to do. In some way I had excited the suspicion of Lopez, the secretary. Miss Irene, or Madame, rather, returns from her drive at seven. "Good heavens!" she cried, "he has followed me, then. " "So it appears. Soames was somewhat overwhelmed by this flood of information. Then out came my poor young master, whom I had dandled on my knee, and confessed it all to me. "No doubt you think me mad?" said he. " "You think it will come to that?" He was in his most cheerful and debonair humour. When the drinks which followed the ceremony of initiation had all been disposed of, the business of the lodge proceeded. "It is nothing," she said, as I hastened to pour her out some water. This case, I presume, contains the coronet. " "Liar!" cried the woman; and, stooping her head, she suddenly bit fiercely into the broad brown hand which held her. Bethink you, Sir Simon, that we have this news from the lips of common spies, who can scarce tell us as much of the enemy and of his forces as the prince would wish to hear. " "You are the leader in this venture, Sir Nigel," the other answered, "and I do but ride under your banner. " "And once again, if the thought of leaving a bicycle concealed outside had occurred to you, would it really have seemed worth doing when the dullest detective would naturally say this is an obvious blind, as the bicycle is the first thing which the fugitive needed in order to make his escape. "Then you may bid farewell to your bed, soldier," said Hordle John. We could use the dining room, Ames. When I wrote last we were about to leave the Indian village where we had been deposited by the Esmeralda. My boys had been up the river and down the river without result. "Admirable! Not only we as individuals, but European science collectively, owe you a deep debt of gratitude for what you have done. I do not hesitate to say that the disappearance of Professor Summerlee and myself would have left an appreciable gap in modern zoological history. "I have no doubt of it at all," said I. " "We shall hear anon," said Johnston quietly, and presently a young archer came running to say that the arrow had fallen twenty paces beyond the fourth wand. "Had I my dearest wish, it would be that we should go together. For that reason, after his arrival, the fire was lit. Help me, Mr. The unfortunate young man was found lying near the table. " "There have," said I, "been numerous petty thefts. "Your last remark," said Holmes, presently, "as to the possibility of there being an understanding between the burglar and the servant, and this being a note of appointment from one to the other, is an ingenious and not entirely impossible supposition. "Has anything else occurred to you?" "Yes, and no later than to-day. "Gone? Who?" "He, the man with the red head, the giant man. " "Yes," said Alleyne, "he hath gone. If you want to write good copy, you must be where the things are. That's enough for me and you. " "A very clear statement said Holmes," rising and lighting his pipe. Sherlock Holmes can return to London by the morning train. Hudson as she came up to lower the blinds. The young detective was in high spirits at his success. " "I presume that the reason he gave was that you would receive help from Sir Charles for the legal expenses connected with your divorce?" "Exactly. " "You can come to-night, anyhow, and it will help you to know what we stand for in this community. "Hang it all, Mr. Holmes!" cried the inspector. "This is surely most unfair and ungenerous upon your part. "It is something much more valuable to us. As to his escaping by that window, it was incredible. Unfolding it, I found that it consisted of three pages torn from his note-book and addressed to me. It was characteristic of the man that the direction was a precise, and the writing as firm and clear, as though it had been written in his study. It was enough to drive a woman out of her wits, tied there, and her very dress spotted with him, but she never wanted courage, did Miss Mary Fraser of Adelaide and Lady Brackenstall of Abbey Grange hasn't learned new ways. " "What is it, then?" "Well, you know, after a crime of this sort we are very careful to keep things in their position. "Holmes!" I cried. " I stooped under the rude lintel, and there he sat upon a stone outside, his gray eyes dancing with amusement as they fell upon my astonished features. "There are many things which might be done," said the forester thoughtfully. There is nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you. In the case of Lucy Ferrier the occasion was serious enough in itself, apart from its future influence on her destiny and that of many besides. " "Showing that she had struck a light and looked about her when the alarm took place. " "Or Herman Strauss?" "No, nor him either. I trust that I am not more dense than my neighbours, but I was always oppressed with a sense of my own stupidity in my dealings with Sherlock Holmes. " "Good gracious!" "So you'd say, sir, if you could see some of the goings on. " "Yes, you are quite right. I have put in two hours' hard work and covered at least five miles, with something to show for it. It was very clear to me that if dangers lay before us I could not in all England have found a cooler head or a braver spirit with which to share them. We could see the marks in the wood where it had been pushed in. "It was my father who was really concerned. I think we have drawn as much as we can from this curious letter; and now, Sir Henry, has anything else of interest happened to you since you have been in London?" "Why, no, Mr. I hereby agree to give you one rose-noble if you bring me safe to the inn of the 'Angel' in Cahors, the same to be repaid to me or my heirs if any harm come to me or my goods. "It was at my advice that Sir Charles was about to go to London. They were at a boarding-house at Camberwell, over on the other side of the river. Both of them were smoking cigars, and coffee and wine were in front of them. " "How do you prove that?" "Because the candle was not guttered. "What, you're on his track?" "He has been heard of in Liverpool. " "Archer," quoth Hordle John, "you have lied more than once and more than twice; for which, and also because I see much in you to dislike, I am sorely tempted to lay you upon your back. It had already assembled, and only by complicated signs and countersigns could he pass through the outer guard and inner guard who close-tiled it. This then must for every reason be our road. In more fertile spots the observer would have come to the conclusion that one of those great herds of bisons which graze upon the prairie land was approaching him. "There are two ways out of the room," cried Ferrier; "there is the door, and there is the window. "We have passed the Pawnees, and there are no other tribes until we cross the great mountains. It is, in my opinion, the end of the world. I had been unduly excited by the adventure of the tree, and sleep seemed to be impossible. " He brought out a lump of basalt of a considerable size, constructed in the middle so that a cord could be easily attached to it. " "Ha! Would there be any objection, Mr. "I don't know much of British life yet, for I have spent nearly all my time in the States and in Canada. "Why should you raise up hopes which you are bound to disappoint? I am not over-tender of heart, but I call it cruel. You have nothing else to report to us before we go into this matter?" "Well, it depends upon what you think worth reporting. " "Then you'll need to kneel down, and me too," she said, laying the shawl out for that purpose. The one is whether any crime has been committed at all; the second is, what is the crime and how was it committed? Of course, if Dr. "French land, French blood, French speech," she answered. "They are French, and France shall have them. "They can count on us saying no more than we should. Here are their marks on the left--here, beside the laurel bushes. You can look for yourself. He returns to the house, and you want to find out who he is. At the age of twenty-one he wrote a treatise upon the Binomial Theorem, which has had a European vogue. Hard he was of hand and harder of heart, hated by his foes, and yet not loved by those whom he protected, for twice he had been taken prisoner, and twice his ransom had been wrung by dint of blows and tortures out of the starving peasants and ruined farmers. George ramping on a discolored ground, all proclaimed as plainly as words that he was indeed from the land of war. But what is that upon the other galley?" "It is the red cross of Genoa. " "Thank you, you have gone rather too far to stop. Stapleton still looked hard at him. " "My difficulty is the more formidable of the two, for I think that we shall very shortly get an explanation of yours, while mine may remain forever a mystery. "I came here to interview you, Professor, but it seems to be a case of 'Is this nigger fishing, or is this fish niggering?' You're doing most of the work. Holmes before," said Inspector MacDonald. Then he tried the various keys in the lock, but without success. He had hardly shut the door behind him when Holmes rose to put on his overcoat. As the evening wore on his excitement became quite painful. I should have thought shame upon my manhood, as well as my monkhood, if I had held back my hand from her. There was no answer. The three most essential are gone--stolen, vanished. "That's it!" cried Hatherley, in intense excitement. "And now, Doctor, perhaps you would kindly attend to my thumb, or rather to the place where my thumb used to be. You have seen the cloisters; it were well that you should see the world too, ere you make choice for life between them. This sort of nose is usually a short and coarse one, but there is a sufficient number of exceptions to prevent me from being dogmatic or from insisting upon this point in my description. " "Nay, nay, my dear Oliver," said Sir Nigel, laying his hand upon his angry friend's arm. We had during this time been following the guidance of Toby down the half-rural villa-lined roads which lead to the metropolis. My brother and I used to think this a mere whim of my father's, but events have since led us to change our opinion. All was as we had seen it in the daytime. " With a few broken words of gratitude the man turned, but he hesitated and then came back. His only remark was, "There's some new stuff, cuticura or something, which is better than arnica. He'll crack a crib in Scotland one week, and be raising money to build an orphanage in Cornwall the next. I've been on his track for years and have never set eyes on him yet. Money's not everything. I'll have him out of my house before the day is done. "There has been murder done, and the murderer was a man. " It was after five o'clock when Sherlock Holmes left me, but I had no time to be lonely, for within an hour there arrived a confectioner's man with a very large flat box. Holmes read it and was about to place it in his notebook when he caught a glimpse of my expectant face. He has a high opinion of you and thought that you were the one man in London who could help him. We were passing him when he raised his face to look at us in the circle of light thrown by the lamp, and as he did so he stopped and screamed out in a dreadful voice, "My God, it's Nancy!" Mrs. " "True for you," said McGinty. "You will rise high in your profession. Holmes," said he, "my wife was twenty before her father became a rich man. "Well, I think that under the circumstances we may enter without an invitation. Holmes?" said he. When I paced one corridor and found it six feet shorter than the corresponding one below, it was pretty clear where he was. " "Is he your junior?" "Seven years my senior. Anger, amazement, consternation, and indecision swept over it in turn. Finally he took refuge in a somewhat acrid irony. "Well, perhaps it won't be so difficult, after all. He may be dozin', and at the worst he can only wing one of us, and the other should have him. "It is not an airy nothing, you see," said he, smiling. During that time I have lived happily at Horsham, and I had begun to hope that this curse had passed away from the family, and that it had ended with the last generation. One experiment served to show me the line of his investigation. The other belonged to the dining-room, which was the apartment in which the mysterious affair had occurred. The next instant it was gone--and so was our dinner. A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA I. There was no reason why those six should be different from any of the other casts. The boats already swarm from the bank. Him we enlisted at Para, on the recommendation of the steamship company, on whose vessels he had learned to speak a halting English. It was at Para also that we engaged Gomez and Manuel, two half-breeds from up the river, just come down with a cargo of redwood. He slipped into this room, because it was the first that he saw. "There is material here. I see that these candles in the mantelpiece have been lighted. ' "'Anything else?' he asked, smiling. 'Not at all,' said I, 'I shall be very happy to accommodate myself to your wishes. 'Then the worse for thy soul!' said he; and with that he broke into a long tale how that on account of the virtues of the Abbot Berghersh it had been decreed by the Pope that whoever should wear the habit of a monk of Beaulieu for as long as he might say the seven psalms of David should be assured of the kingdom of Heaven. When I heard this I prayed him on my knees that he would give me the use of his gown, which after many contentions he at last agreed to do, on my paying him three marks towards the regilding of the image of Laurence the martyr. But it did seem very loud. A criminal strain ran in his blood, which, instead of being modified, was increased and rendered infinitely more dangerous by his extraordinary mental powers. And now, my dear Watson, without referring to my notes, I cannot give you a more detailed account of this curious case. If such a knight as Sir Oliver Buttesthorn may turn against his own prince for the sake of a light word, then where are we to look for steadfast faith and constancy?" "Ah! my dear little coz, it is easy to sit in the sunshine and preach to the man in the shadow. My own nervous system is an exceptionally sensitive one. Take my advice and be frank with me. ' "These are the very papers, Watson, which he handed to me, and I will read them to you, as I read them in the old study that night to him. "'In a most extraordinary fashion. ' "'Well, I hope to goodness the house won't be burgled during the night. ' An instant afterwards there appeared a little wizened fellow with a cringing manner and a shambling style of walking. I could understand his regarding it as of small importance when I looked at it, for the metal was almost black and the stones lustreless and dull. The ceiling was only a foot or two above my head, and with my hand upraised I could feel its hard, rough surface. No stream could be more convenient for navigation, since the prevailing wind is south-east, and sailing boats may make a continuous progress to the Peruvian frontier, dropping down again with the current. Well, you shall hear from me to-morrow. " "Has he jeered at you than?" "Pardieu! yes, 'Old Sir Oliver's heart is still stout,' said one of his court. "How far to Wallington?" he asked. "And what is it we are watching for?" "I have no more notion than you how long it is to last," Holmes answered with some asperity. Wilson, off you go at scratch and tell us all about yourself, your household, and the effect which this advertisement had upon your fortunes. I ask you not merely because my friend Dr. " "American slang is very expressive sometimes. " "I cannot call any to mind," answered Sir Nigel. Five hundred paces from the English the two great bodies of horse crossed each other, and, sweeping round in a curve, retired in feigned confusion towards their centre. "You have been cruelly used," said Holmes. "You are the wrong sort for such work. I have money enough and to spare. Having found the ash, I then looked round and discovered the stump among the moss where he had tossed it. Twice he stopped, and once I saw him smile, and heard him utter an exclamation of satisfaction. "Well, now, Watson, let us judge the situation by this new information. Holmes, have you solved this mystery yet?" He shoved the large tin of cigarettes which stood on a table beside him towards my companion. " Holmes and I had listened spellbound to this extraordinary story. "You've heard about me, Mr. Holmes. According to his lights he has been a kind master. After leaving the house he discovered his loss and hurried back, but found the police already in possession, owing to his own folly in leaving the candle burning. If it's on the market I'll buy it--if it means another penny on the income-tax. On the other hand, it seemed an unthinkable coincidence that a man should dare to enter the room, and that by chance on that very day the papers were on the table. The land of France! Alleyne's eyes shone as he gazed upon it. Watson's umbrella, I was able last night to fish up and inspect this bundle. "It was of the first importance, however, that we should be able to prove who placed it there. " "Except that!" my friend answered, pointing at the pathway. 'Is all ready for Sir Henry?' That will do. Address to Mr. Barrymore, Baskerville Hall. " "Ha! Where is Barrymore?" "He is in charge of the Hall. Summerlee was shivering like a man with the ague, human fears, as he realized his position, rising for an instant above the stoicism of the man of science. May I ask for volunteers?" It is thus that the great crisis of a man's life springs out at him. Could I have imagined when I entered that hall that I was about to pledge myself to a wilder adventure than had ever come to me in my dreams? But Gladys--was it not the very opportunity of which she spoke? Gladys would have told me to go. I had sprung to my feet. " "Why is he silent, then, if he is innocent?" "Who knows? Perhaps because he was so angry that you should suspect him. You can hardly find a flaw in the case which can now be presented against him, and all further investigation has served to strengthen it. Was I right?" Barker beat his head with his clenched fist in his impotent anger. It is of no importance to us, however, since the decanters were full, and it had therefore not been used. Sometimes, for an instant, it was at fault. Then it would catch it up again and come bounding swiftly along the path I had taken. I huddled on my clothes and hurried downstairs in an exceedingly bad temper to order some hot water. You know I like to work the detail of my cases out. Bhurtee was relieved by Neill next day, but the rebels took me away with them in their retreat, and it was many a long year before ever I saw a white face again. I was tortured and tried to get away, and was captured and tortured again. " "I advertised for him in last Saturday's Chronicle," said she. "Oh, she has turned all the men's heads down in that part. And yet it may be wise that we make a move before it is worse. We know at least that he came so far in safety. S. ," upon the lid. "This is indeed a fine sight upon which it is good to look, and a man might go far ere he would see so many brave men and fine horses. I have pined for this, Aylward, as a young maid pines for her lover. Warren?" "No, sir. He eats so little that I often wonder it can keep life in one. There are small windows on each side, which were covered by curtains and never opened. "The danger may bide," said he, shrugging his broad shoulders. My view of the case is the correct one. And yet, without a harshness which was foreign to his nature, it was impossible to refuse to listen to the story of the young and beautiful woman, tall, graceful, and queenly, who presented herself at Baker Street late in the evening, and implored his assistance and advice. "You didn't know this dead man, McCarthy. "We have not heard your story, and we cannot tell how far justice may originally have been on your side. I am so sorry about it. To make it the more extraordinary, there was no side road at this point down which he could have gone. That night he sat up with his gun and kept watch and ward. The whole town must be alight. Brunton then unlocked the box, handed up the contents presumably--since they were not to be found--and then--and then what happened? "What smouldering fire of vengeance had suddenly sprung into flame in this passionate Celtic woman's soul when she saw the man who had wronged her--wronged her, perhaps, far more than we suspected--in her power? Was it a chance that the wood had slipped, and that the stone had shut Brunton into what had become his sepulchre? Had she only been guilty of silence as to his fate? Or had some sudden blow from her hand dashed the support away and sent the slab crashing down into its place? Be that as it might, I seemed to see that woman's figure still clutching at her treasure trove and flying wildly up the winding stair, with her ears ringing perhaps with the muffled screams from behind her and with the drumming of frenzied hands against the slab of stone which was choking her faithless lover's life out. "Here was the secret of her blanched face, her shaken nerves, her peals of hysterical laughter on the next morning. " Challenger chuckled and rubbed his hands. "I will venture a rover with you, or try long-butts or hoyles," said old Johnston. " "Hadn't you better reserve that for your trial?" asked the Inspector. The one at his elbow is Fernando de Castro, who is as brave and true a man as heart could wish. There was no mistaking the poise of the head, the squareness of the shoulders, the sharpness of the features. That night--I am still speaking of the first day of our circumnavigation of the plateau--a great experience awaited us, and one which for ever set at rest any doubt which we could have had as to the wonders so near us. Holmes, and I have never seen or heard anything since then to throw any light upon what became of him. As to this terrible person of yours, where is he?" "I rather fancy that he is on the stair," said Holmes, serenely. The double line a little above the wrist, where the typewritist presses against the table, was beautifully defined. From the time that I heard of the assistant having come for half wages, it was obvious to me that he had some strong motive for securing the situation. " "If he said so, I certainly cannot deny it. Let those go back who will, but I must see more of these Spaniards ere I turn. Is it a fact that at the weights Bayard could give the other a hundred yards in five furlongs, and that the stable have put their money on him?' "'So, you're one of those damned touts!' cried the lad. Baker?" "Yes, sir, that is undoubtedly my hat. " He was a large man with rounded shoulders, a massive head, and a broad, intelligent face, sloping down to a pointed beard of grizzled brown. Tell Aylward, Alleyne, that he is to come with me to Montaubon, and to choose one archer for his comrade. The rest will to Dax when the prince starts, which will be before the feast of the Epiphany. I stood for a few minutes with my heart in my boots, wondering whether the whole thing was an elaborate hoax or not, when up came a man and addressed me. "Pray, what did you do then?" he murmured. Tell us what you can, but stop when you are tired and keep up your strength with a little stimulant. The rest will to Dax when the prince starts, which will be before the feast of the Epiphany. Hardly yet have we learned the full tale of disaster, but the destruction by fire of New York, of Orleans, and of Brighton constitutes in itself one of the greatest tragedies in the history of our race. When the account of the railway and shipping accidents has been completed, it will furnish grim reading, although there is evidence to show that in the vast majority of cases the drivers of trains and engineers of steamers succeeded in shutting off their motive power before succumbing to the poison. " The darkness was rising, but much was still hidden by the shadows. Colonel Lysander Stark had said that it was only seven miles, but I should think, from the rate that we seemed to go, and from the time that we took, that it must have been nearer twelve. He sat at my side in silence all the time, and I was aware, more than once when I glanced in his direction, that he was looking at me with great intensity. There he sat on his veranda, drinking whiskey-pegs and smoking cheroots, while the country was in a blaze about him. What did the police think of the noise which awoke you from your sleep?" "They considered that it might be caused by Arthur's closing his bedroom door. The various checks which influence the struggle for existence in the world at large are all neutralized or altered. McMurdo was absorbed and silent; but he showed no sympathy for the weakening of his companion. The police seemed to take particular interest in him that morning, and Captain Marvin--he who had claimed the old acquaintance with him at Chicago--actually addressed him as he waited at the station. On examination traces of blood were to be seen upon the windowsill, and several scattered drops were visible upon the wooden floor of the bedroom. Over the gently rising plain curved the white road which leads inland, usually flecked with travellers, but now with scarce a living form upon it, so completely had the lists drained all the district of its inhabitants. The enormously thick walls and tiny windows of this part had in the last century driven the family into building the new wing, and the old one was used now as a store-house and a cellar, when it was used at all. He had always a taste for low company. Then he staggered to his feet, received another shot, and rolled upon the floor. "I have told you all I know. I have already looked into the matter, and have come, as I think, within sight of my solution. My senses swam, but I still tore at the hand and forced it out from my chin. As I turned I caught a glimpse of a convulsed face and frantic eyes. "Dear knights and gentlemen," he cried in a high crackling voice, "worthy Christian cavaliers, will ye ride past and leave an aged pilgrim to die of hunger? The sight hast been burned from mine eyes by the sands of the Holy Land, and I have had neither crust of bread nor cup of wine these two days past. "Well, if there is nothing to be learned here, we had best go inside. "My dear chap, I'm overjoyed to see you. Watson, could tell you that we are very busy at present. " "It certainly did cross my mind that it might be a little dull--less for you, perhaps, than for your sister. "My, but that was smart! You had it down to a fine thing. " "Yes, a few of us even then could have guessed the date. So shaken was he that I had to pass my hand under his arm as we went up the stairs, for his knees were trembling under him. In spite of the danger from dinosaurs (which is not great save at night, for, as I may have said before, they are mostly nocturnal in their habits) I have twice in the last three weeks been over to our old camp in order to see our negro who still kept watch and ward below the cliff. He turned to me, and I felt the tide of life stealing warmly through my arteries. " I knew already that Sir Charles Baskerville had made Stapleton his almoner upon several occasions, so the lady's statement bore the impress of truth upon it. " "Excellent! We shall then look thoroughly into the affair. Holmes swept his light along the window-sill. Chapter XI The Great Agra Treasure Our captive sat in the cabin opposite to the iron box which he had done so much and waited so long to gain. The Light upon the Moor [Second Report of Dr. "Good-morning, Colonel," said he; "I hope I don't intrude, but we hear that Mr. Holmes," said he; "good-morning. " Sherlock Holmes laughed. " "And why did the tramp take nothing?" "Because they were papers that he could not negotiate. Only a few weeks ago she was cleaning out Sir Charles's study--it had never been touched since his death--and she found the ashes of a burned letter in the back of the grate. Do not be so suspicious. Holmes. To my horror I perceived that the yellow blossoms were all dabbled with crimson. " The bowman shook his head. You would have wished to tell me something, or in your kindness you would have brought me out some comfort or other, and so an unnecessary risk would be run. So! Beat high and low among the heather, and a pot of wine to the lucky marksman. " They were not long in coming. "Let me see that letter you were writing. " The detective seated himself in the arm-chair, and puffed complacently at his cigar. I can give you his description, and we have a very excellent outline of his footmark. He fired and missed me. " "Here are paper and pen. No, I fancy we shall get no help here. " "What then?" "We shall get out at Canterbury. " "Can we? It is not so easy as you seem to think. Then he reseated himself in his chair and looked them over with a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes. They were but a foraging party--a hundred archers and as many men-at-arms--but their leader was Sir Hugh Calverley, and he was not a man to bide idle when good blows were to be had not three leagues from him. " "Exactly. When at last his ruffled feelings were at ease, he addressed us at some length from his seat upon a fallen tree, speaking, as his habit was, as if he were imparting most precious information to a class of a thousand. At last I saw them hire a boat and start for a row, for it was a very hot day, and they thought, no doubt, that it would be cooler on the water. Again, in Arles and Nimes, and other towns that I could name, there are the great arches and fortalices still standing which were built of old by giant men who came from the south. How do all these unusuals strike you, Watson?" "Their cumulative effect is certainly considerable, and yet each of them is quite possible in itself. I have it here in my pocket. The culprit is--" "Mr. She looked again, but there was no sound or movement. "Well, now I come to the queer part of my story. "The world is dead. "The family was at one time among the richest in England, and the estates extended over the borders into Berkshire in the north, and Hampshire in the west. Had anyone visited you in your room after the papers came to you?" "Yes, young Daulat Ras, an Indian student, who lives on the same stair, came in to ask me some particulars about the examination. Oldacre kept himself very much to himself, and only met people in the way of business. He has had the reputation of being a man of eccentric habits, secretive and retiring. "He was summoned once for a savage assault upon the old vicar, who had called upon him to remonstrate with him upon his conduct. "Then we shall march thither, for I would fain have you all back at Dax in time to be in the prince's vanguard. "It is clear enough that the hound has been laid on from some article of Sir Henry's--the boot which was abstracted in the hotel, in all probability--and so ran this man down. The first thing that strikes one is the obvious possibility that the person now in the rooms may be entirely different from the one who engaged them. London dangers were the privilege of the London force. The door of the left-hand flat upon the third landing was standing ajar. Friesland, a Dutch-American liner, which asserts that at nine next morning, Start Point being at the time ten miles upon their starboard quarter, they were passed by something between a flying goat and a monstrous bat, which was heading at a prodigious pace south and west. If its homing instinct led it upon the right line, there can be no doubt that somewhere out in the wastes of the Atlantic the last European pterodactyl found its end. Lord John looked eagerly round him and slipped two cartridges into his elephant-gun. Yellow cap and sleeves. Lord Singleford's Rasper. As for myself, I am glad to have got the bustling days of preparation and the pangs of leave-taking behind me, and I have no doubt that I show it in my bearing. The same post brought me a letter from Westhouse & Marbank, of Fenchurch Street, to say that the description tallied in every respect with that of their employé, James Windibank. Stanley Hopkins drew the key from his pocket and had stooped to the lock, when he paused with a look of attention and surprise upon his face. The old man lay back in his chair with a twitching face, and stared at her with brooding eyes. A broad leather strap hanging from his shoulder supported a scrip or satchel such as travellers were wont to carry. When I came down to our room I found the breakfast laid and Homes pouring out the coffee. Louis. Here is the letter which I had this morning acknowledging my assistance. 'A husband's cruelty to his wife. 'This is all quite beside the question. My boy, my boy, you are very much too good to be a clerk at Mawson's!' "This outburst rather astonished me, as you can think. " "Nay, trouble not for that," said Alleyne, "we are all from good mother Eve. I have found them out. There were six of us, and we had a wild, free life of it, sticking up a station from time to time, or stopping the wagons on the road to the diggings. She would do better to trust me. She made no outcry whatever. She was clearly no mere paid dependant, but an honored friend. So far my thoughts had carried me, and I was about to break the long and uneasy silence, when two critical, dark eyes looked round at me, and the proud head was shaken in smiling reproof. Who would have believed it possible? But I feel very much fresher, and ready for my fate--or try to persuade myself that I am. Who then but Miss Burnet, the governess? All our reasoning seems to point that way. "She broke away from your influence when she found the man that you are," said Holmes, sternly. As her medical adviser, I cannot possibly take the responsibility of allowing anyone to see her. "Queer spot to choose, is it not?" said he as if in answer to my thought. "But what is it?" "The peasants say it is the Hound of the Baskervilles calling for its prey. For years I've been dreaming of the bright green fields and the hedges of England. I think that it is most probable that Beddoes, pushed to desperation and believing himself to have been already betrayed, had revenged himself upon Hudson, and had fled from the country with as much money as he could lay his hands on. This was a tall young man, surprisingly handsome, with a dark, fierce face, and the limbs and chest of a Hercules. This carpet. " "But his wife--you said that she had ceased to love him. Simon glanced over it. I can make neither head nor tail of the business. Abdullah Khan, however, thinking that I hesitated, pressed the matter more closely. "'Consider, Sahib,' said he, 'that if this man is taken by the commandant he will be hung or shot, and his jewels taken by the government, so that no man will be a rupee the better for them. Now, since we do the taking of him, why should we not do the rest as well? The jewels will be as well with us as in the Company's coffers. Oh, you will see it out, will you? I thought I knew my Watson. " "Your words are strange to me," quoth Sir Nigel, "for you have the appearance of a stout man, and I see that you wear a sword by your side. "At the end of that time she shall give her answer. "I've heard," said the sergeant, "that it was usually raised at sunset. " "I'm expecting the end of the world to-day, Austin. Now we both rushed along the corridor and down the steep steps which led to Charles Street. Yet even without knowing his brilliant record one could not fail to be impressed by a mere glance at the man, the square, massive face, the brooding eyes under the thatched brows, and the granite moulding of the inflexible jaw. "Wilt do what I ask?" said she. "What is it, lady?" "Oh, most ungallant clerk! A true knight would never have asked, but would have vowed upon the instant. "You have forced me, against my own judgment, to tell you, and now we must both make the best of it. "Well, I am. " The lecturer unlocked the outer door and ushered us into his room. He had changed from the horse upon which he had ridden, and bestrode the black charger which his squire had led beside him. "Had enough?" he panted. "You infernal bully!" I cried, as I gathered myself together. " It was a question which it was easier to ask than to answer. One would imagine that under such circumstances the first act of young Cadogan West would be to seize the villain and raise the alarm. An important addition has been made during the last week to the list of the prizes which have been borne away by these charming invaders. Douglas and the man Barker before they were aware of my presence. But there was no stain. How have the years used you? You look the same blithe boy as ever. "He walked down the road and went into one or two liquor shops, staying for nearly half-an-hour in the last of them. But, by my hilt! you must render them back to me, camarade, lest you bring discredit upon my mission, and I will pay you for them at armorers' prices. " Holmes and I had listened with the utmost interest to this extraordinary statement, which had been delivered in the jerky, broken fashion of a man who is under the influence of extreme emotions. But if you are found again, then all must come out. " But his narrative was nipped in the bud. For the rest, there is nothing which a sponge may not cure. You will kindly deposit your ash in the small Japanese tray on the bamboo table which stands at your left elbow. By the way, are you by any chance the Malone who is expected to get his Rugby cap for Ireland?" "A reserve, perhaps. " There is ever a flaw, however, in the best laid of human plans, and the murderers of John Openshaw were never to receive the orange pips which would show them that another, as cunning and as resolute as themselves, was upon their track. " Barker stood for a moment with his face set grimly and his strong black eyebrows drawn low in intense thought. I didn't hear no one else. The mere knowing of his name is a small thing, however, compared with the power of laying our hands upon him. Several times Stapleton lurked about with his hound, but without avail. It is with this man that we are concerned. He came back alone, for Lestrade was staying in lodgings in the town. We would fly together to Philadelphia or New York, where we would be safe from them. " "Indeed, it seemed unnecessary to put so nice a bell-pull there. How far do you think it is?" "Out by the Cleft Tor, I think. I think it is safe to say that things can never be quite the same again. It ran in this way-- SHERLOCK HOLMES--his limits. "Never mind, my friends," said the indomitable Challenger. It is most improper--most outrageous. " "Was your sister dressed?" "No, she was in her night-dress. "No doubt you think that you are complimenting me in comparing me to Dupin," he observed. " "Besides, if it comes to the cropping of ears, there are other folk who may say their say," quoth the third laborer. Produced by David Brannan THE VALLEY OF FEAR By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Part 1--The Tragedy of Birlstone Chapter 1--The Warning "I am inclined to think--" said I. Conan Doyle Chapter 1. Additions to the text include adding the underscore character to indicate italics, and textual end-notes in square braces. Project Gutenberg Editor's Note: In reproofing and moving old PG files such as this to the present PG directory system it is the policy to reformat the text to conform to present PG Standards. In this case however, in consideration of the note above of the original transcriber describing his care to try to duplicate the original 1887 edition as to typography and punctuation vagaries, no changes have been made in this ascii text file. We were quietly married at a registry office, and we returned to Norfolk a wedded couple. Over this chaplet my brother Bartholomew and I had some little discussion. As they passed over the drawbridge, Alleyne marked the gleam of arms in the embrasures to right and left, and they had scarce set foot upon the causeway ere a hoarse blare burst from a bugle, and, with screech of hinge and clank of chain, the ponderous bridge swung up into the air, drawn by unseen hands. And there we were, the four of us, upon the dreamland, the lost world, of Maple White. If such a knight as Sir Oliver Buttesthorn may turn against his own prince for the sake of a light word, then where are we to look for steadfast faith and constancy?" "Ah! my dear little coz, it is easy to sit in the sunshine and preach to the man in the shadow. North, south, east, and west--he might turn where he would, but all was equally chill and cheerless. The Abbot had rolled ten silver crowns in a lettuce-leaf and hid them away in the bottom of his scrip, but that would be a sorry support for twelve long months. He had been dead some days, but there was no wound or bruise upon his person to show how he had met his dreadful end. For him the villain, for me the microbe. "You would have thought the middle of that prairie a fairly safe place for a man to be private," said he, "but, by thunder, the whole countryside seems to have been out to see me do my wooing--and a mighty poor wooing at that! Where had you engaged a seat?" "I was on that hill. "A man can't expect always to have it his own way, can he, Dr. "It will bring YOU into the dock, Holmes, not me. The diagram upon it appears to be a plan of part of a large building with numerous halls, corridors, and passages. It is probable that he imagined his crime to be a bloodless one, and hoped that if the body were consumed it would hide all traces of the method of his death--traces which, for some reason, must have pointed to him. Clair has entered it never to leave it more. As to Mrs. For an instant I imagined that I had left my own there, but on feeling in my pocket I found that it was all right. Why was that?" "We played cards for her on the voyage. "Or thought he did, which is quite another matter. Simeon and the Devil. '" "Or the 'Jest of Hendy Tobias. "Well, would you please, sir, march upstairs, where we can get a cab to carry your Highness to the police-station?" "That is better," said John Clay serenely. "Why should I not? And yet I hate to think of this old scandal gaining a new lease of life. "It has done harm to many and good to none--not even to yourself. Are you hungry, Watson?" "Not particularly. Wilson? Have you a family?' "I answered that I had not. "His face fell immediately. "'Dear me!' he said gravely, 'that is very serious indeed! I am sorry to hear you say that. The fund was, of course, for the propagation and spread of the red-heads as well as for their maintenance. The sidewalks were narrow and uneven. In that gloomy tunnel it must indeed have been a dreadful sight to see that huge black creature, with its flaming jaws and blazing eyes, bounding after its victim. These are only a few indications, but they may assist you. That he could play pieces, and difficult pieces, I knew well, because at my request he has played me some of Mendelssohn's Lieder, and other favourites. "Holmes!" I cried--"Holmes!" "Come out," said he, "and please be careful with the revolver. "Holmes!" in the insistent tone of one who awakens a sleeper. "Can't you hear me, Holmes?" There was a rustling, as if he had shaken the sick man roughly by the shoulder. " "I guess you'll pay for this, Captain Marvin," said McGinty. Her bed this morning had not been slept in, her room was empty, and a note for me lay upon the hall table. He sat forward, his hands clasped and his forearms on his knees, with an answering smile upon his bold, handsome face. Naturally he had no doubt that Cadogan West was guilty. They all agreed that only two voices were to be heard, those of Barclay and of his wife. In the open, and near the edge of the cliff, there had assembled a crowd of some hundred of these shaggy, red-haired creatures, many of them of immense size, and all of them horrible to look upon. Percy Phelps," answered Holmes. "Ah, my unfortunate nephew! You can understand that our kinship makes it the more impossible for me to screen him in any way. I fear that the incident must have a very prejudicial effect upon his career. " Holmes considered for some little time. Then as the air became perceptibly better, but our own symptoms more acute, he closed it once again. He was the last man in the world whose deliberate command I should care to disobey. In this I fancy that in any case he made a miscalculation, and that, if we had not been there, his doom would none the less have been sealed. "Why," I cried, "you have an aortic aneurism!" "That's what they call it," he said, placidly. Who could come to-night? Some friend of yours, perhaps?" "Except yourself I have none," he answered. I told you that I had a store in the East before I came here. Then I rushed up the stairs, only to find two other rooms empty and deserted at the top. I understand that this other passage leads only to the professor's room. A huge rock, falling from above, boomed past me, struck the path, and bounded over into the chasm. Harding would be absent until afternoon, and that he was himself a newcomer, who could give us no information. I am, as you have no doubt surmised, endeavouring to trace these busts to their source, in order to find if there is not something peculiar which may account for their remarkable fate. Far away a chiming clock struck out the quarters of the hours, but otherwise a deathly silence lay upon the old house. This cloud continued to increase in size until it became evident that it could only be raised by a great multitude of moving creatures. In order to negotiate with him they have to get an interpreter, and they pitch upon this Mr. So steep were the rocky banks on either side of them, that the larch and the pine seemed to be suspended over their heads, and to need only a gust of wind to come hurtling down upon them. " He suddenly gave her a resounding kiss, which embarrassed me even more than his violence had done. "You've seen the postman. The woman looked at him intently, and ground her heel into his upturned face. "By my faith! Sir John," said the prince as he rode through the winding streets on his way to the list, "I should have been glad to have splintered a lance to-day. I remember such a one in Picardy, with a name as long as a Gascon's pedigree. No, sir, I'll not believe it. " "Thank you, that will do," said Holmes. " "What is the alley like?" "There are two lines of old yew hedge, twelve feet high and impenetrable. " "Then let us go and look at the room. "Well, I really can wait no longer. " "Certainly," answered my friend, rising from his chair. He comes from Hordle, and this is his mother who hath come forth to welcome him. What would he do?" "Come again next night with a more useful tool. " "I think I should back my little friend," said Lord John, caressing his Express. CHAPTER XXVI. HOW THE BAILIFF OF SOUTHAMPTON SLEW THE TWO MASTERLESS MEN. St. Clair's house. Clair, which lay uncovered as the tide receded. " Never in my life have I seen such a sight. For years I had gradually weaned him from that drug mania which had threatened once to check his remarkable career. Once only he paused in his patient investigation. There were folk, too, to be met upon the road--beggars and couriers, chapmen and tinkers--cheery fellows for the most part, with a rough jest and homely greeting for each other and for Alleyne. What is it for?" "It is the side entrance for trades-people. I do not know. I could not help smiling at the document when I had completed it. "But when one gets old one has a longing for home. " "What is the meaning of it all, Mr. I need not say that I rushed for my coat and my hat. " "You will excuse me, Mr. By the side of the track the old dame was standing, fastening her red whimple once more round her head. Yet, ere the last string had twanged, he would be down on his four bones among the stricken, and have them all houseled and shriven, as quick as shelling peas. " There was a rustle among the bowmen, but when Sir Nigel looked up at them no man stood forward from his fellows, but the four lines of men stretched unbroken as before. The more deeply sunk impression is, of course, the hind wheel, upon which the weight rests. And yet, as he had guessed, the game was not over yet. You are very welcome to put any questions that you like to me now, and there is no danger that I will refuse to answer them. Might I ask you, Watson, to open that window, and then to put a match to the edge of the straw?" I did so, and driven by the draught a coil of gray smoke swirled down the corridor, while the dry straw crackled and flamed. "Now we must see if we can find this witness for you, Lestrade. It was my turn to jump out of my chair. " "One moment," said Holmes. "Why not?" "Because I always keep faith. "It has done harm to many and good to none--not even to yourself. Obviously they have been caused by someone who has very carelessly scraped round the edges of the sole in order to remove crusted mud from it. What could that something be? She could not have spoken to anyone when she was out, for she had been in the company of the bridegroom. " "And then?" "And then you will say nothing to him at all until I have made up my mind about the matter. As they turned to the car Holmes pointed back to the moonlit sea and shook a thoughtful head. Without a word he grasped my arm and hurried me into a carriage, the door of which was standing open. I did not know which way to turn or what I should do first. In that case, regarding Stapleton as an unmarried man, she counted no doubt upon becoming his wife. A taxicab was waiting at the end of the road, so I sprang into it and drove down to the office. ' I have spent an instructive afternoon in the rector's library, and have enlarged my knowledge by adding the fact that Vermissa is a flourishing little town at the head of one of the best known coal and iron valleys in the United States. I hereby banish it completely from my presence. " "Do not lose an instant. "Well, whoever noticed it, it shows how our gentleman got away. " "Then I'd better try my luck with the original. "By Saint James! it is now my turn to show you where my weapon has the better of you. You have seen me hold a spear since I had strength to lift one, and should know best whether I do not merit a place among this honorable company. " "Nay, nay," he answered; "ye must not bide for me, for where I go I stay. "You've been so kind to us, sir, that I should like to do the best I can for you in return. The woman looked at him intently, and ground her heel into his upturned face. As to the feuds of the two learned men, they are continuous and bitter. " Holmes smiled at the astonishment of Hopkins, which must have been reflected upon my features. There are evidently only two of them in it. They shower down arrows, darts and great stones. But there was no sound save the howling of the wind, and no movement but the swaying branches above them. " "Thank you," said Holmes. A quarter of an hour's drive brought us to Mrs. Gregson of Scotland Yard. "I think we have done all that can be done," he answered; "it's a queer case though, and I knew your taste for such things. The man has been branded at some time as they brand cattle. " He passed his hand over his forehead like a man who is half dazed, and then fell rather than sat down upon a chair. It is quite clear that the colonel was a cool and desperate man, who was absolutely determined that nothing should stand in the way of his little game, like those out-and-out pirates who will leave no survivor from a captured ship. He, however, blinking with puckered eyes, reached up his kerchief, and flicked the beast twice across the snout with it. "Ah, saucy! saucy," quoth he, with gentle chiding; on which the bear, uncertain and puzzled, dropped its four legs to earth again, and, waddling back, was soon swathed in ropes by the bear-ward and a crowd of peasants who had been in close pursuit. And with an apology he followed the Inspector outside. ADVENTURE II. THE FIVE ORANGE PIPS When I glance over my notes and records of the Sherlock Holmes cases between the years '82 and '90, I am faced by so many which present strange and interesting features that it is no easy matter to know which to choose and which to leave. THIS is not the place to commemorate the trials and privations endured by the immigrant Mormons before they came to their final haven. From the shores of the Mississippi to the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains they had struggled on with a constancy almost unparalleled in history. " "But how could you guess what the motive was?" "Had there been women in the house, I should have suspected a mere vulgar intrigue. " "It was clamped to the floor. Not a word would our captive say, but he glared at us from the shadow of his matted hair, and once, when my hand seemed within his reach, he snapped at it like a hungry wolf. I am convinced that these marks were left by the man who rifled the papers. " "And how have you succeeded?" "Well. "I will tell you it just as it happened, sir," said he. One has to be discreet when one talks of high matters of state. There was the point from which all my adventures started. I think we might drive round to the offices of the Daily Telegraph, and so bring a good day's work to a conclusion. It was to set her up in a typewriting business. But here are our comrades, Sir Nigel, and here is our camp. Who is this travel-stained youth who dares to ride so madly through the lines of staring burghers? Why does he fling himself from his horse and stare so strangely about him? See how he has rushed through the incense-bearers, thrust aside lay-sister Agatha, scattered the two-and-twenty damosels who sang so sweetly--and he stands before the novice with his hands out-stretched, and his face shining, and the light of love in his gray eyes. " "Lord Holdhurst!" "Well, it is just conceivable that a statesman might find himself in a position where he was not sorry to have such a document accidentally destroyed. " "By a singular and happy chance, we are able to some extent to check what passed along this road during the night in question. Holmes, but when I thought of all the precaution I had taken to shield this girl--for I loved her, Mr. " "For example?" "I find that before the terrible event occurred several people had seen a creature upon the moor which corresponds with this Baskerville demon, and which could not possibly be any animal known to science. It was a remarkable face, bold gray eyes, a strong, short-clipped, grizzled moustache, a square, projecting chin, and a humorous mouth. Probably he acted as I suggest. It must have lasted for some time, for it was then that these cigars were smoked. In spite of its youth, it has already a sinister history. In the jungle I crept forward, stopping with a beating heart whenever I heard, as I often did, the crash of breaking branches as some wild beast went past. I say normal cases, because ill-health and physical weakness reproduce the signs of old age, even when the invalid is a youth. " He raised a glass with which he had been served to his lips and elevated his little finger as he drank it. "Put into plain words, the matter is this," said he. When the fellow comes speak to him in an ordinary way. "When I came to examine the address of the packet I observed that it was to Miss S. "I don't go," said Austin. Have you managed to find the Secretary, Mr. " "Excellent. Laura Lyons may do for us when the position of affairs is made clear to her. " "Well done! Our researches have evidently been running on parallel lines, and when we unite our results I expect we shall have a fairly full knowledge of the case. Holmes read it and was about to place it in his notebook when he caught a glimpse of my expectant face. The letter--for it was a letter from a foreign potentate--was received six days ago. The nurse-girl slapped one of her charges and then began to push the perambulator up the hill. The window, I may add, was not large enough for a man to get through. Ill armed and half starved, they were still desperate men, to whom danger had lost all fears: for what was death that they should shun it to cling to such a life as theirs? The castle was theirs, and the roaring flames were spurting through the windows and flickering high above the turrets on two sides of the quadrangle. From either side they were sweeping down from room to room and from bastion to bastion in the direction of the keep. Gradually, as time passed, his fears appeared to die away, and he had renewed his former habits, when a fresh event reduced him to the pitiable state of prostration in which he now lies. "What happened was this. "Well, it's at the bottom of this oxygen business, or I am mistaken," said I. "A good cyclist does not need a high road. " "Not only a fellow-countryman, my good sir," said Challenger, "but also, if I may be allowed to enlarge your simile, an ally of the first value. "I can see the pennons of De Couvette, De Brieux, Saint Pol, and many others who struck in against us for Charles of Blois. " "You can't help me. For the rest, there is nothing which a sponge may not cure. At last I determined to see them before I died. For a moment I thought that I had thrown him off. His hands were raised, and he seemed to be settling his necktie. The tall man leaned heavily upon her to take the weight off his tender foot, while he held his burden betwixt himself and the wall, cuddling it jealously to his side, and thrusting forward his young companion to act as a buttress whenever the pressure of the crowd threatened to bear him away. " "I should have thought that even a limited knowledge of comparative anatomy would have helped to verify it," said Summerlee, bitterly. They are all people who are in trouble about something, and want a little enlightening. One would imagine that such a match would be very welcome to Stapleton, and yet I have more than once caught a look of the strongest disapprobation in his face when Sir Henry has been paying some attention to his sister. Did anyone call to see the boy on the day before he disappeared?" "No. But my own views are different. "Here is the foresight," said he putting his finger upon the little disc and loop of the hat-securer. You may possibly have heard my name from our mutual friend, Mortimer. " "This sounds well. " "Have you any reason to suspect robbery?" "No, sir. The inspector looked honestly interested. Mortimer, the gardener, who wheels the Bath chair, is an army pensioner--an old Crimean man of excellent character. There is this naturalist, Stapleton, and there is his sister, who is said to be a young lady of attractions. I had at that time just entered the family of Mrs. "It don't much matter to you why I hated these men," he said; "it's enough that they were guilty of the death of two human beings--a father and a daughter--and that they had, therefore, forfeited their own lives. " "Well, we will not detain you any longer, and we are sorry to have put you to this trouble at such a time," said the inspector. "Well, well, give him that message. I had lost my hold on Black Peter and was stranded in London without a shilling. Even now I see what you have done, but I don't know how you did it or what it signifies. "He will come to anon," said the knight, stooping over him and passing his fingers through his hair. His room was on the second floor and was approached through another larger room, in which two boys were sleeping. Holmes disregarded the outstretched hand and looked at him with a face of granite. By it he laid the box of matches and the stump of a candle. Alleyne stood still in the roadway for a few minutes reflecting upon what he should do. But when it came to almagest and astrolabe, the counting of figures and reckoning of epicycles, away would go her thoughts to horse and hound, and a vacant eye and listless face would warn the teacher that he had lost his hold upon his scholar. Solemnity and humility are at the base of all our emotions to-day. May they be the foundations upon which a more earnest and reverent race may build a more worthy temple. Hence the cocaine. What Alleyne saw and wondered at in Hampshire would have appealed equally to the traveller in any other English county from the Channel to the marches of Scotland. That the writer was on board of a ship. You are in safe hands. Having done this, you must at once put the box out upon the sundial, as directed. Afterwards he read the Daily Herald. He would naturally use the first words which came to his mind, and if there were so many which referred to sport among them, you may be tolerably sure that he is either an ardent shot or interested in breeding. "How is that?" I asked when I had finished. "Five years altogether. " "He was a bachelor, you say?" "A widower. Takes you as cramp, I fancy. " "Yes, yes; it is cramp. Joseph Harrison drove us down to the station, and we were soon whirling up in a Portsmouth train. "Ah, yes, of course. The medical evidence showed conclusively that death was due to apoplexy. Holmes seemed to know the grounds perfectly, and he threaded his way swiftly among a plantation of small trees, I close at his heels, and our foremost pursuer panting behind us. I have several fresh dancing-men pictures for you to examine, and, what is more important, I have seen the fellow. There is no particular reason for keeping a watch upon that book. ' "'Pooh!' said he, gripping hard at his courage. Where are you from?' "'Then I shall never see her. "Here it is, Mr. Suddenly, however, a flash of intelligence had come over his sodden features, and he rose and staggered for the door. The Frenchman, whirling up his sword, showed for an instant a chink betwixt his shoulder piece and the rerebrace which guarded his upper arm. " He walked to the French window and threw it open. But I have occasionally done the same thing at other times. "Lewes is ablaze!" "No, it is Brighton which is burning," said Challenger, stepping across to join us. "You can see the curved back of the downs against the glow. " "My dear fellow! I congrat----" "To Milverton's housemaid. "I am sure, sir, it was only my practical joke. " "The killing of Mortimer Tregennis," said Holmes. His pension was due. Mr. Hilton Cubitt had been shot through the heart. Here are the symbols. " As he spoke the attendant cantered up the grassy enclosure, and pulling up his steed in front of the royal stand, blew a second fanfare upon his bugle. "We doubt not, with the help of God, to see you very soon restored to those thrones from which you have been so traitorously thrust. "Our rate at present is fifty-three and a half miles an hour. "The case certainly presents more features of interest and more possibility of development than I had originally thought. Surely it is better for you to take the substantial sum which I offer than to ruin this woman's career, which can profit you in no way?" "There you make a mistake, Mr. I kept the road as long as his eye was on me, and then I struck off across the moor and made for the stony hill over which the boy had disappeared. " "Yes?" "The 'Lone Star' had arrived here last week. Yet the fact remains that the reader, who was a fine, robust old man, was knocked clean down by it as if it had been the butt end of a pistol. The teachings of twenty years cried out against such license. Only Cecil Barker seemed to be master of himself and his emotions; he had opened the door which was nearest to the entrance and he had beckoned to the sergeant to follow him. " "Forget what?" "Well, about Victor Savage's death. Then he took out the key, which was on the inside, and inspected that also. I've been making a few independent inquiries, you see. " He chuckled with glee at the prospect. " "And you, Summerlee?" "We seem to be drifting very far from the object of this expedition, Lord John. Simon glanced over it. Draw your chair up and hand me my violin, for the only problem we have still to solve is how to while away these bleak autumnal evenings. " "A most painful matter to me, as you can most readily imagine, Mr. You infer that she may have gone out to tell her sweetheart, and that the two may have planned the robbery. We have all faced death together before now. Our own door flew open, and a lady, clad in some dark-coloured stuff, with a black veil, entered the room. You carve too?" The youth's pale face flushed with the pride of the skilled workman. I saw the man, too, in the gloom. He caught me first by the wrist and then by the throat. Never for an instant did we suspect that he had the whole secret hidden in his own breast,--that of all men he alone knew the fate of Arthur Morstan. Here came the merchandise of all the fair countries which are watered by the Garonne and the Dordogne--the cloths of the south, the skins of Guienne, the wines of the Medoc--to be borne away to Hull, Exeter, Dartmouth, Bristol or Chester, in exchange for the wools and woolfels of England. Henceforward events were too swift and too poignant to allow me to write, but they are too clearly outlined in my memory that any detail could escape me. Some chokiness in my throat made me look at the oxygen cylinders, and I was startled at what I saw. As a matter of fact, burglars who have done a good stroke of business are, as a rule, only too glad to enjoy the proceeds in peace and quiet without embarking on another perilous undertaking. " There was silence in the room. Three undetected murders in one year won't do, Lestrade. Strange that now in its old age this dark business should have cast its shadow upon the venerable walls! And yet those strange, peaked roofs and quaint, overhung gables were a fitting covering to grim and terrible intrigue. We had traversed Streatham, Brixton, Camberwell, and now found ourselves in Kennington Lane, having borne away through the side-streets to the east of the Oval. The wagonette was paid off and ordered to return to Coombe Tracey forthwith, while we started to walk to Merripit House. "Ride by my side, friends, I entreat of you," said the knight, reining in his steed that they might come abreast of him. "For, since it hath pleased you to follow me to the wars, it were well that you should know how you may best serve me. " "By St. " "A roaring, raging bully!" "That's done it! Stool of penance!" said he. " "And he was well dressed?" "Very smartly dressed, sir--quite the gentleman. " "But I understand that there was a considerable wound. When you spoke last night of taking precautions I remember that it passed through my mind that this was probably the last parish in England to which the thief or thieves would be likely to turn their attention--which shows that I have still much to learn. A good shoot for you also, John! The villain hath fallen forward into the fire. A white surcoat with the lion of St. The sound of carriage wheels caused him to rise and glance out of the window. The deep shout of Du Guesclin, the hard, hissing breath of the pressing multitude, the clatter of steel, the thud of falling bodies, and the screams of the stricken, made up such a medley as came often in after years to break upon Alleyne's sleep. "Now, let us calmly define our position, Watson," he continued as we skirted the cliffs together. We ain't nervous folk, as you know well; but when it comes to makin' a week-end visit and finding you've run full butt into the Day of Judgment, it wants a bit of explainin'. ' "'If there were only one,' he said. " There is the first volume of it in that press. The Abbot stood by the narrow window, and his long black shadow fell slantwise across the rush-strewn floor. Only above the eyebrows, where the sloping forehead and low, curved skull of the ape-man were in sharp contrast to the broad brow and magnificent cranium of the European, could one see any marked difference. At that moment there arrived Dr. It was impossible to mistake the scene of the young lady's adventure, for the road runs between the open heath on one side and an old yew hedge upon the other, surrounding a park which is studded with magnificent trees. The eyes, which were under thick and heavy brows, were bestial and ferocious, and as it opened its mouth to snarl what sounded like a curse at me I observed that it had curved, sharp canine teeth. To-day I was not alarmed, but I was filled with curiosity, and I determined to find out who he was and what he wanted. I slowed down my machine, but he slowed down his. Have you been able to trace any connection between the missing boy and this German master?" "None at all. How now, coz, have I touched thee on the raw?" Alleyne sat between them munching his bread, while the twain disputed across his knees, leaning forward with flushed faces and darting hands, in all the heat of argument. "By Gar!" he cried, "I've got him. "The windows are all lighting up, and you'll have the whole town here inside of five minutes. Now we may use the eyes which God hath given us. 'See that the boy has this to-night, and you shall have the prettiest frock that money can buy. ' "She was frightened by the earnestness of his manner, and ran past him to the window through which she was accustomed to hand the meals. "'This is a directory of Paris,' said he, 'with the trades after the names of the people. I want you to take it home with you, and to mark off all the hardware sellers, with their addresses. With this object I engaged an agent from a private detective firm, who entered my husband's house as a secretary--it was your second secretary, Sergius, the one who left you so hurriedly. As it was, we very nearly lost it at the last moment. Perhaps, Mr. Wilson, you would have the great kindness to recommence your narrative. I ask you not merely because my friend Dr. A man can tell easily enough when a woman loves him. "Excuse me, sir," said he, "but am I addressing Dr. Every instinct that I possess cries out against it. When I saw how many were waiting, I would have given it up in despair; but Spaulding would not hear of it. There were one hundred and forty-three diamonds of the first water, including one which has been called, I believe, 'the Great Mogul' and is said to be the second largest stone in existence. I rode back, but again saw nothing of the carriage, and now, as you perceive, it has returned after me. " "I heard it distinctly, and I am sure that it was really the sob of a woman. It was the sides which were black. Turning round we saw a little rat-faced fellow standing in the centre of the circle of yellow light which was thrown by the swinging lamp, while Breckinridge, the salesman, framed in the door of his stall, was shaking his fists fiercely at the cringing figure. I stood at the centre door with my eyes glancing at each of the others, ready for any emergency, though, indeed, my plans were somewhat vague as to what I should do if we were interrupted. I know that everything was turning round, and the words of the clergyman were just like the buzz of a bee in my ear. It struck me that the whole proceeding could hardly be for the purpose of making a fool of me, and that the main object must be to get out of the rent. " "When did you find it out?" "He has a cup of tea taken in to him early every morning. He was a small, stout man with a red face and a peppery manner. However, we may as well go and have a look. Well, about six weeks ago she came to me. .